This ALPHABETICAL LIST of names in the Knowlton Church Records was compiled by
to whom we owe many thanks. It is followed by the actual records.
After each name I am adding the type of entry plus the year of the Christening.
Types are:
C = Child
F = Father
M = Mother
W = Witness
Abelgate, Ebenezer - C:1801
Abelgate, Jacob
Abelgate, Mary
Ackerman, Elisabeth
Ackerman, Margaretha
Ackerman, Rudolff
Adam, Alexander
Adam, Erma Maria
Adam, Joseph - C:1774
Adams, Alexander
Adams, Christina - C:1773
Adams, Irma
Akerman, Elisabeth
Akerman, Elisabetha - C:1792
Akerman, Margaretha - C:1792
Akerman, Rudolff
Albertson, Adam
Albertson, Child - C:1804
Albertson, Elisabetha
Albrecht, Jacob
Allerson, Derrick
Allerson, Elam
Allerson, Elisabetha
Allerson, Else - C:1802
Allerson, Helena
Allerson, John - C:1798
Allerson, Magdalena
Allerson, Peggy Connelly - C:1802
Allerson, Richard
Angel, Allena - C:1800
Angel, Anna
Angel, Catharin
Angel, Catharine
Angel, Elisabeth
Angel, Jacob
Angel, James
Angel, Jenny Belles
Angel, John - C:1798 (p.102); C:1799
Angel, Margareth Albert - C:1798
Angel, Paul
Angel, Peter - C:1796 (p.101)
Angel, William
Applegat, Hereme Jacob
Applegat, Lizevan - C:1804
Applegat, Mary
Applegate, Emly -Twin C:1807 (p.107)
Applegate, Hereme Jacob
Applegate, Jacob
Applegate, John - C:1799
Applegate, Margaretha - Twin C:1807(p. 107)
Applegate, Mary
Baenghart, Margaretha
Baenghart, Michael
Baenghart, Petrus - C:1780
Bahl, Johannes - C:1780
Balldan, Catharina
Balldan, Willhelm - C:1792
Banghart, Jacob - C:1777
Banghart, Margaretha
Banghart, Muharl
Basson, Catharine
Beel, Jacob
Bellas, Adam
Bellas, Anna
Bellas, Elisabetha
Bellas, Jannetche
Bellas, John - C:1802
Bellas, Joseph - C:1802
Bellas, Peter
Belles, Adam
Belles, Andrew - C:1797 (p.102)
Belles, Anna Leyde - C:1800
Belles, Anonius - C:1779
Belles, Catharina
Belles, Christina - C:1772 ; C:1773; C:1774
Belles, Elisabeth
Belles, Elisabetha Catharina
Belles, Elisabetha - C:1772; C:1776
Belles, Irma Margaretha
Belles, Jane
Belles, Janetze
Belles, Jenny - C:1798
Belles, Margaret
Belles, Margareta
Belles, Margareth - C:1797 (p.102)
Belles, Margaretha - M:1765
Belles, Maria - C:1769
Belles, Peter - W:1765Ê
Belles, Petrus - C:1765
Belles, Philip - F:1765; C:1794; C:1800
Belles, Phillib
Belles, Phillibus - C:1768
Belles, Rahel
Belles, Wilhelm
Bellese, Anna Elisabetha
Bellis, Adam
Bellis, Anna Margaretha - C:1792
Bellis, Elisabetha
Bellscoter, David
Bellscoter, Mahala - C:1805
Bellscoter, Margaretlla Linneberry
Benler, Eva
Benler, Johannes - C:1771
Benler, Peter
Benschota, Allena
Benscoter, Garret - C:1802
Benscoter, Gracia
Benscoter, John
Bensthota, Mary
Bernhardt, Anna Gertraut - C:1760
Bernhardt, Christian - C:1772
Bernhardt, Henrich - C:1766
Bernhardt, Hermanes - C:1763
Bernhardt, Maria
Bernhardt, Nicolaus
Bernhardt, Nicolus
Bernhardt, Philip
Bodin, Anna Sophia
Boelles, Adam - C:1772Ê
Boelles, Elisabetha
Boelles, Peter Jr.
Bolles, Anna Maria
Bolles, Elisabeth Catharine
Bolles, Elisabeth
Bolles, Eliza Catharina
Bolles, Henrich - C:1775
Bolles, Margaretha
Bolles, Maria - C:1775
Bolles, Peter
Bolles, Philip
Bolles, Wilhelm
Bollesfeld, Anna Maria - C:1778; C:1781
Bollesfeld, Deborah - C:1780
Bollesfeld, Elisabetha Catharina
Bollesfeld, Margaretha
Bollesfeld, Peter
Bollesfeld, Philip
Bollesfeld, Susanna - C:1781
Bollesfold, Anna Gertrautha - C:1776
Bollesfold, Elisabeth
Bollesfold, Margaretha
Bollesfold, Petrus - C:1776
Bollesfold, Philip
Borns, Henrich - C:1773
Borns, Joseph - C:1781
Borns, Magdalena
Borns, Wilhelm
Bosz, Anna Sophia
Bosz, Conrad
Bosz, Matthias - C:1785Ê
Bras, Analu
Bras, Lucas
Bras, Sara - C:1776
Brass, Anna
Brass, Annath
Brass, Jacobus - C:1778Ê
Brass, Lucas
Brass, Sophia - C:1780
Brauber, Catharina - C:1795
Brauber, George
Brost, Anna
Brost, Elisabetha - C:1783
Brost, Lucas
Brost, Lucos
Brown, Mary
Brown, Nicolas
Brown, Rachel - C:1803
Brun, Johann Georg - C:1776
Brun, Magdalena
Brun, Wilhelm
Buch, Adam - C:1786
Buch, Anna Gertraute
Buch, Anna - C:1787
Buch, Conrad
Buch, Johannes
Buch, Jos. Georg
Buchener, Anna - C:1772
Buchener, Elisabetha Maria - C:1772
Buchener, Elisabetha
Buchener, Eva Maria
Buchener, Henrich
Buchener, Johan Theis
Buchner, Elisabetha
Buchner, Johann Mathias
Buchner, Mathias - C:1778
Bud, Conrath
Bud, Margaretha - C:1781
Bud, Sophia
Buk, Anna Sophia
Buk, Catharina - C:1792
Buk, Conrad
Buterbach, Barbara
Buterbach, George
Butz, Elisabetha - C:1774
Butz, Jacob - C:1777
Butz, John Georg
Butz, Maria
Chitera, Anna Maria
Chitera, Jos. Ludovicus - C:1789
Chitera, Ludovicus
Coder, Mary
Coder, Simnon
Comrada, Daniel
Comrada, Elisabetha
Comrada, Juliana - C:1804
Consylya, Andrew - C:1796 (p.101)
Consylya, Anna Diana - C:1791 (p.101)
Consylya, Elisabeth R
Corada, Juliana
Cortelyou, Peter
Craig, Anna
Craig, Robert
Craig, Sarah - C:1799
Crammer, Abraham - C:1800
Crammer, Frederick - C:1796
Crammer, Hannah Christina - C:1798 (p.102)
Crammer, Mary
Crammer, Philip
Crammer, Sarah
Crammer, Susana - C:1798(p.102)
Crammer, William
Cranmer, Christina
Cranmer, George - C:1798Ê
Cranmer, Sam.
Crisi, Johannes
Crisi, Maria
Cristin, Margaretha
Curliss, Sarah
Dam, Catarinna - C:1795
Dam, Johannes
Dam, Sarah
Dang, Catharina
Dang, Ludwig
Deater, Catherine
Deater, Catrina
Deater, Eli
Deater, Elis
Deater, Henrich - C:1796
Dennis, Abraham
Dennis, Elisabetha
Dennis, Mannin - C:1798
Dennis, Michael
Dennis, Nicholas
Dennis, Richard - 1790 (p.103)
Dennis, Sussanna
Dessam, Margaretha
Dessam, Peter
Dieder, Adam Michael
Dieder, Aron - C:1782
Dieder, Catharina
Dieder, Jacob
Dieder, Maria
Diedrick, Margaretha
Diedrick, Michael - C:1802
Diedrick, Michael
Diehl, Andreas
Diehl, Anna Christina - C:1789
Diehl, Anna
Diehl, Catharina
Diehl, Elisabeth - C:1793
Diehl, Elisabetha
Diehl, Heinrich
Diehl, Johannes
Diehl, Johannos
Diehl, Jos.
Diehl, Ludwig - C:1788
Diehl, Margaretha
Diehl, Maria - C:1793
Diehl, Samuel - C:1804
Diehl, William
Diel, Andreas
Diel, Andrew
Diel, Anna Margaretha
Diel, Catharina - C:1802
Diel, Elisabeth - C:1801
Diel, John
Diester, Catharina
Diester, Elias
Diester, Johannes - C:1787
Dieter, Abraham - C:1793
Dieter, Catharina
Dieter, Catharine - C:1798 (p.102)
Dieter, Cecilia - C:1784
Dieter, Elias - C:1792
Dieter, Jacob
Dieter, Maria
Dieter, Michael - C:1793
Dieter, Michael
Dietman, Cathariner - C:1804
Dietman, George
Dietman, Mary
Dietrich, Adam
Dietrich, Margaretha - C:1804
Diets, Adam
Diets, Catharina
Diets, John
Diets, Margaretha - C:1790
Diets, Sarah
Dietz, Adam
Dietz, Sarah
Dietz, Wilhelm Kuhl - C:1788
Dietzin, Susana
Dihl, Andreas
Dihl, Elisabetha
Dihl, Margaretha
Dihl, Wilhelmus - C:1788
Dills, Adam
Dills, Catharina
Dills, Christina
Dills, Jacob - C:1787
Dills, Jesse Nolls - C:1804
Dills, John
Dills, Peter - C:1772
Dills, Ruthy
Dils, Adam
Dils, Christina
Dils, Elisabeth
Dils, James Stinson - C:1799
Dils, Rachel - C:1790
Dils, Samuel
Dilts, Elisabeth
Dilts, Rachel
Dilts, Samuel
Diltz, Adam
Diltz, Anna - C:1796
Diltz, Catarina
Diltz, Christina
Diltz, John
Dilz, Adam
Dilz, Adam
Dilz, Catharina
Dilz, Cathrina
Dilz, Christina
Dilz, Hennrich
Dilz, Henrich
Dilz, Johannes - C:1783
Dilz, Maria - C:1785
Dilz, Polly
Dilz, Rahel - C:1797 (p.102)
Dilz, Sara - C:1785
Dilz, Wilhelm
Dilzin, Maria Catherina
Dirhl, Andreas
Dirhl, Johannes
Dirl, Christian - C:1777
Dirl, Christina
Dirl, Ester Christina
Dirl, Eva Christina
Dirl, Eva Christina
Dirl, Hennrich
Dirl, Henrich Wilhelm - C:1773
Dirl, Henrich
Dirl, Scharlotha
Dirlin, Margaretha
Dirster, Catharina
Dirster, Conrath
Dirster, Conrath
Dirster, Elisabetha - C:1774
Dirster, Jacob
Dirster, Maria Catharina
Dirster, Sibilla
Distro, Catharina
Distro, Christina -
Distro, Conrath - C:1778
Distro, Jacob
Distro, Johann Jacob - C:1775
Distro, Joseph Peter
Distro, Maria Catharina - C:1776
Distro, Michael
Distro, Mosis - C:1781
Distro, Sibilla
Distro, Zacharias - C:1782
Dittman, Andoni - C:1778
Dittman, Anna Maria - C:1776
Dittman, Balshasar
Dittman, Catharina - C:1777
Dittman, Catharine
Dittman, Elisabetha - C:1781
Dittman, George
Dittman, Jacob - C:1781
Dittman, Johannes - C:1781
Dittman, Ludwig
Dittman, Magdalena
Dittman, Maria Magdalena
Dittman, Maria
Dittman, Philip Ludwig
Dittmanin, Maria Magdalena
Dittmann, Petrus - C:1784
Dittmn, Johannes
Dolls, Adam
Dolls, Christina
Dols, Adam
Dols, Adam
Dols, Catharina
Dols, Christina
Dols, Heinrich
Dols, Henrich
Dols, Johanna Sophia - C:1775
Dols, Johannes
Dols, Maria Catharina
Dols, Maria Christina - C:1773
Dols, Maria - C:1774
Dols, Rahel - C:1779
Dols, Susanna - C:1776; C:1781
Dols, Wilhelm - C:1777
Dolsz, Willhelm (grandfather)
Donfield, Elisabeth
Donfield, John - C:1798 (p.102)
Donfield, Joseph
Dorllor, Maria Gertrautha - C:1776
Dorllor, William
Dorn, Anna Margaretha - C:1785
Dorn, Catharina
Dorn, Elisabetha - C:1783
Dorn, Johannes
Dorst, Christian
Dorst, Elisabetha
Drachs, Jacob
Drachs, Maria
Drachs, Sara - C:1789
Drake, Jacob
Drake, Johann Heinrich - C:1796
Drake, Maria
Drehsz, Anna Maria
Drehsz, Jacob
Drehsz, Matthias - C:1785
Dril, Christina
Dril, Heinrich
Driller, Catharina
Driller, Maria Catharina
Driller, Maria Gertrautha
Driller, Philip
Driller, Philip
Driller, Wilhelm - C:1783
Droller, Anna - C:1780
Droller, Elisbetha - C:1778
Droller, Maria Catharina
Droller, Philip
Ebitt, Anna Gertrude - C:1789
Ebitt, Anna
Ebitt, Johannes
Engel, Anna
Engel, Anna Maria Magdelena
Engel, Catharina
Engel, Christina - C. 1769
Engel, Elisabeth - C:1773; C:1777
Engel, Elisabetha Maria
Engel, Elisabetha
Engel, Jacob - C:1772
Engel, Johann Jacob
Engel, Johannes - C:1776
Engel, Johannetta
Engel, Maria - C:1775
Engel, Paulus
Engel, Peter
Engel, Philipus - C:1788
Engel, Wilhelm
Engel, Catharina
Engelin, Elisabetha
Engol, Anna Maria
Enol, Jacob - C:1767
Enol, Johannes
Erb, Conrath
Erb, Julianna
Erb, Maria Catharina - C:1777
Ervine, Catharine
Ervine, Elisabeth - C:1794Ê
Ervine, William
Faus, Maria - M: 1765
Fihter, Ludovicus
Fihter, Susanna
Finley, Rev. Mr.
Finnrs, Catharina
Finnrs, Nicolaus
Firse, Barbara
Firse, Michael
Fisterin, Christina
Fisterin, Johannes Henrich - C:1789
Fisterin, Ludwig
Fisterin, Sussanna
Flammerfeld, Catarina
Flammerfeld, Geobarthes
Flammerfeld, Isaac - C:1795
Fogt, (Jo)hanna
Fogt, Abraham - C:1764
Foris, Elisabeth
Fors, Anna Subila - C:1777
Fors, Philip
Foss, Johanna
Foss, Johannes - C:1773
Foss, Martinus
Fox, Elisabetha - C:1803
Fox, Henry Haines - C:1802
Fox, James Amazia - C:1797(p.103)
Fox, John
Fox, Margaretha
Fox, Mary
Fox, Mercy
Fox, Peter
Freass, Hereme John
Freass, Jane - C:1806(p.107)
Freass, Mary
Freass, Maryam H. - C:1810 (p.107)
Freass, William - C:1808 (p.107)
Freeman, Anna Maria
Freeman, Henry
Freeman, Johann Henry - C:1804
Freess, Ellener - C:1804
Freess, Henme John
Freess, Mary
Freis, Cecilia
Freis, Isaac - C:1795
Freis, Peter
Freis, Wilhelm
Fresh, Catharina
Fresh, Johanes - F:1788
Fresh, Johannes Jacob - C:1788
Fries Johanetta
Fries, Abraham - C:1793
Fries, Adam - C:1768; C:1789
Fries, Anna Elisabetha - C:1784
Fries, Anna Gertraut - C: M: - 1760
Fries, Anna Gertrautha
Fries, Anna Gertrudta -
Fries, Anna Leyde - C:1800
Fries, Anna Maria - C:1798
Fries, Anna Sophia
Fries, Anna - C:1777
Fries, Anna
Fries, Catharina
Fries, Catharine
Fries, Cecelia
Fries, Cecilia
Fries, Charlota Marcreta - C:1800
Fries, Christina
Fries, David
Fries, Dennis
Fries, Elisabeth - C:1796
Fries, Elisabetha
Fries, Henrich Wilhelm - C:1772
Fries, Jacob - C:1788; C:1798
Fries, Jacobus - C:1775
Fries, James - Twin C:1797 (p.102)
Fries, Janetze
Fries, Jannetge
Fries, Jannroe
Fries, Johanetta
Fries, Johann Wilhelm
Fries, Johanna
Fries, Johannes Henrich
Fries, Johannes Wilhelm - C:1777
Fries, Johannes - C:1780
Fries, Johannes Jr.
Fries, John - C:1803
Fries, Margaretha - C:1778
Fries, Maria Catharina - C:1794
Fries, Maria Gertrautha - C:1768
Fries, Maria - C:1778; C:1782
Fries, Marteines
Fries, Marthinus - C:1782
Fries, Marthinus Jr.
