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From my book "Line of Descent of George Roger Gilbert"
Savage's Genealogical Directory of New England - Vol. V. pp 344-345
Turner, Edward, Milford 1651, sw.(orn) as freem.(an) 1667, but not found in the town's list, having re.(moved) to Middletown 1665; and d.(ied) 4 Apr. 1717. He had bapt.(ized) at Milford, Mercy in 1662; a s.(on) prob.(ably) Edward, 1664 and Mary 1666, tho.(ugh) b.(orn) at Middletown, 5 Nov. 1665; Eliz. b. 14 Dec. 1667, prob.(ably) tho.(ugh) rec.(ord) says 14 Dec. 1668 wh.(ich) must be wrong; John, 5 or 8 Aug. 1669; Stephen, 27 Nov. 1671; Abigail, 10 Sept. 1673; Hannah, 20 June 1675 or 6, the last fig.(ure) being indist.(inct) and Richard, 4 Mar. 1679. His w.(ife) was Mary. The s.(on) Edward had ch.(ildren) at Middletown 1694 and aft.(er) EDWARD, Boston, wh.(o) may be the same as the preced.(ing) m.(arried) 25 Oct. 1656, Mary, d.(aughter) of Richard Sanford.
Friday, July 13, 1973
Returned today to Hartford Connecticut and the state library. I had hoped to check the "Barbour" Collection for names and dates missing in my "Ancestral Record" book. I found practically nothing and half-way through the list realized that most of the names I knew came from printed genealogies and the authors had already gleaned all the information available in the Barbour Collections. . . . .
Turner, Stephen - son of Edward and Mary, born November 27, 1671 -
Middletown Vital Records - Vol. LRI pg 19
Turner, Stephen - son of Edward and Sarah, born August 26, 169[],
Middletown Vital Records - Volumn LRI pg 23
Turner, Stephen - son of Edward, Jr., baptized August 29, 1697,
Middletown Records 1st Church - Vol. 1, pg 22
Turner, Stephen - married Hannah Doolittle, January 16, 1722/3
(Middletown vital records ???)
Turner, Edward, Jr. - married Sarah Blake, widow of John, [no date]
Middletown Vital Records - Vol. LRI, page 23
Blake, John, Sr.- died November 11, 1690 - Middletown Vital Records
Vol.LRI pg 20
Blake, John - married Sarah Lucas, January 25, 1732/3- Middletown
Vital Records - Vol. 1, page 65
The following information comes from Familytreemaker's "Genealogy Library Online"
The name of Edward Turner, Jr.'s wife's name appears to be Sarah Hall as the following genealogy shows.
ÊThe Cooley Genealogy
Author: Mortimer E. Cooley
Call Number: CS71.C7725
The Descendants of Ensign Benjamin Cooley an early settler of Springfield and Longmeadow, Massachusetts; and other members of the family in America. Almost 16,000 names in print.
BLAKE FAMILY ÊPage 641-642
(Taken from a booklet Our Folks, by George M. Blake, Attorney at Law, Rockford, Ill.; pub. June 1, 1895.)
John Blake1, b. prob. Malden, England, about 1652, was the son of Capt. (???) and Elizabeth Blake, and a step-son of George Durant who married his widowed mother about 1660. John Blake came to New England with his parents, who must have come to America about 1660-61, when John was about 9 or 10. He died at Middletown, Conn., Nov. 11, 1690. His children were not baptized until after his death, which may indicate that he was a Churchman.
John Blake m. at Malden, Mass., in 1673, Sarah Hall3, da. Richard2 (John Hall1). She survived John Blake and m. (2) Edward Turner, Jr., by whom she had Abigail Turner, Oct. 11, 1694; Stephen Turner, Aug. 26, 169-; Sarah (Hall) Blake-Turner d. Dec. 16, 1726.
8 Children2: BLAKE:
The name of Sarah Hall Blake's mother may be Sarah Pollard as per the article below.
Clements Geneaolgy
Ancestors and Descendants of Robert Clements Volume I
Author: Percival W. Clement
Call Number: CS71.C625
This is volume one of a two volume set of ancestors and descendants of Robert Clements of Leicestershire and Warwickshire, England. He was one of the first settlers of Haverhill, Massachusetts. Over 14,000 names are included in both volumes.
Page 132
37. NATHANIEL4 CLEMENTS (Robert3, Robert2, Robert1), born in Haverhill, Mass., 14 Jan. 1696, died, in Dracut, Mass., or Pelham, N. H., after 1783. He married first, about 1717, Elinor Colburn, born in Concord, Mass., 1 Sept. 1699, died, probably in Dracut, before 1749, daughter of Daniel and Sarah (Blood) Colburn. He married secondly, in Tewksbury, 26 Oct. 1749, Mrs. Sarah (Pollard) Hall, widow of Richard Hall.