Fries, Martin - C:1804
Fries, Martinus - F: 1760; C:1794
Fries, Martinus Jr.
Fries, Martinus Sr.
Fries, Mary
Fries, Michael
Fries, Nicolaus
Fries, Peter
Fries, Phanny - C:1802
Fries, Philip - C:1798
Fries, Rachel - Twin; C:1797 (p.102)
Fries, Sophia
Fries, Tinus
Fries, Wilhelm - C:1772
Fries, William - C:1799
Fries, Catharina
Friese, Johanetta
Friese, Johannes
Friese, Johannes Sr.
Friese, Johanneta
Friese, Martinus
Friese, Peter - C:1785
Friesen, Anna Sophia
Friesin (Elisa)betha
Friesin, Anna Sophia
Friesin, Anna
Friesin, Catharina
Friesin, Christina
Fris, Andrew
Fris, Anna Gertrautha
Fris, Anna Maria
Fris, Anna Sophia
Fris, Anna
Fris, Catarina
Fris, Catharina - M:1765; C:1776
Fris, Cecilia
Fris, Elisabeth
Fris, Elisabetha
Fris, Erma Maria
Fris, Gertraud
Fris, Hendich
Fris, Henrich
Fris, Jannroe
Fris, Jenny - C:1804
Fris, Joes
Fris, Johann Henrich - ÊC:1789
Fris, Johann Michael
Fris, Johann
Fris, Johanna Etta
Fris, Johanna
Fris, Johannes Henrich - C:1765
Fris, Johannes - F:W:1765Ê
Fris, Johannes Jr.
Fris, Lisibet
Fris, Martinus
Fris, Martinus Sr.
Fris, Peter - C:1789
Fris, Wilhelm
Fris, Wilhelm Jr.
Fris, Willhelm - C:1790
Fris, William
Frise, Anna Maria - C:1792
Frise, Susanna - C:1792
Fritz, Johannes
Froehlich, Willhelm
Froelich, Anna
Froelich, Margaretha
Froelich, Samuel Debois - C:1792
Froelich, Willhelm
Fune, Anna Maria - C:1796
Fune, Elisabeth
Fune, Johannes
Furgeson, Elisabeth
Furgeson, Mary - C:1799
Furgeson, William
Garkennthal, Anna Christina - C:1791
Garkennthal, Anna
Garkennthal, Gus
Garner, Joseph
Garner, Sarah
Garner, William - C:1803
Garrison, Benjamin - C:1793
Garrison, Catharina
Garrison, Margaretha - C:1793
Gaubin, Elisabetha
Gerckendole, Anna
Gerckendole, Luer
Gerckendole, Margaretha - C:1795
Gerresen, Anna Maria
Gerresen, Cornelius
Gerresen, Johann Henrich - C:1784
Gersbach, Anna Elisabetha
Gersbach, Anna Maria - C:1771
Gersbach, Elisabetha
Gersbach, Johan Jost
Gersbach, John Jost
Gersbach, Jost
Gibbs, Anna
Gibbs, Catharina - C:1791
Gibbs, Daniel
Giersbach, Adam - C:1772
Giersbach, Anna Elisabetha
Giersbach, Jost
Ginsbrog, Elisa Maria
Ginsbrog, George
Girsbach, Anna Catharina
Girsbach, Anna Elisabetha
Girsbach, Johann Jost
Girsbach, Marthinus - C:1782
Girsbach, Johann Jost
Girsbachin, Elisabeth
Girschbach, Elizabeth
Girschbach, Johann Jost
Girschbach, Wilhelm - C:1774
Girshbach, Anna Elisabeth
Girshbach, Anna Elisabetha
Girshbach, Johann Jost
Girshbach, Johannes Herbert - C:1780
Girshbach, Philip - C:1778
Goder, Cristina - C:1795
Goder, Elizabeth
Goder, Fred
Gonderman, Catherina
Gonderman, Henry
Gonderman, Johannes - C:1776
Gonderman, Peter
Gorims, Daniel
Gorims, Isaac - C:1776
Gorims, Sally
Grigenthal, Christian - C:1772
Grigenthal, Christina
Grigenthal, Jacobus
Grisi, Benjamin
Grisi, Johannes
Grisi, Maria
Griss, Henrich
Grissman, Carll
Grissman, Elisabetha - C:1779
Grosbach, Erma Elisabetha
Grosbach, Johannes Jost
Grossman, Cross
Guikendale, Anna
Guikendale, Jenny - C:1802
Guikendale, John
Gunbol, Jos.
Gunbol, Margaretha
Gunbol, Jacob
Haetch, Elisabetha - C:1783
Haetch, Johannes
Haetch, Maria
Halbert, Elisabeth (Gertraut)
Halbert, John
Halbert, Maria
Halbrot, Johannes - C:1773
Halbrot, Maria
Hamelton, Johannes
Hamelton, Rahel - C:1783
Hamelton, Susanna
Hamerstel, Johannes - C:1781
Hamerstel, Maria
Hamerswole, Bruthe - C:1783
Hamerswole, Johannes
Hamerswole, Maria
Hanewell, Catharina - C:1785
Hanewell, John
Hanewell, Maria
Hannaweil, Johann Wilhelm - C:1790
Hannaweil, Johann
Hannaweil, Maria
Hannes, Anna
Hannes, David
Hannes, Johann - C:1787
Harres, Anna Sophia - C:1776
Harres, Anna
Harres, Jeremia
Harris, Anna Gertrauta
Harris, Anna
Harris, Chris - C:1780
Harris, Hanna - C:1776
Harris, James - C:1790
Harris, Jeremius
Harris, Jesse
Harris, Johann Philip - C:1778
Harris, Margaretha
Harter, Henry
Harter, Mary
Harter, Philip - C:1804
Hasaman (Sasaman), Anna
Hasaman (Sasaman), David
Hastman, Elisabeth
Hastman, Elisabetha
Hastman, Philip
Hatch, John
Hatch, Maria Catarina
Hats, John
Hats, Joseph - C:1785
Hats, Maria Catharina
Hatsch, Catharina
Hatsch, Joab
Hatsch, Peter
Hatsh, Anna Gertrautha - C:1776
Hatsh, Catharina
Hatsh, Cathrina
Hatsh, Elizabetha - C:1787
Hatsh, Jannetge - C:1781
Hatsh, Joab
Hatsh, Johannes - C:1778
Hatsh, Maria Catarina
Hatsh, Maria Catharina
Hatsh, Peter - C:1791
Haub, Elisabetha
Haub, Nicolaus
Haupt, Elisabetha
Haupt, Johannes - C:1776
Haupt, Nicolaus
Heinrich, Anna Gertraut
Heinrich, Anna - C:1769; C:1794
Heinrich, Christian
Heinrich, Conrad - C:1794
Heinrich, Elisabeth
Heinrich, Eva - C:1793
Heinrich, George - C:1793
Heinrich, Harbert
Heinrich, Jacob - C:1793
Heinrich, Johannes Peter - C:1793
Heinrich, Johannes - W:1765
Heinrich, Johannes
Heinrich, Margaretha
Hendrick, Anna Eva
Henlick, Adam - C:1789
Henlick, Corndius
Henlick, Marion
Hennrich, Anna - C:1783
Hennrich, Casper - C:1782
Hennrich, Elisabeth
Hennrich, Elisabetha
Hennrich, Georg - C:1785
Hennrich, Johann
Hennrich, Johanna - C:1784
Hennrich, Johannes
Hennrich, Jost
Hennrich, Maria
Hennrich, Sarah
Hennrich, Sara - C:1792Ê
Henrich, Anamarie - C:1780
Henrich, Anna Maria
Henrich, Anna
Henrich, Catharina - C:1789
Henrich, Elisabeth
Henrich, Elisabetha - C:1775
Henrich, Erma Catharina
Henrich, Eva - C:1787
Henrich, Irma Maria
Henrich, Jacob - C:1797 (p.102)
Henrich, Johannes Wilhelm - C:1778
Henrich, Johannes - W:1765
Henrich, Johannes Sr.
Henry, Christina
Henry, Cristina
Henry, Elisabeth
Henry, Elizabeth
Henry, George
Henry, John
Henry, Sarah
Henry, Elisabeth
Henry, George
Henry, John
Henry, Mary - C:1796
Henry, Rena
Henz, Andreas - C:1791
Henz, Christian
Henz, Gertraud
Hern, Christina
Hern, David - C:1797 (p.102)
Herres, Anna Margaretha
Herres, Anna
Herres, Catharina - C:1783
Herres, Jeremias
Herres, Jesse
Herres, Johann Wilhelm - C:1783
Herres, Martinus - C:1785
Hetzel, Jacob
Hetzel, Mary - C:1800
Hetzel, Phanny
Hintz, Christian
Hintz, Johannes - C:1786
Hodge, Eisabeth
Hodge, Isaac - C:1797 (p.102)
Hodge, John
Hodge, Maria
Hodge, Mary Angel - C:1799 (p.103)
Hodge, Nelly - C:1790
Hoerter, George
Hoerter, Hoertin
Hoerter, Johan Wilhelm - C:1771
Hoerter, Maria Catherina - C:1768
Hoerter, Susana
Hoerterin, Anna
Hoffman, Anna
Hoffman, Gertraut
Hoffman, Hennrich
Hoffman, Johannes - C:1786
Hoffman, Paul
Hoffman, Philippina - C:1794
Hoffman, Sarah
Hofman, Anna Gertraud - C:1790
Hofman, Anna
Hofman, Maria Elisabeth
Hofman, Paulus
Hofman, Phillib
Hofmann, Christina
Hofmann, Gertrauta
Hofmann, Henrich
Hommer, Adam
Hommer, Herbert
Hostman, Anna Elisa - C:1771
Hostman, Anna Elisabeth
Hostman, Anna Elisabetha
Hostman, Christian
Hostman, Elisabetha
Hostman, Gertrauta
Hostman, Gertrautha
Hostman, Henrich - C:1781
Hostman, Henry
Hostman, Johann Jacob - C:1777
Hostman, Johann Philip - C:1779
Hostman, Philip
Hostman, Phillib
Hostman, Rahel
Hostman, Sophia
Hoyrs, Henrich - C:1779
Hoyrs, Johanna
Hoyrs, Marinus Jr.
Huttshin, Erma Maria
Johnson, Anna
Johnson, Margaretha - C:1804
Johnson, Philip
Jost, Elisabeth
Jost, Anna Elisa - M: 1765
Jost, Johan - C: -1765; F:1765
Jostman, Henrich
Kausin, Charlotta
Kerchost, Gertrautha - C:1776
Kerchost, Johannes
Kerchost, Maria
Kern, Christina
Kern, David
Kern, Henry
Kern, Joseph Leonard - C:1804
Kern, Maria Charlotta - C:1804
Kern, Samuel - C:1802
Kern, Susanna
Kern, Sussanna
Kinney, Frederich
Kinney, Margaret
Kinney, Margareth Waldorf - C:1798 (p.102)
Kir-- Catharina
Kir-- Jacob
Kirchhof, Maria
Kirchhoff, Maria
Kirchof, Abraham - C:1771
Kirchof, Johannes
Kirchof, Maria
Kirchoff, Abraham
Kirchoff, Anna Maria
Kirchoff, Anna
Kirchoff, Mary - C:1795
Kirchsbach, Elisabetha
Kirchsbach, Johanna - C:1776
Kirchsbach, Joseph
Kirkhof, John
Kirkhof, Olive
Kirkhof, William - (p.101); C:1791 (p.101)
Kirkof, John
Kirkof, Olive
Kirkof, Thomas - C:1799
Kirrsbach, Johann Jost
Kirsbach, Anna Elisabetha - C:1784; C:1792
Kirsbach, Elisabeth
Kirsbach, Johannes
Kirsbach, Joseph - C:1792
Kirsbach, Jost
Kirsbach, Margaretha
Kirschbach, Anna Elisabetha - C:1787
Kirschbach, Elisabetha
Kirschbach, John Jost
Kirschbach, Joseph
Kirschbach, Jost
Kirschbach, Wife
Kirshbach, Anna Elisabetha
Kirshbach, Catharina
Kirshbach, Eisabeth
Kirshbach, Elisabetha
Kirshbach, Johannes
Kirshbach, Joseph - C:1803
Kirshbach, Jost
Kirshbach, Margaretha
Kirshbach, Maria - C:1790
Kirshbach, William
Kirshofer, Johannes - C:1777
Knauf, Anna Margaretha
Knauf, Johannes Peter - C:1776
Konig, Anna Christina - C:1787
Konig, Anna
Konig, Catharina - C:1787
Konig, Christina
Konig, Jonathan
Konig, Christina
Konig, Johann Philipp - C:1785
Konig, Jonathan
Korch, Johan Thomas - C:1772
Korch, Johannes
Korch, Maria
Kramer, Elisabetha - C:1802
Kramer, Maria
Kramer, William
Krebs, Catharina - C:1776
Krebs, Elisabetha
Krebs, Johann Arnd
Krebs, Johann Arndt
Krebs, Margaretha - C:1779
Kremer, Anne Maria - C:1789
Kremer, Philip
Kremer, Sarah
Kriebe, Johannes - C:1765; F:1765
Kriebe, Maria - M:1765
Kriese, Anamaria - C:1780
Kriese, Johannes
Kriese, Maria
Krisse, Johann Adam - C:1777
Krisse, Johannes
Krisse, Maris
Kristin, Elisabetha
Kristin, Elizabeth Gertrauta - C:1775
Kristin, Johannes
Kristin, Maria
Krouse, Andreas
Krouse, Christina
Krouse, David
Krouse, Henrich
Krouse, Margaretha - C:1792
Kruser, Johan Georg - C:1771
Kruser, Johannes
Kruser, Maria
Kuhl, Abby
Kuhl, Abigail
Kuhl, Abraham - C:1791
Kuhl, Adam - C:1771
Kuhl, Andreas - C:1795
Kuhl, Anna Elisabetha - C:1780
Kuhl, Antonius - C:1771
Kuhl, Catharine
Kuhl, Christ.
Kuhl, Christian - C:1771 ; C:1773
Kuhl, Christopher
Kuhl, Elisa Margaretha
Kuhl, Elisabeth
Kuhl, Elisabetha Margaretha
Kuhl, Elisabetha
Kuhl, Eliza Margaretha
Kuhl, Elsa Margaretha
Kuhl, Else
Kuhl, Elsey
Kuhl, Erndon - C:1773
Kuhl, Ester Maria
Kuhl, Frona Christina - C:1780
Kuhl, Isaac - C:1794
Kuhl, Jacob - C:1789; C:1802Ê
Kuhl, Jerushia
Kuhl, Joanna
Kuhl, Johann Philip - C:1777
Kuhl, Johann Wilhelm
Kuhl, Johann
Kuhl, Johannes - C:1783
Kuhl, John - C:1797 (p.101)
Kuhl, Margaretha Scharlotta - C:1783
Kuhl, Margaretha - C:1777; C:1800
Kuhl, Maria - C:1779; C:1797(p.102); C:1802; C:1803
Kuhl, Mary
Kuhl, Nelly
Kuhl, Paul
Kuhl, Paulus Willhelm - C:1786
Kuhl, Paulus - C:1768
Kuhl, Peter
Kuhl, Petrus - C:1775
Kuhl, Philip
Kuhl, Rachel - C:1803
Kuhl, Susana
Kuhl, Susanna
Kuhl, Wilhelm - C:1773; C:1793
Kuhl, Wilhelm Jr.
Kuhl, Wilhelm Sr.
Kuhl, Will.
Kuhl, Willhelm
Kuhl, William - C:1796; C:1803
Kuhl, William Sr.
Kuhlin, Annath
Kuhlin, Maria
Kummons, Christina
Kummons, Daniel
Kummons, Maria Catharina - C:1788
Kyckendal, Anna
Kyckendal, John
Kyckendal, Samuel - C:1800
Lacher, Barbara
Lacher, Joseph
Lacher, Mary - C:1804
Lahneberg, Anna
Lahneberg, Hennrich
Lamber, James
Lamberson, Christina
Lamberson, Ester - C:1777
Lamberson, Lowrens
Lambert, Elisabetha
Lambert, Maria Magdalena - C:1803
Lamberts, Elisabeth
Lamberts, James
Lamberts, John Mathews - C:1801Ê
Lambroson, Anna Margaretha - C:1778
Lambroson, Conrath
Lambroson, Maria
Lambrotson, Christina
Lambrotson, Lorrentz
Lambrotson, Johannes - C:1779
Lamorson, Conrath
Lamorson, Jacob - C:1776
Lamorson, Maria
Lantz, Anthony - C:1798 (p.102)
Lantz, Maria
Laydi, Anna Gertraud
Laydi, Gertraud
Laydi, Isaac
Laydi, Johannes - C:1791
Laydi, Paulus
Laydi, Wilihelm - C:1792
Lebar, Charles Gordon - C:1800
Lebar, Elisabeth
Lebar, John
Leffler, Catharina - C:1790
Leffler, Christian
Leffler, Margareth
Lehneberg, Anna
Lehneberg, Caspar
Lehneberg, Christian
Lehneberg, Elisabeth
Lehneberg, Eva - C:1792
Lehneberg, Maria
Lehneberger, Anna - C:1790
Lehneberger, Caspar
Lehneberger, Conrad
Lehneberger, Maria - C:1787
Lehneberger, Marie
Lehnebergerin, Elisabetha
Leidi, Johannes
Leidi, Margaretha
Leidy, Anna
Leidy, Elisabeth Fries - C:1801
Leidy, Isaac
Leidy, Maria - C:1796
Leneberg, Jean
Leneberg, Jost
Leneberg, Maria - C:1787
Leneberger, Anna Maria
Leneberger, Caspar
Leneberger, John
Leneberger, Maria - C:1796
Lentz, Anton
Lentz, Maria
Lentz, Petrus - C:1793
Lenz, Anna Maria
Lenz, Anton
Lenz, Jacob - C:1790
Lenz, Maria
Lenz, Willhelm - C:1787
Lewis, Elisabetha - C:1789
Lewis, Justus
Lewis, Maria
Leyde, Anna
Leyde, Isaac
Leyde, John - C:1798; W:1798
Leydi, Anna - C:1804
Leydi, Isaac
Leydi, Johannes
Leydi, Margaretha
Linebach, Frederich
Linebach, Rachel
Lineberg, Adam - C:1798
Lineberg, Anthony
Lineberg, Caspar - C:1800
Lineberg, Conrad
Lineberg, Gracy
Lineberg, Maria
Lineberger, Caspar
Lineberger, Catherina
Lineberger, Henrich
Lineberger, Margaretha
Lineburger, Conrad - C:1795
Lineburger, Elisabeth
Lineburger, Maria
Linenberger, Christ.
Linenberger, Conrad
Linenberger, Margaretha - C:1783
Linenberger, Maria
Linnberger, Elisabeth
Linnberger, Jacob
Linnberger, Sarah - C:1797 (p.102)
Linneberg, George
Linneberg, Noney Beard - C:1804
Linneberg, Noney
Linneberger, Anton
Linneberger, Caspar
Linneberger, Casper
Linneberger, Conrad
Linneberger, Conrath
Linneberger, Elisabetha - C:1802
Linneberger, Grace
Linneberger, Johann Jost
Linneberger, Johannes - C:1785
Linneberger, Maria
Linneberger, Nicolaus
Linneberger, Wilhelm - C:1781
Linnenberger, Anna
Linnenberger, Caspar
Linnenberger, Johann Nicolaus
Linnenberger, Lowisa Margaretha
Loder, Elizabeth
Loder, Fred
Loder, John - C:1795
Lostolor, Peter
Loyd, Margaretha
Loydi, Johannes
Loydi, Margaretha
Loydiin, Margaretha
Lunenberger, Anna Catharina
Lunenberger, Hennrich
Lunenberger, Johannes - C:1783
Lus, Jastus
Lus, Johan Willhelm - C:1791
Lus, Maria
MacAdam, Jacobus - C:1772
MacAdam, Nens
Man, Anna
Man, Georg
Man, Johann Philip - C:1775
Man, Jonathan - C:1787
Man, Maria Sabina
Manin, Anna Sabin
Mann, Anna
Mann, George
Mann, Jacob Philip - C:1802
Mann, John Philipp
Mann, Magdalena
Mann, Maria Barbara - C:1789
Mann, Marie Salome
Mann, Philipp
Mann, Sarah - C:1802
Mathaeus (no last name) - C: 1790
McCardy, Esai
McCardy, Nelly - C;1797 (p. 101)
Mengal, Anna Elisabeth - C:1790
Mengal, Johannes
Mengel, Anna Elisabetha
Mengel, Anna - C:1792
Mengel, Johannes
Metrin, Erma Catharina
Mingle, John
Mingle, William - C:1790
Miriathro, Christina - C:1781
Miriathro, Margaretha
Miriathro, Morris
Mohr, Catharina
Mohr, Elisabeth
Mohr, Elisabetha - C:1787
Mohr, Henrich - C:1792
Mohr, Jacob
Mohr, Johan Friderich -C:1791
Mohr, Johan Wilhelm - C:1789
Mohr, Wilhelm
Mohr, Willhelm
Mohrin, Anna
Moon, Catharina - C:1779
Moon, Elisabetha Catharina
Moon, Johannes Jacob
Mooney, Barnhard
Mooney, Bernhard
Mooney, Elisabeth - C:1797 (p.101)
Mooney, Mary
Mooney, Polly
Mooney, Samuel - C:1799
Moor, Catharina
Moor, Joseph - C:1791
Moor, William
Moore, Catharina - C:1798
Moore, Catharine
Moore, Maria - C:1794
Moore, William
More, Catrina
More, Cristina - C:1795
More, William
Morey, Borny
Morey, John - C:1801
Morey, Mary
Moschbach, Catharina Charlotte - C1784Ê
Moschbach, Johannes
Moschbach, Sabylla
Moshbach, J. Ulruch
Moshbach, Jacobus - C:1788
Moshbach, Sibilia
Moviater, Erma Maria - C:1773
Moviater, Margaretha
Moviater, Moritz
Muchbach, Elias - C:1782
Muchbach, Johannes
Muchbach, Sibilla
Muller, Catharina - C:1785
Muller, Daniel
Muller, Maria
Muller, Maria
Noss, Hon. Jacob
Noss, Johann Jacob - C:1777
Noss, Maria Barbara - C:1777
Noss, Maria Dorothea
Noss, Maria
Noss, Wilhelm
Nou, Andreas
Nou, Ester
Nou, Samuel - C:1778
Orr, Anthony Johnson - C:1800
Orr, Elisabeth
Orr, Joanna Johnson - C:1797(p. 101)
Orr, Jonson
Orr, Joseph
Orr, Josephus
Orr, Margareth Weaver - C:1798
Orr, Maria - C:1789
Paulson, Maria Barbara
Paulus, Jacob
Pellis, Andreas - C:1788
Pellis, Elisabeth Catharina
Pellis, Johannes - C:1788
Pellis, Margaretha
Pellis, Peter
Pellis, Philip
Philips, Elisabeth
Philips, Jacob
Philips, Thomas Bulman - C:1800
Phister, Christina
Poiers, Abiatha
Poiers, Elisabeth
Poiers, Samuel - C:1797 (p.102)
Pordhostin, Anna Maria
Potter, Christina - C:1775
Potter, Maria
Potter, Simon
Poyers, Elisabeth
Poyers, Mary - C:1796 (p.101)
Poyers, Tobias Abiathar Ê
Prodyou (Weber) Hon. Johann Wilhelm
Pros, Elizabeth - C:1773
Pros, Johannes
Pros, Maria
Puddebach, Andrew - C:1802
Puddebach, Eve
Puddebach, George
Pudderbach, Eve
Pudderbach, Joseph - C:1804
Puterbach, Elisabetha Barbara
Puterbach, Georg Henrich
Puterbach, Georg - C:1777
Putrobach, Elias Barbara
Putrobach, Elisabetha
Putrobach, Georg
Putrobach, George
Putrobach, Johannes - C:1780
Putrobach, Joseph - C:1778
Rabens, Johanna
Raub, Adreas
Raub, Andreas - C:1783
Raub, Andrew
Raub, Anna - C:1797(p.101)
Raub, Barbara
Raub, Catharine
Raub, Cecilia
Raub, Charlotta Margaretha
Raub, Charlotta
Raub, Elisabetha
Raub, Jacob
Raub, Johann Michel
Raub, Lotte
Raub, Margaretha
Raub, Maria Barbara
Raub, Maria Charlotte
Raub, Maria - C:1785
Raub, Michael
Raub, Miecl
Raub, Nicolaus
Raub, Philip - C:1801
Raub, Sarah
Raub, Scharlotha
Raub, Scharlotta
Raub, Susanna
Raub, Susannah
Raub, Sussanna - C:1773
Rauber, Sharlotta
Raubie, Maria Elisabetha
Raubin, Barbara
Raubin, Cecilia
Raubin, Elisabetha
Raubin, Maria Charlotta
Raubin, Sara
Raup, Andrew - C:1797 (p.101)
Raup, Andrew Sr.
Raup, Anna
Raup, Catharina
Raup, Elisabeth - C:1794
Raup, Jacob
Raup, John - C:1796; C:1799 (p.103)
Raup, Michael
Raup, Sarah - C:1802
Raup, Sussana
Raupe, Anna
Raupe, Michael
Raus, Andreas
Raus, Andria
Raus, Arma
Raus, Michael - C:1792
Raus, Susanna
Rei, Daniel - C:1785
Rei, Huzes
Rei, Jemima
Reis, Andreas
Reis, Catharina
Reis, Johannes - C:1791
Ribel, Catharina - C;1774
Ribel, Erndon
Ribel, Maria
Riebel, Georg
Riebel, Rahel - C:1785
Rivel, Andrew
Rivel, Barbara
Rivel, William - C:1798
Roiss, Catharina
Roiss, Jacob
Rop, Anna
Rop, Jacob - C:1800
Rop, Michael
Rope, Andrew
Rope, Anna
Rope, Catharina
Rope, Elisabeth - C:1804
Rope, Jacob
Rope, Michael
Rope, Susana
Rope, Susanna Charlotta - C:1803
Rope, Susanna
Rubel, Anna - C:1780
Rubel, Georg Washindon - C:1778
Rubel, George
Rubel, Gorg
Rubel, Johannes - C:1783
Rubel, Maria
Rubel, Rahel
Rubel, Sara - C:1781
Rubel, Wilhelm
Rubol, Andon
Rubol, George
Rubol, Henrich -1776
Rubol, John Georg - C:1776
Rubol, Maria
Rubol, Rachel
Rubol, Rahel
Rubol, Wilhelm - C:1772
Ruebd, George
Ruebd, Rahel
Ruebd, Samuel - C:1788
Ruhl, Catharina - C:1773
Ruhl, Maria
Ruhl, Wilhelm
Ruhl, William Sr.
Rungel, Adam
Rungel, Anna Maria
Rungel, Elizabetha - C:1784
Rungel, Johannes Adam
Rungel, Maria Elizabetha
Russel, George
Russel, Maria Magdalena - C:1774
Russel, Rahel
S_______, Elisabetha - C:1804
Safer, Irma Margaretha
Safer, Johann Wilhelm - C:1775
Safer, Johannes
Sasaman, (Hasaman) Anna
Sasaman, (Hasaman), David
Sassemann, Anna
Schaeffer, Abraham - C:1788
Schaeffer, Elisabeth
Schaeffer, Fridrich
Schaester, Anna Elisabetha - C:1771
Schaester, Johannes
Schaester, Margaretha
Schaffer, Catharina - C:1784
Schaffer, Elisabetha - C:1784
Schaffer, Fred
Schaffer, Wilhelm
Schehrer, Charlotta
Schehrer, Conrad
Schehrer, Maria Charlotta - C:1785
Schmid, Abraham
Schmid, Elisabeth
Schmid, Jacob - C:1773
Schmidt, Abraham
Schmidt, Elisabetha
Schmidt, Abraham - C:1782
Schmidt, Elisabeth
Schmidt, Johann Henrich - C:1775
Schnaufer, Anna Margaretha
Schnaufer, Anna Maria
Schnaufer, Frederich
Schnaufer, Henry
Schnaufer, Jacob - C:1777
Schnaufer, Mosis - C:1777
Schnauffer, Anna Maria
Schnauffer, Johann Hennrich
Schneider, Abraham
Schneider, Adam
Schneider, Anna Catharina
Schneider, Anna Elisabetha - C:1790
Schneider, Anna Gertraudt
Schneider, Anna Gertraut - W: 1760
Schneider, Christina
Schneider, Elisabeth
Schneider, Elisabetha - W: 1765 ; C:1771
Schneider, Gertraut
Schneider, Gertrautha
Schneider, Henrich
Schneider, Irma Gertrauta
Schneider, Johannes - C:1789
Schneider, M. Philib
Schneider, Margaret
Schneider, Maria Magdalena
Schneider, Maria Magdaline -C:1765
Schneider, Maria - C:1767; C:1793
Schneider, Philib
Schneider, Philip - W: 1760 ; C:1788
Schneider, Philipp
Schneider, Phillib
Schneider, Samuel
Schneider, Susanna - C:1760
Schneider, Wilhelm - C:1769
Schneiter, Eliszabeth
Schneiter, Heinrich - C:1792
Schneiter, Scharlata
Schneyder, Adam
Schneyder, Anna Barbara - C:1783
Schneyder, Anna Elisabetha - C:1791
Schneyder, Anna Gertrude
Schneyder, Anna Margaretha - C:1784
Schneyder, Catharina
Schneyder, Hennrich
Schneyder, Henrich
Schneyder, Johanna Adam
Schneyder, Johannes - C:1784
Schneyder, Lehn
Schneyder, Magdalena
Schneyder, Maria Elisabetha
Schneyder, Maria - C:1783
Schneyder, Peter - C:1783
Schneyder, Philip
Schneyder, Phillip
Schneyder, Wilhelm
Schneyder, Philipp
Schneyderin, Anna Gertruda
Schneyderin, Maria Magdalena
Schneyderin, Maria
Schnyder, Johannes
Schnyder, Philip
Schnyderin, Catharina
Schrenck, Hanna
Schrenck, John
Schrenck, Peter - C:1802
Schultz, Barbara
Schultz, Magdalena - C:1779
Schultz, Philip
Schumacher, Hennrich
Schumacher, Henrich
Schumacher, J. Jacob - C:1784
Schumacher, Jacob
Schumacher, Maria Barbara
Schumacher, Maria Elizabetha
Schweitzer, Abigail
Schweitzer, Abraham
Schweitzer, Catherina - C:1789
Schweitzer, Christina
Schweitzer, Jacob
Schweitzer, Margaretha
Schweizer, Abraham - C:1785
Schweizer, Margaretha - C:1785
Schwisher, Abramm
Schwisher, Christina
Schwisher, Pheba - C:1802
Schwisin, Maria
Schwitzer, Abigail
Schwitzer, Abraham
Schwitzer, Christina
Schwitzer, Jacob
Schwitzer, Johannes - C:1781
Shaefer, Anna Margaretha - C:1778
Shaefer, Anna - C:1791
Shaefer, Catharina
Shaefer, Elisabetha
Shaefer, Frederick
Shaefer, Heinrich - C:1780
Shaefer, Johannes
Shaefer, Johnnes
Shaefer, Magdalena - C:1780
Shaefer, Wilhelm
Shafer Elisabetha - C:1781
Shafer Joseph Peter B.
Shafer, Catharina
Shafer, Conrath
Shafer, Elisabeth
Shafer, Frederick
Shafer, Friderick
Shafer, Henrich - C:1789
Shafer, Johannes
Shafer, Lehna
Shafer, Magdalena
Shafer, Maria - C:1780
Shafer, Nelly - C:1789
Shafer, Sarah - C:1791
Shafer, Sara - C:1791
Shafer, Scharlotha
Shafer, Sophia - C:1787
Shafer, Willhelm
Shafer, William
Sharro, Conrath
Sharro, Johann Michel - C:1777
Sharro, Scharlotha
Sherer, Child - C:1766 (p. 102)Ê
Sherer, Conrad
Sherer, Sharlot
Sherrer, Andreas - C:1787
Sherrer, Charlotha
Sherrer, Conrath
Shmid, Peter
Shmidt, Abraham
Shmidt, Anna Magdalena
Shmidt, Elisabeth
Shmidt, Elisabetha - C:1781
Shmidt, Henrich - C:1777
Shmidt, Jacob - C:1789
Shmidt, Johannes
Shmidt, Maria
Shmidt, Peter - C:1778
Shmidt, Petro
Shnaufer, Anna Sabina
Shnaufer, Henrich
Shnaufer, Johannes
Shnauster, Henrich
Shnauster, Maria
Shneidcr, Adam
Shneider, Abraham - C:1790
Shneider, Adam
Shneider, Anna Elisabeth
Shneider, Anna Elisabetha
Shneider, Anna Margaretha - C:1777
Shneider, Catharina
Shneider, Charlotta
Shneider, Elisabeth
Shneider, Erma Catharina - C:1774; C:1775
Shneider, Erma
Shneider, Gertrauda
Shneider, Gertrautha
Shneider, Heinrich
Shneider, Henrich
Shneider, Jacob - C:1789
Shneider, Joes
Shneider, Johanes
Shneider, Johann Henrich - C:1778
Shneider, Johann Philip - C:1781
Shneider, Johann Phillip - C:1786
Shneider, Johannes - C:1776; C:1789; C:1796
Shneider, Johnnes
Shneider, Margaretha
Shneider, Maria Elisabeth
Shneider, Maria Elisabetha
Shneider, Maria
Shneider, Peter
Shneider, Philib
Shneider, Philip
Shneider, Philip Jr.
Shneider, Philipp
Shneider, Sharlotta
Shneider, Willhelm - C:1768
Shneiderin, Elisabetha
Shneyder, Adam
Shneyder, Henrich
Shneyder, Margaretha - C:1788
Shneyder, Peter
Shneyder, Scharlotta
Shneyder, Wilhelm
Shnider, Adam
Shnider, Anna Elisabetha
Shnider, Elisabeth
Shnider, Gertraud
Shnider, Johann Adam
Shnider, Jos. Philipp - C:1791
Shnider, Joseph - C:1781
Shnider, Margaretha
Shnider, Peter
Shnider, Philip Jr.
Shrenck, John
Shrenck, Peter
Shumacher, Andreas - C:1782
Shumacher, Barbara
Shumacher, Henrich
Shumacher, Maria Elizabetha - C:1786
Shuster, Elisabeth
Shuster, Elisabetha
Shuster, Frederich
Shuster, Maria Gertrautha - C:1776
Shuster, Sophia - C:1778
Shwife, Benjamin
Shwife, Maria Elisabeth
Shwife, Rahel - C:1792
Shwirge, Benjamin
Shwirge, Elisabetha - C:1780
Shwisi, Anna Gertraud - C:1788
Shwisi, Benjuamin
Shwisi, Maria Elisabeth
Shwitzer, Abigail
Shwitzer, Abraham - C:1783
Shwitzer, Christina
Shwitzer, Jacob - C:1780
Shwitzer, Margaretha - C:1777
Shwitzer, Maria - C:1775
Shwitzer, Philip Ludwig - C:1783
Sisterle, Catharina
Sisterle, Johannes - C:1792
Smith, Maria
Smith, Peter
Smith, William - C:1787
Sneider, Anna
Sneider, Charity - C:1798 (p.101)
Sneider, Elizabeth
Sneider, Erma Marie - C:1774
Sneider, Gertrautha
Sneider, Irma Gertrauta
Sneider, Isaac - C:1792
Sneider, Johann Jost - C:1776
Sneider, Johannes
Sneider, Margaret
Sneider, Peter
Sneider, Philip
Sneider, Philip
Sneiderin, Gertraut
Snider, Catharine - C:1834 (p.107)
Snider, Henry - C:1844 (p.107)
Snider, Hereme Peter
Snider, Margaret
Snider, Peter - C:1800
Snover, Catharina
Snover, Catherina
Snover, Catherine
Snover, Elisabeth - C:1798 (p.102)
Snover, George
Snover, Rachel - C:1797(p.101)
Snover, Ruthy - C:1803
Snover, Susana - C:1800
Soydel, Andreas
Soydel, Sara - C:1777
Soydel, Susana
Stadhaus, Abraham - C:1778
Stadhaus, Catharina
Stadhaus, Thomas
Stahlschmidt, Jacob
Stahlschmidt, Maria Sara
Stahlshmid, Catharina
Stahlshmid, Jacob
Stahlshmid, Maria
Stahlshmid, Peter - C:1792
Stahlshmidt, Jacob - C:1782
Stahlshmidt, Ludwig - C:1778
Stahlshmidt, Sara
Stammersfeld, Bernhard
Stammersfeld, Catharina
Stammersfeld, Georg - C:1785
Steel, Anna
Steel, Daniel
Steel, Henry William - C:1804
Steel, John - C:1798
Steel, Rebecca - C:1804
Stehle, Christian
Stehle, Elisabetha
Stehle, Johan Friderich - C:1791
Steinbach, Maria
Steinbach, Peter - C:1788
Steinbach, Wilhelm
Stordhausz, Catharina
Stordhausz, Martha - C:1776
Stordhausz, Thomas
Streszi, Anna Gertrautha
Stud, Elisabeth
Stud, John
Studt, Anna Margaretha - C:1772
Studt, Antonius
Studt, Elisabetha
Studt, Henrich
Studt, Maria Magdalena
Stutt, Elisabeth -Ê
Stutt, Elisabetha - W:1765Ê
Stutt, Erndon
Stutt, Henrich
Stutt, Johannes
Stutt, Magdalena
Stutt, Maria Magdalena
Stutt, Maria
Stutt, Peter - C:1775
Stutte, Johannes
Stutte, Magdatena
Stutte, Maria Magdalena
Sutt, Anna Gertrautha - C:1781
Sutt, Elisabetha
Sutt, Henrich
Sutt, Johannes
Sutt, Maria
Sutts, Maria Magdalina
Sweazy, Catharine
Sweazy, Mary - C:1797 (p.102)
Sweazy, William
Sweezey, Barnabas - C:1794
Sweezey, Catharine
Sweezey, William
Sweezy, Catharina
Sweezy, Catharine
Sweezy, Elisabetha - C:1805
Sweezy, John Kuhl - C:1803
Sweezy, Phoebe - C:1800
Sweezy, William - C:1796
Swick, John
Swick, Margaretha - C:1804
Swinzer, Abraham
Swinzer, Catharina - C:1792
Swinzer, Christina
Swise, Benjamin
Swise, Maria Elisabetha
Swise, Maria - C:1774
Swisher, Abigail
Swisher, Abraham
Swisher, Anna Christina - C:1794
Swisher, Christina
Swisher, Elisabetha - C:1787
Swisher, Hannah Christina
Swisher, Isaac - C:1798
Swisher, Jacob
Swisher, Maria - C:1787
Swizer, Abraham
Swizer, Christina
Swizer, Sarah - C:1796
Ted, Maragaret Freas - C:1805
Teel, Andrew
Teel, Anna
Teel, Elisabetha - C:1802
Teel, William
Teise, Johann
Templeton, Anna Maria
Templeton, Johannes - C:1789
Templeton, Samuel
Teter, Caterrinah
Teter, Elius
Thiel, Andrew
Thiel, Anna Elisabeth
Thiel, Anna
Thiel, Catharine
Thiel, Elizabeth
Thiel, Henry
Thiel, Jacob - C:1796
Thiel, John - C:1799 (p.103)
Thiel, Lydia - C:1797 (p.101)
Thiel, Margareth - C:1799
Thiel, Sarah - C:1798 (p. 101)
Thiel, William
Tiel, William
Tiets, Elisabetha Esther - C:1804
Tiets, Esther
Tiets, Peter
Triller, Catharine
Triller, Johannes - C:1795
Triller, John - C:1800
Triller, Joseph - C:1798
Triller, Maria Catarina
Triller, Maria Catherina
Triller, Maria
Triller, Mary Catharina - C:1789
Triller, Philip
Triller, Philipp
Triller, Philippus - C:1786
Triller, Phillipp
Triller, Sarah
Triller, Sara - C:1791
Von Drobelt, Jacob
Von Drobelt, Nirlgon - C:1782
Von Drobelt, Sophia
Waase, Catharina -Twin C:1804
Waase, Gertrauta - Twin C:1804
Waase, Jacob
Waase, Maria
Weber (Prodyou) Hon. Johann Wilhelm
Wedge, Anna
Wedge, Joshua
Wedge, William - C:1798
Weis, Charlotta
Weis, Jacob
Weis, Peter - C:1791
Weisz, Anna Gertrautha - C:1776
Weisz, Maria Dorothea
Weisz, Wilhelm
Weltz, Alchey
Weltz, Jacob
Weltz, Wilhelm Henrich - C:1793(p.102)
Wilhelm, Johannes Jr.
Willhelm, Johann
Wintersteen, Experience
Wintersteen, Henry
Wintersteen, Maria - C:1794
Winterstein, Angon - C:1781
Winterstein, Anna (grandmother)
Winterstein, Anna Maria
Winterstein, Anna - C:1776; C:1780
Winterstein, Catharina - C:1777
Winterstein, Cattarina - C:1796
Winterstein, Elisabcth
Winterstein, Elisabeth - C:1791
Winterstein, Elisabetha - C:1791
Winterstein, Experience
Winterstein, Heinrich
Winterstein, Hennrich
Winterstein, Henrich - C"1896
Winterstein, Irma
Winterstein, Jacob Christian - C:1782
Winterstein, Jacob - Twin - C:1782Ê
Winterstein, Jacobus
Winterstein, Jacobus Sr.
Winterstein, Jane - C:1798
Winterstein, Margaretha
Winterstein, Maria - Twin - C:1782
Winterstein, Nicholas
Winterstein, Nicholus
Winterstein, Nicolas
Winterstein, Nicolaus
Winterstein, Nicolous
Winterstein, Philibing
Winterstein, Philip - C:1779
Winterstein, Philipus
Winterstein, Rahel - C:1787
Winterstein, Spirono
Winterstein, Wilhelm - C:1774; C:1783
Wintersteinn, Jacobus
Wintersteinn, Maria
Wintersteinn, Peter - C:1772
Woolenweaver, Conrath
Young, Anna Barbara
Young, Anna Maria
Young, Elisabeth Schneider
Young, Jacob
Young, Johann Wilhelm
Young, Peter
Zimmerman, Adam - C:1775; C:1786
Zimmerman, Anna Elisabetha - C:1776; C:1777; C:1784
Zimmerman, Catharina - C:1780
Zimmerman, Catharine
Zimmerman, Catrina
Zimmerman, Elisabeth - C:1794
Zimmerman, Elisabetha - C:1783; C:1793Ê
Zimmerman, Erma Catharina
Zimmerman, George
Zimmerman, Gertraud - C:1792
Zimmerman, Heinrich
Zimmerman, Hennrich
Zimmerman, Henrich
Zimmerman, Henry
Zimmerman, J. Henrich
Zimmerman, Jacobus - C:1780
Zimmerman, Johan Peter
Zimmerman, Johan Philip - C:1788
Zimmerman, Johan Thomas
Zimmerman, Johannetta - C:1785
Zimmerman, Johann Georg
Zimmerman, Johann Hendich
Zimmerman, Johann Mathrist - C:1782
Zimmerman, Johann Peter
Zimmerman, Johanna
Zimmerman, Johannes Georg
Zimmerman, John Georg - C:1789
Zimmerman, John Peter - C:1788
Zimmerman, Joseph - C:1796
Zimmerman, Margaretha
Zimmerman, Margaretta
Zimmerman, Maria Gertrude
Zimmerman, Maria Magdalena
Zimmerman, Maria - C:1782
Zimmerman, Mary
Zimmerman, Mathaeus
Zimmerman, Matheias
Zimmerman, Matheus
Zimmerman, Mathias
Zimmerman, Mathous
Zimmerman, Matthias
Zimmerman, Peder
Zimmerman, Peter
Zimmerman, Phillippus - C:1791
Zimmermann, Maria
Zipperle, Catharina - C:1790
Zipperle, Johann
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From my notes: ÊI did find "Knowlton, Warren County, N.J., records of the first German and English Congregation" in the New Jersey Historical Society proceedings volume 1918 pg 123, 179 and 1919 pg 88. It contains baptism records of that church which I made a copy of ........
Knowlton, Warren County, N. J., Records
of the first German and English Congregation
1760 - 1844
Anna Gertraut____, daughter of Martinus Fries and ___ , ÊWitnesses : John Wilhelm____, Anna Gertraut, wife of Philip Schneider.
Wilhelm____, December 18, 1765, son of Wilhelm____ and Maria Faus. Witnesses: Parents.
ÊJohan Jost, born October 20,1765, son of Johan Jost and Anna Elisa.Witnesses: Elisabetha Schneider and ____.
Petrus, born August 14, 1765, son of Philip Belles and Margaretha. Witnesses: Peter Belles and Elisabetha Stutt.
Johannes, born January 9, 1765, son of Johannes Kriebe and Maria. Witnesses: Johannes Henrich and his wife.
Johannes Henrich Fris, born October 12, 1765, son of Johannes and Catarina Fris. Witnesses: Johannes Fris and Elisabeta Christina
Abraham, born August 2,1764, son of Abraham Fogt and (Jo)hanna.Witnesses: Parents.
Susanna, born December 13, 17__, dau. of Samuel Schneider and Margaret. Witnesses: ____ Hoertin and George Hoerter.
Maria Magdaline, born __ , 1765, daughter of Phillib Schneider and ____ . Witnesses: Johannes Fries, ____Sutts and wife Maria Magdalina.
Hermanes, born April 15, 1763, christened ___ day of April, son of Nicolus Bernhardt and Maria. Witnesses: Wilhelm Kuhl and Sophia Fries.
Anna Gertraut, born October 1, 1760, daughter of Nicolus Bernhardt and Maria. Witnesses: Phillib Schneider and his wife Gertraut.
Henrich, born January 1, 1766, son of Nicolus Bernhardt and Maria. Witnesses: Henrich Zimmerman and Christina Hofmann.
Maria, born April 15, christened July 21, 1767, daughter of Adam Schneider and Elisabetha Fries.
Marteines____, July 20, 17__, son of Phillib ____ and Gertraut, his wife. Witnesses: ____ Fries and Elisabetha En ____.
Jacob, born February, 1767, christened July 23, 1767 son of Johannes Enol and his wife ____ . Witnesses: Jacob Engel and ____ Hofmann.
Gertraut, born June 15, daughter of ____. Witnesses: Henrich Hofmann and wife Gertrauta. John Halbert the father and Maria the mother. Child was christened
Elisabeth. Born November 1, 1766. Witnesses: Parents.
Phillibus, born October 12, chr1stened 12 ____, 1768, son of Phillib Belles and his wife Margareta. Witnesses: Phillib Schneider and his wife Elisabetha.
Maria Gertrautha, born October 3, 17__, daughter of Marteines Fries and Anna Gertrudta Fries his wife. Witnesses: Phillib Hofman and Maria Elisabeth Fries his wife.
Adam, born December 1, baptized April 12, 1768, son of Johannes Fries and Catharina his wife. Witnesses: Adam Schneider and Gertrautha, wife of Phillib Schneider.
Samuel, born February 11, son of Samuel ____ and his wife Maria. Witnesses: Parents.
Maria Catharina, born November 12, daughter of George Hoerter and Susana his wife. Witnesses: Wilhelm Freis and Catharina.
Anna, born October 29, daughter of Johannes ____ and his wife Maria. Witnesses: Anna Hoerterin.
Paulus, born May 6, baptized April 24, 1768, son of Wilhelm Kuhl and Maria his wife. Witnesses: Parents.
Wilhelm, born July 18, and baptized September 5, 1769, son of Adam Schneider and his wife Anna Elisabetha. Witnesses: Wilhelm Kuhl and Anna Catharina Schneider.
Maria, born November 11, 1769, daughter of Phillib Belles and h1s wife Margarctha. Witnesses: Anna Margaretha and ____.
Christina, born September 9, daughter of Johannes Engel and his wife Maria. Witnesses: Christina Phister and Phillib Hofman.
In the year 1769, June 19, the following children were baptized:
____, daughter of Peter Belles and his wife ____ Elisabeth. Witnesses: ____ and (Elisa)betha Friesin.
Anna, daughter of Johannes Henrich and his wife Catharina. Witnesses: Adam Dills and Anna Elisabetha, wife of ____ Schneider.
The 13th of June, 1771, the following children were baptized:
Anna Maria, daughter of Johan Jost Gersbach and his wife Elisabetha. Witnesses: Anna Maria Henrich and M. Philib Schneider.
Johan Wilhelm, son of George Hoerter and his wife Susana. Witnesses: Catharina Friesin and Wilhelm Fries.
Johan Georg, son of Johannes Kruser and his wife Maria. Witnesses: George Hoerter and Anna Sophia Friesin.
Adam, baptized May 9, 1771, son of Wilhelm Kuhl and his wife Maria. Witnesses: Parents.
Christian, son of Wilhelm Kuhl and his wife Maria. Witnesses: Parents.
Anna Elisa, daughter of Phillib Hostman and his wife ____ . Witnesses: Anna Elisabetha Bellese, ____ Gertrauta Hostmann and Peder Zimmerman.
Antonius, baptized April ____ , son of Wilhelm Kuhl and his wife Elisabetha. Witnesses: Parents.
Elisabetha, born May 8, 1771, daughter of Phillib Schneider and his wife Anna Gertraudt. Witnesses: Tinus Fries and Maria Elisabetha.
Johannes, son of Peter Benler and his wife Eva, baptized July 14th. Witnesses: Parents.
Abraham, son of Johannes Kirchhof and his wife Maria, baptized August 4. Witnesses: Parents.
Anna Elisabetha, daughter of Johannes Schaester and his wife Margaretha, born April 4, and baptized April 13. Witnesses: Jost Gersbach and his wife Anna Elisabetha. Anno 1770.
On April 8, 1772, the following boys were baptized:
Henrich Wilhelm, son of Johann Wilhelm Fries and his wife Anna Maria. Witnesses: Henrich Dirl and his wife Christina.
Wilhelm, son of Johannes Fries and his wife Catharina. Witnesses: Parents.
Christian, son of Jacobus Grigenthal and his wife Christina. Witnesses: Christian Hostman and Margaretha Winterstein.
Peter, son of Jacob Wintersteinn and his wife Maria. Witnesses: Parents. Born December 28, 1771.
Wilhelm, son of George Rubol and his wife Rahel, born December 27, 1771, and baptized April 8. Witnesses: Wilhelm Rubol and Susana Dietzin.
Christian, son of Nicolaus Bernhardt and his wife Maria, baptized May 28. Born March 25. Witnesses: Parents.
Christina, daughter of Peter Belles and his wife Elisabetha Catharina, born April 28. Witnesses: Adam Dolls and his wife Christina.
Jacob, son of Johannes Engel and his wife Anna Maria Magdalena, born April 22. Witnesses: Jacob Engel, Anna Sophia Friesin.
Peter, son of Adam Dills and his wife Christina, born May 12. Witnesses: Peter Belles and Rahel Belles.
Anna Margaretha, daughter of Henrich Studt and his wife Elisabetha. Witnesses: Antonius Studt and his wife Anna Margaretha. Born December 13, 1771.
Elisabetha, daughter of Philip Belles and his wife Margaretha, born April 26, 1771. Witnesses: Jacob Engel and his wife Elisabetha.
Jacobus, son of Jacobus MacAdam and his wife Nens. Witnesses: Jacob Beel and Anna Mohrin.
On July 25 the following children were baptized:
Anna, daughter of Johan Theis Buchener and his wife Elisabetha, born April 14, 1771. Witnesses: Wilhelm Boellis and his wife Maria.
Adam, son of Peter Boelles, Jr., and his wife Elisabetha, born June 23, 1772. Witnesses: Parents.
Elisabetha Maria, daughter of Henrich Buchcner and his wife Eva Maria, born March 28, 1772. Witnesses: Henrich Griss and Elisabetha Maria, wife of John Buchener. Bapt. Sept. 12.
On April 28th, the following children were baptized:
Johan Thomas, son of Johannes Korch and his wife Maria, born September 28th. Witnesses: Johan Thomas Zimmerman and Sophia Hostman.
Adam, son of Jost Giersbach and his wife Anna Elisabetha, born September 14th. Witnesses: Adam Schneider and Maria Charlotta Raubin.
Elisabeth, a lawful daughter of Paulus Engel and Catharina, his wife, born December 12, 1772, and baptized June 12, 1773. Witnesses: Jacob Engel and wife Elisabeth.
Johannes, son of Martinus Foss and Johanna, his wife, born March 15, 1772, and baptized June 12, 1773. Witnesses: Johannes Foss and Irma, wife of Jacobus Winterstein.
Christina, daughter of Wilhelm Belles and Maria, his wife, born February 25, 1773, and baptized June 12, 1773.
Christina, daughter of Alexander Adams and Irma his wife, born November 2, 1772, and baptized June 12, 1773. Witnesses: Christina ____trow, Belles' widow.
Catharina, daughter of Wilhelm Ruhl and Maria, his wife, born March 28, 1773, and baptized June 12, 1773.
Johannes, son of Johannes Halbrot and Maria, his wife, born January 1, 1773 and baptized June 12, 1773. Witnesses: Philip Shneider.
Elizabeth, daughter of Johannes Pros and Maria, his wife, born April 11, 1773, and baptized July 12, 1773. Witnesses: Philip's friends, Elisabeth Jost and Kirschbach's wife.
Hennrich, son of Wilhelm Borns and Magdalena, his wife, born May 7, 1773, and baptized June, 1773. Witnesses: Hennrich Dirl and wife Ester Christina.
Jacob, son of Abraham Shmid and wife Elisabeth, born March 27, 1773, and baptized September 6, 1773. Witnesses: Jacob Roiss and wife Catharina.
Maria Christina, daughter of Johannes Dols and wife Maria Catharina, born July 25, 1773, and baptized September 6, 1773. Witnesses: Wilhelm Dolsz, the grandfather, Maria Catharina, Conrath Dirster's widow, and the grandmother.
Henrich Wilhelm, son Hennrich Dirl and Eva Christina, his wife, born October 21, 1773, baptized November 27, 1773. Witnesses: Wilhelm Fris and wife.
Erma Maria, daughter of Moritz Moviater and Margaretha his wife, born October 14, 1773, and baptized November 27, 1773. Witnesses: Wilhelm Fris and wife Erma Maria.
Sussanna, daughter of Andreas Raub and wife Maria Charlotte, born November 25, 1773, and baptized December 16, 1773. Witnesses: Johannes Fris and Sibilla, daughter of Conrath Dirster.
Christian, son of Wilhelm Kuhl and Elisa Margaretha, his wife, born April 3, 1769, and baptized ____ . Witnesses: Herbert Hommer and wife.
Erndon, son of Wilhelm Kuhl and his wife Elisa Margaretha, born March 9, 1771, and baptized ____ . Witnesses: Christian and Lehna, Adam Hommer's wife.
Wilhelm, son of Wilhelm Kuhl and Elisa Margaretha, born November 16, 1773, and baptized December 16, 1773. Witnesses: Wilhelm Kuhl, Sr., and wife Maria.
Christina, daughter of Philip Belles and Irma Margaretha, his wife, born January 18, 1774, and baptized February 20, 1774. Witnesses: ErndonStutt and Christina Belles.
Erma Maria, daughter of Philip Sneider and Irma Gertrauta, his wife, born January 9, 1774, and baptized February 20, 1774. Witnesses: Wilhelm Kuhl and Irma Maria Henrich.
Erma Catharina, daughter of Adam Shneider, and Irma Elisabeth, born February 6, 1774, and baptized March 7, 1774. Witnesses: Johannes Shneider and Catharina, Henrich Dols and wife.
Catharina, daughter of Erndon Ribel and Maria, his wife, born January 12, 1774, and baptized April 1, 1774. Witnesses: Nicolaus Raub and Catharina Shneider.
Maria, daughter of Adam Dols and Christina, his wife, born March 2, 1774, and baptized April 1, 1774.
Maria Magdalena, daughter of George Russel and wife Rahel, born March 5, 1774, and baptized April 19, 1774. Witnesses: Johannes Stutt and Maria Magdalena, his wife.
Wilhelm, son of Johann Jost Girschbach and Elizabeth, his wife, born April 12, 1774, and baptized May 12, 1774 Witnesses: Wilhelm Kuhl, Sr., and Gertrautha, wife of Philip Shneider.
Wilhelm, son of Jacob Winterstein and Maria his wife, born July 23, 1774, and baptized August 12, 1774.
Elisabetha, daughter of Jacob Dirster and Catharina, his wife, born June 14, 1774, and baptized July 24, 1774. Witnesses: Cross Grossman and Elisabetha Kristin.
[Two pages missing].
Elisabetha, daughter of Jacob Butz and Maria, his wife, born August 11, 1774, and baptized September 4, 1774.
Maria, daughter of Benjamin Swise and Maria Elisabetha, his wife, born July 25, 1774, and baptized September 4, 1774 Witnesses: Johannes Fris and Ester Maria Kuhl.
Joseph, son of Alexander Adam and Erma Maria his wife, born September 1, 1774, and baptized December 18, 1774. Witnesses: Johann Jost Grosbach and Erma Elisabetha his wife.
Johann Wilhelm, son of Johannes Safer and Irma Margaretha his wife, born October 29, 1774, and baptized January 11, 1775. Witnesses: Johann Wilhelm Kuhl and Erma Maria; wife of Johannes Henrich.
Erma Catharina, daughter of Johannes Shneider and Maria Elisabeth his wife, born February 6, 1775, and baptized February 23, 1775. Witnesses: Martinus Fries and Erma Catharina Henrich, wife of Zimmerman.
Peter, son of Henrich Stutt and Elisabeth his wife, born January 13, 1775, and baptized April 14, 1775. Witnesses: Peter Bolles and Erma Maria Huttshin.
Johann Philip, son of Johann Philip Man and Maria Sabina his wife, born January 29, 1775, and baptized April 4, 1775. Witnesses: Jacob Paulus and Erma Catharina Metrin.
Maria, daughter of Paulus Engel and Catharina his wife, born February 5, 1773, and baptized April 14, 1775. Witnesses: Philip Hastman and Elisabeth his wife.
Henrich, son of Peter Bolles and Elisabeth Catharine his wife, born April 7, 1775, and baptized May 20, 1775. Witnesses: Henrich Stutt and Margaretha Cristin.
Elizabeth Gertrauta, daughter of Johannes Kristin and Maria his wife, born February 28, 1775, and baptized May 20, 1775. Witnesses: Henrich Fris and Elisabetha, wife of Philip Hastman.
Johann Henrich, son of Abraham Schmidt and Elisabeth his wife, born December 18, 1774, and baptized June Il, 1775. Witnesses: Henrich Shnauster and Maria his wife.
Jacobus, son of Martinus Fries, Jr., and Jannroe his wife born May 4, 1775, and baptized June 11, 1775. Witnesses: Jacobus Winterstein and Anna Elisabeth, wife of Adam Shneider.
Johann Jacob, son of Joseph Peter Distro and Christina, his wife born February 1, 1775, and baptized July Il, 1775. Witnesses: Jacob Roiss, ____.
Maria, daughter of Wilhelm Bolles and Anna Maria his wife, born May 3, 1775, and baptized June 11, 1775.
Maria, daughter of Abraham Shwitzer and Christina his wife, born April 30, 1775, and baptized July 23, 1775. Witnesses: Johannes Loydi and Maria, widow of Ludwig Dittman.
Johanna Sophia, daughter of Henrich Dols and Catharina his wife, born June 18, 1775, and baptized July 23, 1775. Witnesses: Dols and Johanna Sophia, widow of Johannes Fries.
Adam, sons of Johann Peter Zimmerman and Margeretha his wife, born July 21, 1775, and baptized August 13, 1775. Witnesses: George Zimmerman and Anna Winterstein, the grandmother
Christina, daughter of Simon Potter and Maria his wife, born June 17, 1775, and baptized September 1, 1775. Witneses: Henrich Dirl and Christina, his wife.
Petrus, son of Wilhelm Kuhl, Jr., and Eliza Margaretha his wife, born August 8, 1775, and baptized September, 24, 1775. Witnesses: Peter Shmid and Maria Kuhl.
Elizabetha, daughter of Johannes Henrich and Elizabetha his wife, born August 2,1775, and baptized October 15, 1775.
Anna Gertrautha, daughter of Johannes Hatsh ant Maria Catarina his wife, born December 10, 1775, and baptized January 7, 1776. Witnesses: Martinus Fris, Sr., and Anna Gertrautha his wife.
Henrich, son of Andon Rubol and Maria his wife, born April 27, 1775, and baptized January 28, 1776. Witnesses: Henrich Stutt and wife.
Petrus, son of Petrus Bollesfold and Elisabeth his wife, born November 27, 1775, and baptized January 20, 1776. Witnesses: Parents.
Johannes, son of Henry Gonderman and Catherina his wife, born December 25, 1775, and baptized January 28, 1776. Witnesses: PeterGonderman and Catherina his wife.
Johann Georg, son of Wilhelm Brun and Magdalena, his wife, born July 5, 1775, and baptized January 28, 1776. Witnesses: Johann Georg Ginsbrog and Elisa Maria his wlfe.
Johannes Peter, son of Johannes Knauf and Anna Margaretha his wife, born November 15, 1775, and baptized January 28, 1776. Witnesses: Peter Young and Anna Barbara his wife.
Sara, daughter of Lucas Bras and Analu his wife born September 12, 1775, and baptized January 28,1776.
Anna Gertrautha, daughter of Philip Bollesfold and Margaretha, born January 16, 1776, and baptized February 7, 1776. Witnesses: Philip Hostman and Anna Gertrautha, wife of Martinus Fris.
Anna Gertrautha, daughter of Wilhelm Weisz and Maria Dorothea, his wife, born December 22, 1775, and baptized March 31, 1776. Witnesses: Martinus Fris and Anna Gertrautha his wife.
Anna Sophia, daughter of Jeremia Harres and Anna his wife, born February 14, 1776, and baptized March 31, 1776. Witnesses: Philip Hostman and Anna Sophia, widow of Johannes Fris.
Johann Jost, son of Philip Sneider and Gertrautha his wife, born April 5, 1776, and baptized April 21, 1776. Witnesses: Johann Jost Kirrsbach and Jannroe, wife of Martinus Fris.
Susanna, daughter of Adam Dols and Christina his wife, born February 6, 1770, and baptized April 21, 1776.
Maria Gertrautha, daughter of Philip Dorller and Catharina his wife, born February 24, 1776, and baptized April 21, 1776. Witnesses: Friedrich Shuster and Maria Gertrautha, widow of Wilhelm Driller, the grandmother.
Catharina, daughter of Johannes Fris and Catharina his wife, born March 31, 1776, and baptized May 12, 1776. Witnesses: Peter Bolles and Eliza Catharina his wife
Anna Maria, daughter of Johannes Dittman and Catharine, his wife, born December 6, 1775, and baptized May 12, 1776. Witnesses: Johannes Fritz and Anna Maria Dittman.
Gertrautha, daughter of Johannes Kerchost and Maria his wife, born March 27, 1776, and baptized May 12 ,1776. Witnesses: Henrich Zimmerman and Gertrautha, wife of Henry Hostman.
Anna Elisabetha, daughter of Mathias Zimmerman and Maria his wife, born April 25, 1776, and baptized May 27, 1776. Witnesses: Henrich Hostman and Anna Elisabetha Zimmerman.
Jacob, son of Conrath Lamorson and Maria his wife, born March 2, 1775, and baptized June 1, 1776. Witnesses: Johannes Loydi and Margaretha his wife.
Johanna, daughter of Joseph Kirchsbach and his house-wife Elisabetha, born May 31, 1776, and baptized June 2, 1776. Witnesses: Johanna Fris and Henrich Zimmerman.
Hanna, daughter of Jesse Harris and Margaretha, his house-wife, born April 4, 1776, and baptized June 1,1776. Witnesses: John Hatch and Maria Catarina Hatch.
Maria Catharina, daughter of Jacob Distro and Catharina his wife born May 11, 1776, and baptized June 2, 1776. Witnesses: Maria Catharina, widow of Conrath Distro, the grandmother.
John Georg, son of John Georg Rubol and Rachel his wife, born May 5, 1776, and baptized June 23, 1776.
Martha, daughter of Thomas Stordhausz and Catharina his wife, born December 22, 1775, and baptized June 23, 1776. Witnesses: Abraham Shwitzer and Christina his wife.
Johannes, son of Adam Shneider and Anna Elisabetha, born July 7, 1776, and baptized August 4, 1776. Witnesses: Johannes Fris and Johanna Etta, wife of Martinus Fris.
Catharina, daughter of Johann Arnd Krebs and Elisabetha his wife, born July 11, 1776, and baptized August 4, 1776. Witnesses: Frederick Shafer and Catharina Shafer.
Maria Gertrautha, daughter of Frederich Shuster and Elisabetha, his wife, born July 11, 1776, and baptized August 4, 1776. Witnesses: Johannes Stutt and Maria Gertrautha, widow of William Dorllor.
Anna, daughter of Jacob Winterstein and Maria his wife, born August 2, 1776, and baptized August 25, 1776. Witnesses: Anna Winterstein, the grandmother.
Johannes, son of Nicolaus Haupt and Elisabetha his wife, born August 14, 1776, and baptized September 15, 1776. Witnesses: Christian Dorst and Elisabetha his wife.
Isaac, son of Daniel Gorims and Sally his wife, born April 20, 1776, and baptized October 6,1776. Witnesses: Ludwig Dang and wife Catharina.
Johannes, daughter of Paulus Engel and Catharina his wife, born
September 26, 1776, and baptized December 26, 1776. Witnesses. Johannes Engel and Anna Maria Fries.
Elisabetha, daughter of Peter Belles and Elisabeth Catharina his wife, born October 4, 1776, and baptized December 8, 1776.
Sara, daughter of Andreas Soydel and Susana his wife, born ____ and baptized January 19, 1777. Witnesses: Maria, Jacob Winterstein's wife.
Johann Michel, son of Conrath Sharro and Scharlotha, born Dccember 2, 1776, and baptized February 9, 1777. Witnesses: Johann Michel Raub and Elisabetha Gaubin.
Johann Wilhelm son of Johannes Fries and Catharina his wife, born December 16, 1776, and baptized February 9, 1777. Witnesses: Johann Wilhelm Fries and wife Anna Maria.
Georg Henrich, son of Georg Puterbach and Elisa Barbara his wife, born January 24, 1777, and baptized March 23, 1777. Witnesses: Henrich Dirl and Scharlotha, wife of Andreas Raub.
Mosis, son of Frederich Schnaufer and Anna Margaretha his wife, born February 10, 1777, and baptized March 23, 1777. Witnesses: Father and Sarah Raub.
Anna, daughter of Martinus Fries and Johanna Fries, born February 9, 1777, and baptized March 23, 1777. Witnesses: Martinus Fries, Sr., and Anna Maria Fries.
Maria Catharina, daughter of Conrath Erb and Julianna his wife, born November 26, 1776, and baptized May 4, 1777. Witnesses: Catharina, Jacob Kir______.
Jacob, son of Henry Schnaufer and Anna Maria his wife, born December 11, 1770, and baptized May 8, 1777. Witnesses: Jacob Stahlshmidt and wife Sara.
Johann Jacob, son of Hon. Jacob Noss and wife Maria, born April 6, 1777, and baptized May 25, 1777. Witnesses: Johann Jacob Engel and Anna Winterstein.
Johann Adam, son of Johannes Krisse and Maris, born April 21, 1777, and baptized May 25, 1777. Witnesses: Johann Adam Shnider and Elisabetha, wife of Johannes Henrich.
Catharina, daughter of Balshasar Dittman and Magdalena his wife, born April 14, 1777, and baptized May 25, 1777. Witnesses: Johannes Stutt and Catharina Shafer.
Anna Subila, daughter of Philip Fors and Anna Subilla, born June 7, 1776, and baptized May 25, 1777.
Jacob, son of Jacob Butz and Maria his wife, born January 26, 1777, and baptized June 15, 1777.
Johannes, son of _____ Kirshofer. Elisabetha, daughter of Johannes Engel and Anna Maria his wife, born May 26, 1777, and baptized June 15, 1777. Witnesses: Martinus Fries and Elisabeth Bolles.
Maria Barbara, daughter of Wilhelm Noss and Maria Dorothea his wife, born March 29, 1777, and baptized June 15, 1777. Witnesses: Maria Barbara Raub.
Elisabeth, daughter of Wilhelm Engel and Johannetta his wife, born ____, 1777, and baptized June 15, 1777. Witnesses: Peter Cortelyou and Elisabetha Engel.
Johann Philip, son of Wilhelm Kuhl and Elisabeth his wife, born May 16, 1777, and baptized July 6, 1777. Witnesses: Philip Shneider and Gertrautha his wife.
Wilhelm, son of Henrich Dols and Catharina his wife, born June 12, 1777, and baptized July 27, 1777.
Johann Jacob, son of Philip Hostman and Anna Elisabetha his wife, born May 3, 1777, and baptized July 27, 1777. Witnesses: Johann Jacob Engel and Anna Sophia Fries.
Anna Elisabetha, daughter of Johan Peter Zimmerman and Margaretha his wife, born July 6, 1777, and baptized July 27, 1777. Witnesses: Jacobus Winterstein and Anna Elisabetha Zimmerman.
Catharina, daughter of Philip Winterstein and Rahel his wife, born June 4, 1777, and baptized July 27, 1777.
Margaretha, daughter of Abraham Shwitzer and Christina his wife born July 26, 1777, and baptized August 21, 1777. Witnesses: Johannes Loydi and Margaretha his wife.
Jacob, son of Muharl Banghart and Margaretha his wife, born July 21, 1777, and baptized September 7, 1777. Witnesses: Jacob Engel and wife.
Margaretha, daughter of William Kuhl, Sr., and Maria his wife born September 25, 1777, and baptized October 19, 1777. Witnesses: Father and mother.
Ester, daughter of Lowrens Lamberson and Christina his wife, born September 11, 1777, and baptized October 19, 1777. Witnesses: Johannes Henrich Fries and wife.
Anna Margaretha, daughter of Johanes Shneider and Maria Elisabetha, born November 23, 1777, and baptized December 21, 1777. Witnesses: Adam Shneider and Gertrautha, wife of Philip Shneider.
Christian, son of Henrich Dirl and Eva Christina, born September, 1777, and baptized November 30, 1777. Witnesses: Henrich Hostman and wife Gertrautha.
Henrich, son of Abraham Shmidt and Elisabeth, his wife, born ____, 1777, and baptized December 23, 1777, Witnesses: Andreas Raub and Catharina Distro, widow.
Mathias, son of Johann Mathias Buchner and Elisabetha, his wife, born September 13, 1777, and baptized June 11, 1778. Witnesses: Johannes Fries and Johannetta, wife of Martinus Fries.
Conrath, son of Jacob Distro and Catharina, born December 25, 1777 and baptized February 22, 1778. Witnesses: Conrath Shafer and wife Scharlotha.
Ludwig, son of Jacob Stahlshmidt and Sara his wife, born December 23, 1777, and baptized February 22, 1778.
Sophia, daughter of Frederich Shuster and wife, Elisabeth, born December 18, 1777, and baptized February 22, 1778.
Elisbetha, daughter of Philip Droller and Maria Catharina, born January 4, 1778, and baptized February 22, 1778.
Johannes, son of Johannes Hatsh and Maria Catharina his wife born Mar. 1, 1778, and baptized April 5. Witnesses: Johannes Stutt and wife Maria Magdalena.
Andoni, son of Johannes Dittman and wife Catharina, born March 27, 1778, and baptized April 26. Witnesses: Anna Maria Dittman and ____.
Johannes Wilhelm, son of Johannes Henrich and wife Elizabeth, born March 28, 1778, and baptized April 26. Witnesses: Johannes Crisi and wife Maria.
Johann Henrich, son of Adam Shneider and wife Anna Elisabetha, born March 12, 1778, and baptized April 2. Witnesses: Henrich Shnaufer and Barbara Raub.
Philip, son of Johann Jost Girshbach and wife Anna Elisabeth, born March 13, 1778, and baptized April 20. Witnesses: Philip Shneider, Jr.. and Sara Raubin.
Margaretha, daughter of Johannes Fries and wife Catharina, born March 1, 1778, and baptized April 26. Witnesses: Johannes Shneider and Cecilia Raubin.
Anna Margaretha, daughter of Conrath Lambroson and wife Maria, born January 1, 1778, and baptized April 26. Witness: Margaretha Loydiin.
Jacobus, son of Lucas Brass and wife Anna, born April 13, 1778, and baptized May 17. Witnesses: Jacobus Winterstein and wife Anna.
Anna Maria, daughter of Philip Bollesfeld and Margaretha his wife. born April 7, 1778, and baptized May 17. Witnesses: Adam Fries and Anna Maria, wife of Jacob Winterstein.
Georg Washindon, son of Georg Rubel and wife Rahel, born May 18, 1778, and baptized June 28.
Joseph, son of Georg Putrobach and Elisabetha his wife, born August 19, 1778, and baptized August 30. Witnesses: John Jost Gersbach and ]ohanetta, wife of Martinus Fries.
Johann Philip, son of Jeremius Harris and wife Anna Gertrauta, born May 12, 1778, and baptized August 30. Witnesses: Johann Philip Hostman and Margaretha, wife of Peter Bolles.
Anna Margaretha, daughter of Johannes Shaefer and wife Anna Margaretha, born July 23, 1778, and baptized August 30.
Johannes, son of Petro Shmidt and wife Maria, born August 12, 1778, and baptized September 20, Witnesses: Jacob Winterstein and wife Maria.
Abraham, son of Thomas Stadhaus and Catharina, born August 18, 1778, and baptized September 20. Witnesses: Abraham Schwitzer and wife Christina.
Samuel, son of Andreas Nou and wife Ester, born May 3,1777, and baptized September 20, 1778. Witnesses: Lorrentz Lambrotson and wife Christina.
Maria, daughter of Johannes Fries and wife Catharina, born October 20, 1778, and baptized November 21. Witnesses: Michael Fries, Anna Maria Noissin, and Maria Kuhlin.
Philip, son of Jacobus Winterstein and wife Maria, born October 26, 1778, and baptized November 22.
Elisabetha, daughter of Carll Grissman and Sibilla Distro, born Nov. 9, 1778, baptized January 24, 1779.
Magdalena, daughter of Philip Schultz and wife Barbara, born October 31, 1778, and baptized March 7, 1779.
Margaretha, daughter of Johann Arndt Krebs and wife Elisabetha, born November 18, 1778, and baptized March 7, 1779.
Anonius, son of Peter Belles and Catharina, born Mar. 12, 1779, baptized April 9.
Maria, daughter of Wilhelm Kuhl, Jr., and wife Elisa Margaretha, born February, 1779, and baptized March 28. Witnesses: Johannes Stutte and wife Maria Magdalena.
Johann Philip, son of Philip Hostman and wife Anna Elisabeth, born June 1, 1779, and baptized July 20. Witnesses: Adam Fries and Catharina Friesin.
Heinrich, son of Marinus Hoyrs, Jr., and wife Johanna, born August 9, 1779, and baptized October. Witnesses: Heinrich Winterstein and Barbara Raubin.
Johannes, son of Lorrentz Lambrotson and wife Christina, born September 16, 1779, and ____ .
Rahel, daughter of Heinrich Dols and Catharina his wife, born October 24, 1779, and baptized November 19. Witnesses: Philip Hostman and Rahel his wife.
Christina, daughter of Jacob Distro and wife Catharina, born October 4, 1779, and baptized December 6. Witnesses: Heinrich Dril and wife Christina.
Catharina, daughter of Johannes Jacob Moon and wife Elisabetha Catharina.
Heinrich, son of Wilhelm Shaefer and wife Catharina, born December 19, 1779, and baptized February 6, 1780.
Anna, daughter of Philip Droller and Maria Catharina, born December 5, 1779, and baptized February 6, 1780.
Magdalena, daughter of Frederick Shaefer and wife Elisabetha, born November 23, 1779, and baptized February 6, 1780. Witnesses: Conrath Woolenweaver and Magdatena, wife of Johannes Stutte.
Deborah, daughter of Philip Bollesfeld and wife Margaretha, born January 8, 1780, and baptized February 6.
Jacobus, son Peter Zimmerman and wife Margaretha, born January 25, 1780, and baptized March 19. Witnesses: Jacobus Winterstein, Sr., and Johannetta, wife of Martinus Fries.
Anna, daughter of Wilhelm Rubel and Maria, born January 3, 1780 and baptized April 9.
Anamaria, daughter of Johannes Kriese and Maria, born February 28, 1780, and baptized May 21, 1780. Witnesses: Wilhelm Fries and wife.
Anamarie, daughter of Johannes Henrich and Elisabetha, born January 29, 1780, and baptized May 21, 1780. Witnesses: Johannes Henrich, Sr., and wife.
Catharina, daughter of Heinrich Zimmerman and wife Catarina, born May 7, 1780, and baptized May 21, 1780. Witnesses: Adam Shneider and Philib Shneider's wife.
Elisabetha, daughter of Benjamin Shwirge and wife, born 1780, and baptized May 21, 1780. Witnesses: Wife of Nicolaus Fries and Barbara, wife of George Buterbach.
Johannes, son of Johannes Fries and Catharina, born May 22, 1780, and baptized June I I. Witnesses: Johannes Engel and Elisabetha, wife of Philip Hostman.
Johannes Herbert, son of Johann Jost Girshbach and Anna Elisabetha, born May 2, 1780, and baptized July 2. Witness: Johann Herbert Henrich.
Johannes, son of Nathan Bahl and Catharina, born March 27, 1780, and baptized July 2. Witness: Anna Sabina Manin.
Jacob, son of Abraham Shwitzer and Christina, born June 22, 1780, and baptized Juty 23. Witnesses: Jacob Winterstein and wife Maria.
Chris, son of Jeremius Harris and Anna, born July 2, and baptized July 23, 1780. Witnesses: Wilhelm Kuhl and wife Elisabeth.
Anna, daughter of Nicolaus Winterstein and Elisabetha, born July 11, 1780, and baptized September 3. Witness: Anna Winterstein, the grandmother.
Frona Christina, daughter of Wilhelm Kuhl and wife Maria, born July 9, 1780, and baptized September 3.
Petrus, son of Michael Baenghart and Margaretha, born October 13 and baptized November 5, 1780. Witnesses: Peter Lostolor and Elisabetha, wife of Philip Hostman.
Maria, daughter of Johannes Shafer and Lehna, born July 22 and baptized November 5, 1780.
Anna Elisabetha, daughter of Wilhelm Kuhl and Elisabetha, born October 26, 1780, and baptized November 28. Witnesses: Andreas Dirhl and Annath Kuhlin.
Sophia, daughter of Lucas Brass and Annath, born October 18, 1780, and baptized November 27. Witnesses: Martinus Fries, Sr., and Sophia, widow of Johannes Fries.
Johannes, son of Georg Putrobach and Elias Barbara, born November 3, 1780, and baptized November 27, 1780. Witnesses: Johannes Dirhl and Anna Maria, wife of Wilhelm Fries.
Elisabetha, daughter of Balshasar Dittman and Magdalena, born November 16, 1780, and baptized January 21, 1781.
Johann Philip, son of Johannes Shneider and Maria Elisabetha, born December 23, 1780, and baptized February 18, 1781. Witnesses: Johann Philip Shneider and Annath Kuhlin.
Christina, daughter of Morris Miriathro and Margaretha, born December 8, 1780, and baptized February 18, 1781. Witnesses: Johannes Shnaufer and Christina Friesin.
Joseph, son of Adam Shnider and Anna Elisabetha, born December 24, 1780, and baptized March 30, 1781. Witnesses: Philip Shnider, Jr., and Margaretha Dirlin.
Sara, Daughter of Georg Rubel and Rahel, born February 26, 1781, and baptized April 22.
Angon, daughter of Henrich Winterstein and Spirono, born April 12, and baptized May 20, 1781. Witness: Anna Winterstein.
Elisabetha, daughter of Peter Shmidt and Maria, born March 30 and baptized May, 1781. Witnesses: Philip Bolles and wife Margaretha.
Margaretha, daughter of Conrath Bud and Sophia, born November 9, 1780, and baptized May 20, 1781. Witnesses: Conrath Woolenweaver and Margaretha, wife of Peter Zimmerman.
Jacob, son of Georg Dittman and Maria Magdalena, born April 4. and baptized May 20, 1781. Witnesscs: Jacob Albrecht and Maria Magdalena Dittmanin.
Anna Gertrautha, daughter of Henrich Sutt and Elisabetha, born April 14, 1781, and baptized June 17. Witnesses: Martinus Fries and wife Anna Gertrautha.
Elisabetha, daughter of Joseph Peter Barnhardt Shafer and wife Elisabetha, born February 12, 1781, and baptized June 17. Witness: Elisabeth Raubin.
Johannes, son of Johannes Hamerstel and wife Maria, born July 16, 1781, and baptized September. Witnesses: Johannes Fries, Jr., and Elisabetha Engelin.
Jannetge, daughter Joab Hatsh and Cathrina, born April 21 and baptized September 9, 1781. Witnesses: Martinus Fries, Jr., and wife Jannetge .
Susanna, daughter Henrich Dols and wife Catharina, born July 18, 1781, and baptized September 9.
Johannes, son of Johannes Dittman and wife Catharina, born September 4, 1781, and baptized October 7.
Johannes, son of Jacob Schwitzer and Abigail, born September 13, 1781, and baptized October 7. Witnesses: Johannes Loydi and wife Margaretha
Wilhelm, son of Conrath Linneberger and wife Maria, born September 17, 1781 and baptized December I. Witnesses: Wilhelm Kuhl, Sr., and Maria his wife, and grandparents.
Susanna, daughter of Philip Bollesfeld and Margaretha, born September 14, 1781, and baptized December 1.
Henrich, son of Philip Hostman and Elisabetha, born October 24, 1781, and baptized December 2. Witnesses: Henrich Dols and Anna Maria Pordhostin.
Joseph, son of Wilhelm Borns and Magdalena, born Octobcr 9 and baptized November 2, 1781.
Anna Maria, daughter of Peter Bollesfeld and Elisabetha Catharina, born September 26 and baptized December 2, 1781.
Mosis, son of Michael Distro and Maria Catharina his wife, baptized December 2, 1781.
Jacob and Maria, son and daughter of Jacob Winterstein and wife Maria, born October 24, 1781, and baptized April 14, 1782. Witnesses: Sharlotta Rauber and Lucas Brost and Anna his wife.
Jacob Christian, son of Nicolaus Winterstein and Elisabetha, born December 30, 1781, and baptized April 14, 1782. Witnesses: Anna Winterstein.
Marthinus, son of Johann Jost Girsbach and Anna Elisabetha, born January 1, 1782 and baptized April 14 Witnesses: Martinus Fries, Sr., and Margaretha Loydi.
Johann Mathrist, son of Peter Zimmerman and Margaretha, born April 1, 1782, and baptized April 14, 1782. Witnesses: Henrich Zimmerman and Anna Sophia Bodin.
Andreas, son of Henrich Shumacher and Barbara his wife, born February 4, 1782, and baptized April 14 Witnesses: Andreas Raub and Anna Friesin.
Marthinus, son of Johannes Fries, Jr., and Catharina his wife, born February 8, 1782, and baptized April 14 Witnesses: Marthinus Fries, Jr., and Christina Fries.
Nirlgon, daughter of Jacob Von Drobelt and
Sophia his wife, born March 20, 1781, and baptized April 14, 1782. Witnesses: Henrich Stutt and wife Elisabetha.
Maria, daughter of Marthinus Fries and Jannetge his wife, born March 9, 1782, and baptized April 24 Witnesses: Philip Schneider and Maria Winterstein.
Zacharias, son of Jacob Distro and Catharina, born March 25, 1782, and baptized April 14.
Elias, son of Johannes Muchbach ant Sibilla his wife, born April 7, 1782, and baptized April ___. Witness: Eliss Distro.
Casper, son of Johannes Hennrich and Elisabetha his wife, born April 30, 1782, and baptized August 15, 1782. Witnesses: Casper Linneberger and wife.
Maria, daughter of Hennrich Zimmerman and wife Catharina, born August 5 and baptized August 15, 1782. Witnesses: Conrath Bud andCatharina Schnyderin. The mother of the witnesses stood in place of them because they were not yet confirmed.
Abraham, son of Abraham Schmidt and Elisabetha, born October 10, 1781, and baptized September 19, 1782. Witnesses: Philip Schnyder and Cecilia Raubin, both single.
Aron, born July 1, 1782, son of Adam Michael Dieder and Maria, baptized September 19, 1782. Witnesses: Parents.
Jacob, born August 27, 1782, son of Jacob Stahlschmidt and Maria Sara, baptized September 19, 1782. Witnesses: Jacob Dieder and wife Catharina.
Peter, son of Johanna Adam Schneyder and Anna Elisabetha, born October 13, 1782 and baptized April 10, 1783. Witnesses: Peter Fries and Maria Schneyderin, both single.
Johannes, son of Hennrich Lunenberger and Anna Catharina, born March 7, 1783, and baptized April 10, 1783. Witnesses: Johann Nicolaus Linnenberger and wife Lowisa Margaretha.
Anna, daughter of Jost Hennrich and Maria, born August 10, 1782, and baptized April 10, 1783. Witnesses: Caspar Linnenberger and wife Anna.
Wilhelm, son of Henrich Winterstein and wife Philibing, born March 26, 1783, and baptized April 27. Witnesses: Hon. Johann Wilhelm Weber (Prodyou).
Johannes, son of George Rubel and Rahel, born April 11, 1783, and baptized April 27. Witnesses: Johannes Stutt and his wife Magdalena.
Andreas, son of Michael Raub and wife Anna, born March 29, 1783, and baptized April 27. Witnesses: Andreas Raub and his wife Scharlotta.
Elisabetha. daughter of Lucos Brost and Anna, born January 5, 1783, and baptized April 27. Witnesses: Peter Zimmerman and Elisabetha, wife of Nicolaus Winterstein.
Margaretha Scharlotta, daughter of Wilhelm Kuhl and his wife Maria, born February 28, 1783, and baptized April 27.
Elisabetha, daughter of Johannes Haetch and Maria, born January 30, 1783, and baptized April 27. Witnesses: Henrich Stutt and Elisabetha his wife.
Bruthe, daughter of Johannes Hamerswole and Maria, born 1783 and baptized 27 April. Witness: Margaretha, wife of Johannes Loydi.
Abraham, son of Jacob Shwitzer and Abigail, born March 3, 1783, and baptized April 27. Witnesses: Abraham Shwitzer and Christina his wife.
Philip Ludwig, son of Abraham Shwitzer and Christina, born September 3, 1782, and baptized December 21. Witnesses: Philip Ludwig Dittman and Elisabeth Girsbachin.
Elisabetha, daughter of Johannes Dorn and Catharina, born March 26, 1783, and baptized May 15, 1783. Witnesses: Johannes Sutt and wife Maria.
Margaretha, daughter of Conrad Linenberger and Maria, born July 8,1783, and baptized August 5 1783. Witnesses : Parents.
Johann Wilhelm, son of ____ Herres and Anna Margaretha, born June 2, 1783, and baptized August 5, 1783. Witnesses: Johann Wilhelm Fries and Anna Maria.
Rahel, daughter of Jonathan Hamelton and Susanna, baptized August 5, 1783. Witnesses: Wilhelm Dilz and wife Rahel.
Johannes, son of Wilhelm Kuhl and Elisabetha Margaretha, born August 15, 1783, and baptized September 23, 1783. Witnesses: Johannes Schneyder and wife Maria Schneyder.
Johannes, son of Henrich Dilz and Catharina, born July 20, 1783. Witnesses: Johannes Schneyder and Anna Herres.
Catharina, daughter of Jeremias Herres and Anna, born August 31, 1783. Witnesses: Henrich Dilz and wife Catharina.
Elisabetha, daughter of Johannes Georg Zimmerman and Maria Gertrude, born July 24, 1783, and baptized September 1, 1783. Witnesses: Nicolaus Haub and wife Elisabetha.
Maria daughter of Johannes Schneyder and Maria, born July 20, 1783, and baptized September 2, 1783. Witnesses: Peter Fries and Maria Schneyder, both single.
Wilhelm, son of Phillip Driller and Maria Catharina, born August 17, 1783, and baptized September 2, 1783. Witnesses: Johannes Wilhelm, Jr., and Maria Magdalena Studt.
Benjamin, son of Johannes Grisi and Maria, baptized September 2, 1783. Witnesses: Maria Schwisin.
Anna Barbara, old; daughter of Henrich Schneyder baptized September 2, 1783. Witnesses: Philip Schneyder and wife Anna Gertrude.
Anna Elisabetha, born February 15, 1784, daughter of Jost Kirschbach and Elisabetha, baptized April 29, 1784. Witnesses: Parents.
J. Jacob, son of Hennrich Schumacher and wife Maria Barbara, born March 16, 1784, and baptized June 4, 1784. Witnesses: Jacob Schumacher and Cecilia Raubin, both single.
Anna Elisabetha, daughter of Johannes Fries and Catharina, born August 10, 1783. Witnesses: Andreas Diel and Elisabetha Engel.
Catharina Charlotte, daughter of Johannes Moschbach and Sabylla, born March 7, 1784, and baptized June 4, 1784. Witnesses: Andreas Raub and wife Charlotta Margaretha.
Elizabetha, daughter of Johannes Adam Rungel and Anna Maria, born May 16, 1784, and baptized June 4, 1784. Witnesses: Adam Rungel and wife Maria Elizabetha.
Johann Henrich, son of Cornelius Gerresen and Anna Maria, born April 26, 1784, and baptized June 4, 1784. Witnesses: Johann Hennrich Schnauffer and wife Anna Maria.
Petrus, son of Johannes Dittmann and Catharina, born September 8, 1783, and baptized June 4, 1784 Witnesses: Peter Fries and Elisabetha Raub, both single.
Elisabetha, daughter of Fred Schaffer and Elisabetha, born September 10, 1783, and baptized June 4, 1784. Witnesses: Parents.
Catharina, daughter of Wilhelm Schaffer and Catharina, born January 26, 1784, and baptized June 4, 1784. Witnesses: Parents.
Johannes, son of Philipp Schneyder and Magdalena, born May 14, 1784, and baptized June 4, 1784 Witnesses: Nicolaus Linneberger and Ann Elisabetha Schneyder.
Cecilia, daughter of Jacob Dieter and Catharina, born June 15, 1784, and baptized July 28, 1784. Witnesses: Andreas Diel and Cecilia Raub, both single.
Anna Margaretha, daughter of Adam Schneyder and Anna Elisabetha, born July 26, 1784, and baptized September 14, 1784. Witnesses: Hennrich Schneyder and Maria Magdalena Schneyderin.
Anna Elisabetha, daughter of Hennrich Zimmerman and Catharina, born July 9, 1784, and baptized August IO, 1784. Witnesses: Adam Schneyder and Elisabetha Catharina, both single.
Johanna, daughter of Johannes Hennrich and Elisabetha, born August 19, 1784, and baptized August 22, 1784 Witnesses: Johann Jost Linneberger and Johanna Rabens.
Daniel, son of Huzes Rei and wife Jemima, born August 4, 1784, and baptized January 19, 1785. Witnesses: John Jost Kirschbach and Anna Elisabetha his wife.
Maria, daughter of Michael Raub and Anna, born January 24, 1785, and baptized May 18, 1785. Witnesses: Wilhelm Kuhl and wife Maria.
Georg, son of Jost Hennrich and Maria, born March 5 and baptized May 18, 1785. Witnesses: Johannes Hennrich and Maria Stutt.
Catharina, daughter of Daniel Muller and Maria, born April 22, 1785, and baptized May 18, 1785. Witnesses: Jacob Dieter and wife Catharina
Maria Charlotta, daughter of Conrad Schehrer and Charlotta, born September 15, 1784, and baptized May 18, 1785. Witnesses: Daniel Muller and Charlotta Raub. She is single.
Johann Philipp, son of Jonathan Konig and Christina, born May 20, 1785, and baptized June 14, 1785. Witnesses: John Philipp Mann and wife Magdalena
Abraham, son of Abraham Schweizer and Christina, born July 3, 1784, and baptized June 14, 1785. Witnesses: Parents.
Anna Margaretha, daughter of Johannes Dorn and Catharina, born February 12, 1785, and baptized June 14 Witnesses: Peter Fries and Anna Margaretha Diel, both single.
Matthias, son of Conrad Bosz and Anna Sophia, born May 1, 1785, and baptized June 14 Witnesses: Matthias Zimmerman and Catharina Zimmerman.
Matthias, son of Jacob Drehsz and Anna Maria, born May 10, 1785, and baptized June 14 Witnesses: Matthias Zimmerman and Maria Kirchhoff.
Catharina, daughter of John Hanewell and Maria, born October 23, 1784, and baptized June 14 1785. Witnesses: Johannes Friese and wife Catharina.
Johannes, son of Johannes Schneyder and Maria Elisabetha, born June 7, 1785, and baptized June 14, 1785. Witnesses: Johannes Friese, Sr., and Anna Elisabetha Schneyder.
Martinus, son of Jesse Herres and Anna Margaretha, born July 11, 1785, and baptized July 20, 1785. Witnesses: Martinus Friese and Anna Gertruda Schneyderin.
Joseph, son of John Hats and Maria Catharina, born August 24, 1785, and baptized July 20, 1785. Witnesses: Joseph Kirschbach and wife Elisabetha.
Knowlton, Warren County, N J., Records of the First German and English Congregation
(Continued from page 192, Volume 111, 1918)
Johannetta, daughter of Peter Zimmerman and Margaretha, born July 1l, 1785, and baptized August 23. Witnesses: Hennrich Hoffman and Johannetta Friese.
Peter, son of Martin Friese and Johanneta, born July 4, 1785, and baptized August 23. Witnesses: Peter Friese and Anna Gertruda Schneyderin.
Margaretha, daughter of Jacob Schweizer and Abigail, born February 14, 1785. and baptized August 23. Witnesses: Johannes Leidi and Margaretha.
Sara, daughter of Adam Dilz and Christina, born August 25, 1785, and baptized September 8, 1785. Witnesses: Parents.
Rahel, daughter of Georg Riebel and Rahel born July I 3, 1785, and baptized September 8, 1785. Witnesses: Henrich Dilz and Maria Catherina Dilzin.
Maria, daughter of Hennrich Dilz and Cathrina, born September 9, l785, and baptized October 1, 1785. Witnesses: Parents.
Johannes, son of Conrad Linneberger and Maria, born June 3, 1785, and baptized June 14, 1785. Witnesses: Parents.
Georg, son of Bernhard Stammersfeld and Catharina, born August 15, 1785, and baptized October 1, 1785. Witnesses: Parents, Caspar Linneberger and Anna Sassemann.
Johannes, son of Johannes Hoffman and Sarah, born March 16, 1786, and baptized April 24, 1786. Witnesses: Daniel Muller and wife Maria.
Maria Elizabetha, daughter of Henrich Shumacher and Maria Barbara, born March 13, 1780, and baptized April 24, 1780. Witnesses: John Georg Butz and Maria Elisabetha Raubie, both single.
Henrich, son of Jacob Winterstein and Maria, born June 7, 1786, and baptized July 27, 1786 Witnesses: Anna Winterstein, grandmother, and ____ .
Philippus, son of Phillipp Triller and Maria Catherina, born June 8, 1786, and baptized Jub 27, 1786. Witnesses: Parents
Paulus Willhelm, son of Willhelm Kuhl and Elisa Margaretha born August 5, 1786, and baptized September 19. Witnesses: Wilhelm Kuhl and Margaretha Belles.
Johann Phillip, son of Henrich Shneider and Sharlotta, born August 24, 1786, and baptized September 19. Witnesses: Adam Shneider and Gertrauta Shneider, grandmother.
Adam, son of Matheus Zimmerman and Maria, born December 21, 1786, and baptized January 30. Witnesses: Adam Shneyder and wife Gertrauda.
Adam, son of Johannes Buch and Anna Gertraute, born December 25, 1786, and baptized January 30, 1787. Witnesses: Conrad Buch and wife Catharina Zimmerman.
Johannes, son of Christian Hintz and Gertrauta, born October 17, 1786, and baptized January 30. Witnesses: Johannes and wife Cathrina.
Eva, daughter of Johannes Henrich and Elisabeth, born November 16, 1786, and baptized January 30, 1787. Witnesses: Jacob Henrich and wife, Eva.
Elisabetha, daughter of Abraham Swisher and wife, Christina, born November 28, 1786, and baptized March 18, 1787. Witnesses: Nicolas Winterstein and wife, Elisabetha.
William, son of Peter Smith and Maria, born February 4, 1787, and baptized April 15. Witnesses: William Kuhl and wife.
Sophia, daughter of William Shafer and Catharina, born August 16, 1786, and baptized April 15. Witnesses: Parents.
Elisabetha, daughter of Wilhelm Mohr and Catharina, born November 25, 1786, and baptized April 15, 1787. Witnesses: Johann Jost Girsbach and wife, Anna Catharina.
Anna, daughter of Conrad Buch and wife, Anna, born December 16, 1786, and baptized April 15, 1787. Witnesses: Parents.
Maria, daughter of Jost Leneberg and wife Jean, born October 17, 1786, and baptized April 15, 1787. Witnesses: Philipp Shneider and Maria Leneberger.
Johannes, son of Elias Diester and Catharina, born January 5, 1787, and baptized April 15, 1787. Witnesses: John Diets and wife, Catharina.
Andreas, son of Conrath Sherrer and wife, Charlotha, born December 6, 1786, and baptized May 20, 1787.
Elizabetha, daughter of Joab Hatsh and Catharina, born April 12, 1787, and baptized May 20. Witnesses: Anna Gertrautha Streszi.
Jonathan, son of Georg Man and wife, Anna, born January 9, 1787, and baptized May 20. Witnesses: Jonathan Konig and wife, Christina.
Anna Christina, daughter of Jonathan Konig and Anna, born April 3, 1787, and baptized May 20. Witnesses: Johannes Shnaufer and wife, Anna Sabina.
Anna Elisabetha, daughter of Johannes Kirshbach and Elisabeth, born August 1, 1787, and baptized October 23, 1787. Witnesses: Caspar Lehneberger and Anna Elisabetha Kirshbach.
Maria, daughter of Conrad Lehneberger and Marie, born October 19, 1787, and baptized October 23.
Rahel, daughter of Philipus Winterstein and Rahel, born October 22, and baptized October 23. Witnesses: Peter Zimmerman and wife, Johanna.
David, son of Johann Hannes and Anna, born May 30, baptized October 23. Witnesses: David Hasaman (or Sasaman) and wife, Anna.
Jacob, son of Adam Dills and Christina, born September 8, 1787, and baptized November 24 Witnesses: Parents.
Maria, daughter of Jacob Swisher and Abigail, born May 6, 1787, and baptized November 24 Witnesses: Peter and Margaretha Dessam.
Willhelm, son of Anton Lenz and Anna Maria, born 1787, September 16, and baptized October 5. Witnesses: Caspar Lehneberg and Anna.
Catharina, daughkr of Jonathan Konig and Anna Christina, born August 19 and baptized September 21; Witnesses: Peter Ho ____ and Catharina Barbara.
Jacob, son of Dennis Fries and Jannetge, born January 6, 1788, and baptized April 14 Witnesses: Jacob Winterstein and Margaretha Zimmerman.
Ludwig, son of Johannos Diehl and Catharina, born December 2, 1787, and baptized April 14, 1788. Witnesses: Andreas Diehl and wife, Elisabetha.
Margaretha, daughter of Henrich Shneyder and Scharlotta, born December 14, 1787, and baptized April 14, 1788. Witnesses: Peter Shneyder and Margaretha Loyd.
Samuel, son of George Ruebd and Rahel, born December 24, 1787, and baptized April 14, 1788. Witnesses: Parents.
Abraham, son of Fridrich Schaeffer and Elisabeth, born March 8, 1788, and baptized May I. Witnesses: Parents.
Wilhelm Kuhl, son of Adam Dietz and Sarah, born March 20 and baptized May 1, 1788. Wittnesses: Wilhelm Kuhl and Maria.
Johanes Jacob, son of Johanes Fresh and Catharina, born April 10. Witnesses: Jacob Raub and Elisabeth Schneider.
Andreas, son of Philip Pellis and Margaretha, born April 5, 1788. Witnesses: Adreas Raub and wife, Lotte.
Philipus, son of Wilhelm Engel and Anna, born Jannary 26, 1788. Witnesses: Philip Pellis and Margaretha his wife.
Johannes, son of Peter Pellis and wife, Elisabeth Catharina, born January 22, 1788, and baptized June 26, 1788. Witnesses: Parents.
Jacobus, son of J. Ulruch Moshbach and Sibilia, born July, 1788, and baptized October 5. Witnesses: Michael Dieter and Maria.
Johan Philip, son of Matheus Zimmerman and Maria Magdalena, born August 28, and baptized October 5. Witnesses: J. Henrich Zimmerman and Catharina.
John Peter, son of Johann Peter Zimmerman and Margaretha, born September 7 and baptized October 5. Witnesses: Parents and Maria Kirchhof.
Philip, son of Philip Schneider and Maria Magdalena, born September 23 and baptized October 5. Witnesses: Caspar Lehneberg and Anna.
Wilhelmus, son of Andreas Dihl and Elisabetha, born September 16, 1788, and baptized October 12. Witnesses: Willhelm Kuhl and Margaretha Dihl.
Anna Gertraud, daughter of Benjamin Shwisi and Maria Elisabeth, born March 11 and baptized October 26. Witnesses: Willhelm Shneider and Anna Fris.
Peter, son of Wilhelm Steinbach and Maria, born June 15 and baptized November 22. Witnesses: Parents.
Maria Catharina, daughter of Daniel Kummons and Christina, born November 16 and baptized December 9. Witnesses: Joes Fris and Catharina Fris.
Johann Henrich, son of Johann Michael Fris and Anna Maria, born October and baptized January 1, 1789. Witnesses: Henrich Shumacher and Maria Lehneberg.
Jacob, son of Joes Shneider and Elisabeth, born January 25, and baptized February 22. Witnesses: Parents.
Jacob, son of Peter Shmidt and Anna Magdalena, born February 1 and baptized March 1, Witnesses: Jacob Winterstein and Maria.
Anna Gertrude, daughter of Johannes Ebitt and Anna, born Dec. 13, 1788, and baptized March 1, 1789. Witnesses: Ludovicus Fihter and Susanna.
Andrew, son of Peter Fris and Cecilia, born December 15 and baptized April 26. Witnesses: Andreas Raus and Elisabeth Fris.
Jos. Ludovicus, son of Ludovicus Chitera and Anna Maria, born February 10 and baptized May 17. Witnesses: Jos. Gunbol and wife, Margaretha.
David, son of Adam Fries and Elisabetha, born February 25 and baptized June 11. Witnesses: Willhelm Kuhl and Sharlotta Shneider.
Catharina, daughter of Johannes Henrich and Elisabetha, born February 15, 1789, and baptized June I. Witnesses: Henrich Lineberger and wife, Catherina.
Johannes Henrich, son of Ludwig Fisterin and Sussanna, born April 28, 1789, and baptized June 11, 1789. Witnesses: Henrich Jostman and Christina Fisterin.
Maria Catharina, daughter of Philip Triller and Maria Catherina, born December 17, 1788, and baptized June 9. Witnesses: Parents.
Johan Wilhelm, son of Wilhelm Mohr and Catharina, born November 15, 1788, and baptized August 2, 1789. Witnesses: Johannes Henrich and Elisabeth his wife.
Henrich, son of Johannes Shafer and Magdalena, born July 28 and baptized August 30. Witnesses: Parents.
Johannes, son of Abraham Schneider and Christina, born April 30, 1789, and baptized September 2. Witnesses: Parents.
Adam, son of Corndius Henlick and Marion, born May 4, 1780, and baptized September 2. Witnesses: Adam Diets and Sarah.
Catherina, daughter of Jacob Schweitzer and Abigail, born May 19, 1789, and baptized September 2. Witnesses: Isaac Leydi and Anna Fries.
Elisabetha, daughter of Justus Lewis and Maria, born July 27, 1789, and baptized September 2. Witnesses: Caspar Leneberger and Elisabeth Henry.
Nelly, daughter of Willhelm Shafer and Catharina, born March 22, 1789, and baptized September 6. Witnesses: Parents.
Maria Barbara, daughter of Philipp Mann and Marie Salome, born June 21, 1789, and baptized September 20. Witnesses: Andria Raus and Maria Barbara Paulson.
Catharina, daughter of Jost Kirshbach and Margaretha, born September 15, 1789, and baptized October 21. Witnesses Parents.
Anne Maria, daughter of Phillip Kremer and Sarah, born September 16, 1789, and baptized October 21. Witnesses: Parents.
Sara, daughter of Jacob Drachs and Maria, born June 20, 1789, and baptized October 21. Witnesses: Parents.
Johann Georg, son of John Georg Zimmerman and Maria, born October 2, 1789, and baptized October 21. Witnesses: Jacob Drachs and Maria.
Jacob, son of Wilhelm Kuhl, Jr., and Elizabetha, born October 6 and Baptized November 1, 1789. Witnesses: Jacob Winterstein and Maria.
Anna Christina, daughter of Jos. Diehl and Catharina, born October 8 and baptized November 25. Witnesses: Pautus Kuhl and Margaretha Diehl.
Johannes, son of Peter Shneider and Margaretha, born October 11, 1789, and baptized November 15. Witnesses: Johannes Leydi and Margaretha.
Maria, daughter of Josephus Orr and Elisabeth, born January 11, 1789, and baptized November 15. Witnesses: Father and Anna Maria Kirchoff.
Johannes, son of Samuel Templeton and Anna Maria, born September 13, 1789, and baptized November 26, 1789. Witnesses: Johann Willhelm Young, grandparent, and Anna Maria Young.
Catharina, daughter of Johannes Fris and Catharina, born January 6 and baptized February 28. Witnesses: Johann Zipperle and Catharina his wife.
Anna Gertraud, daughter of Paulus Hofman and Anna, born January 17, 1790, and baptized February 28. Witnesses: Mathaeus Zimmerman and Maria.
Anna Elisabeth, daughter of Johannes Mengal and Anna Elisabeta, born March 1, 1790, and baptized May 11, 1790. Witnesses: Wilhelm Shneyder and Lisibet Fris.
James, son of Jesse Harris and Margaretha, born March 11, 1790, and baptized May 26, 1790. Witnesses: Parents.
Johann Wilhelm, son of Johann Hannaweil and Maria, born November 9, 1789, and baptized June 6. Witnesses: Johann Willhelm and Anna MariaEngol.
Nelly, daughter of John Hodge and Maria, born May 23, 1790, and baptized June 29, 1790. Witnesses: Heinrich William Fries and Anna Bellas.
Rachel, daughter of Adam Dils and Christina, born November 6, 1789, and baptized June 29, 1790. Witnesses: Parents.
Willhelm, son of Martinus Fris and Johanna, born May 16, 1790, and baptized July 4 Witnesses: Willhelm Shneider and Elisabetha Fris.
Mathaeus, son of Mathaeus and Maria Magdalena, born July 4, 1790, and baptized August 15. Witnesses: Peter Zimmerman and Elisabetha Shneiderin.
Anna, daughter of Conrad Lehneberger and Maria, born June 15, 1790, and baptized August 29. Witnesses: Parents.
Maria, daughter of Johannes Kirshbach and Anna Elisabeth, born August 17, 1790, and baptized September 26. Witnesses: Hendich Fris and Maria Kirshbach.
Catharina, daughter of Christian Leffler and Margareth, born July 6, 1790, and baptized October 24 Witnesses: Johann Fris and wife, Catharina.
Abraham, son of Henrich Shneider and Charlotta, born October 7, 1790, and baptized November 9. Witnesses: Parents.
Margaretha, daughter of Adam Diets and Sarah, born June 20, 1790, and baptized November 12, 1790. Witness: Catharine Kuhl.
William Mingle, son of John Mingle, baptized November 12, 1790.
Jacob, son of Anton Lenz and Maria, born September 23, 1790, and baptized November 9. Witnesses: Parents.
Anna Elizabetha, daughter of Philipp Shneider and Maria, born October 9, 1790, and baptized November 9. Witnesses: Adam Shneider and the old Philipp Shneider's son and Elisabeth Lehnebergerin.
Anna Elisabetha, daughter of Phillip Schneyder and Lehn, born October 9, 1790, and baptized November 9, 1791. Witnesses: Adam Schneyder and old Phillip's son-in-law and Elisabeth Lehneberg.
Johannes, son of Andreas Reis and Catharina, born December 26, 1790, and baptized January 8, 1791. Witnesses: Parents.
Johan Friderich, son of Christian Stehle and Elisabetha, born December 4, 1790, and baptized January 8, 1791. Witnesses: Parents.
Andreas, son of Christian Henz and Gertraud, born September 9, 1790, and baptized January 8, 1791. Witnesses: Parents.
Johan Friderich, son of Jacob Mohr and Elisabeth, born December 4, 1790, and baptized January 8, 1791. Witnesses: Parents.
Johan Willhelm, son of Jastus Lus and Maria, born December 4 and baptized January 13, 1791. Witnesses: Hennrich and Anna Lahneberg.
Elisabeth, daughter of Nicolous Winterstein and Elisabeth, born January 12, 1791, and baptized February 27. Witnesses: Parents.
Peter, son of Joab Hatsh and Catharina, born June 2, and baptized April 10. Witnesses: Gertraud Fris and ____.
Peter, son of Jacob Weis and Charlotta, born April 10 and baptized April 24. Witnesses: Peter Fris and Susanna Raub
Sarah, daughter of Friderick Shafer and Elisabeth, born November 28 and baptized May 8. Witnesses: Parents.
Sara, daughter of Willhelm Shafer and Catharina, born December 24 and baptized May 8. Witnesses: Parents.
Joseph, son of William Moor and Catharina, born August 11, 1790, and baptized June 2, 1791. Witnesses: Joseph Kirshbach and Elisabetha.
Elisabetha, daughter of Hennrich Winterstein and Experience born April 7, 1791, and baptized June 2, 1791. Witnesses: Parents.
Phillippus, son of Peter Zimmerman and Margaretha, born April 27, 1791, and baptized June 2, 1791. Witnesses: Peter and Anna Maria and Johann Teise.
Catharina, daughter of Daniel Gibbs and Anna, born June 30, 1790, and baptized June 2, 1791. Witnesses: Parents.
Anna, daughter of Johannes Shaefer and Anna, born April 15 and baptized June 13. Witnesses: Parents.
Anna Christina, daughter of Gus Garkennthal and Anna, born April 5 and baptized June 13. Witnesses: Caspar Lehneberg and Anna.
Sara, daughter of Philipp Triller and Maria Catharine, born December 5, 1790, and baptized July 3.
Abraham, son of Willhelm Kuhl and Elisabeth, born July 5 and baptized August 12. Witness: Charlotta Kausin.
Jos. Philipp, son of Peter Shnider and Margaretha, born July 19 and baptized August 12, 1791. Witnesses: Jos. Philipp Shnider and Gertraud Shnider.
Johannes, son of Paulus Laydi and Gertraud, born July 25 and baptized August 12, 1791. Witnesses: Parents.
Sara, daughter of Johann Hennrich and Elisabeth, born July 28 and baptized October 9, 1792. Witnesses: Parents.
Elias, son of Elias Dieter and Catharina, born July 1, 1792, and baptized October 9. Witnesses: Jacob Gunbol and Catharina Stahlshmid.
Peter Stahlshmid, son of Jacob Stahlsmid and Maria, born September 2 and baptized October 29. Witnesses: Peter Shnider and Margaretha.
Rahel Shwife, dau. of Benjamin Shwife and Maria Elisabeth, born August 11, 1792, and baptized October 30, 1792. Witnesses: Johannes Fris, Jr. and Elisabetha.
Wilihelm Laydi, son of Isaac Laydi and Anna Gertraud, born October 19, 1792, and baptized December 11. Witnesses: Wilhelm Fris, Jr., and Elisabeth Shnider.
Catharina Swinzer, dau. of Abraham Swinzer and Christina, born September 9, 1791, and baptized March 4, 1792. Witnesses: Nicolaus Finnrs and Catharina.
Susanna Frise, daughter of Johannes Fris, Jr., and Catharina, born December 5, 1791, and baptizcd January 1, 1792. Witnesses: Paulus Kuhl and Susanna Raus.
Eva Lehneberg, daughter of Caspar Lehneberg and Anna, born October 25, 1791, and baptized December 10, 1792. Witnesses: Christian Lehneberg and Anna Eva Hendrick.
Catharina Buk, daughter of Conrad Buk and Anna Sophia, born August 28, 1791, and baptized March 25, 1792.
Anna Elisabetha Kirsbach, daughter of Jost Kirsbach and Margaretha, born February 10, 1792, and baptized April 8, 1792. Witnesses: Willhelm Kuhl and Anna Elisabetha Kirsbach.
Michael Raus, son of Michael Raus and Arma, born February 12 1792, and baptized April 8, 1792. Witnesses: Parents.
Anna Maria Frise, daughter of Michael Frise and Barbara, born December 8, 1791, and baptized April 8, 1792. Witnesses: Andreas Krouse and Anna Maria St_____.
Margaretha Krouse, daughter of David Krouse and Christina, born 1792 and baptized April 8, 1792. Witnesses: Henrich Krouse and Margaretha.
Johannes Sisterle, son of Johannes Sisterle and Catharina, born January 12, 1792, and baptized March 28, 1792. Witnesses: Parents.
Samuel Debois Froehlich, son of Willhelm Froehlich and Margaretha, born September 19, 1789, and baptized March 28, 1792. Witnesses: Willhelm Froehlich and Anna, grandparents.
Margaretha Akerman, daughter of Rudolff Ackerman and Elisabeth, born February 1, 1787, and baptized March 28, 1792. Witnesses: Parents.
Elisabetha Akerman, daughter of Rudolff Akerman and Elisabeth, born beginning of January, 1784, and baptized March 28, 1792. Witnesses: Parents.
Willhelm Balldan, son of Wilhelm Balldan and Catharina, born January 8, 1792, and baptized March 28, 1792. Witness: Willhelm Froehlich.
Anna Margaretha Bellis, daughter of Adam Bellis and Elisabetha, born January 2, 1792, and baptized April 29, 179Z. Witnesses: Parents.
Joseph, son of Johannes Kirsbach and Elisabeth, born February 6, 1792, and baptized May 20, 1792. Witness: Catharina Shafer.
Henrich Mohr, son of Willhelm Mohr and Catharina, born April 15, 1792, and baptizcd April 20, 1792. Witnesses: Henrich Zimmerman and Catharina.
Isaac Sneider, son of Johannes Sneider and Elizabeth, born July 15, 1792, and baptized September 23, 1792. Witnesses: Parents.
Anna Mengel, daughter of Johannes Mengel and Anna Elisabeth, born August 2, 1792, and baptized September 23, 1792.
Gertraud, daughter of Mathous Zimmerman and Maria, born July 19, 1792, and baptized September 23, 1792. Witnesses: Jos. Georg Buch and Anna Sneider.
Heinrich, son of Heinrich Schneiter and Scharlata, born September 13, 1792, and baptized November 20, 1792. Witness: Elizabeth Schneiter.
Elisabetha, daughter of Peter Zimmerman and Margaretta, born May 10, 1793, and baptized July 12, 1793. Witnesses: Mathias Zimmerman and Elisabetha Schneider.
Johannes Peter, son of Christian Heinrich and Anna Gertraut, born May 22, 1793, and baptized July 12, 1793. Witnesses: Catharina, wife of Johannes Fries, and Peter Engel.
Maria, daughter of Andreas Diehl and Elisabetha, born July 25, 1793, and baptized August 24, 1793. Witnesses: Parents.
Michael, son of Michael Dieter and Maria, born July 2, 1793, and baptized August 21, 1793. Witnesses: Parents.
Abraham, son of Peter Fries and Ceclia, born March 7, 1793, and baptized August 1, 1793. Witnesses: Jacob Young and wife Elisabeth Schneider.
Maria, daughter of Philipp Schneider and Maria, born October 13, 1793. Witnesses: Christ. Linenberger and Maria Schneider.
Elisabeth, daughter of Johannes Diehl and Catharina, born July 20, 1793, and baptized August 25, 1793. Witnesses: Heinrich Diehl and Elisabeth Foris.
Petrus, son of Anton Lentz and Maria, born March 24, 1793, and baptized August 25, 1793. Witnesses: Parents.
Eva, daughter of Harbert Heinrich and Elisabeth, born December 8, 1790, and baptized August 25, 1793. Witnesses: Parents.
George, son of Harbert Heinrich and Elisabeth, born July 29, 1793, and baptized August 25, 1793. Witnesses: Parents.
Jacob, son of Conrad Heinrich and Margaretha, born May 17, 1791, and baptized August 25, 1793. Witnesses: Johannes Heinrich and Sarah Henry.
Margaretha, daughter of Benjamin Garrison and Catharina, born July 25, 1793, and baptized August 25, 1793. Witnesses: Caspar Lineberger and Margaretha Lineberger.
Benjamin Garrison, born August 25, 1793.
Abraham, son of Elias Dieter and Catharina, born September 19, 1793, and baptized November 6, 1793. Witnesses: Parents.
Wilhelm, son of Christ. Kuhl and Nelly, born January 23, 1793, and baptized November 6, 1793. Witnesses: William Kuhl and wife, Else.
Isaac, son of William Kuhl and wife, Elsa, Margaretha, born January 4, 1794, and baptized February, 1794.
Maria Catharina, daughter of Johannes Fries and Catharina, born December 18, 1793, and baptized February 2, 1794.
Philippina, daughter of Paul Hoffman and Anna, born December 27, 1793, and baptized February 2, 1794. Witnesses: Grandmother and Gertraut Hoffman.
Anna Christina, daughter of Abraham Swisher and Anna Christina, born November 14, 1793, and baptized February 2, 1794. Witnesses: Parents.
Margaretha, daughter of Isaac ____ and Anna, born November 18, 1793, and baptized February 2, 1794. Witnesses: Parents.
Conrad, son of Conrad Heinrich and Margaretha, born September 3, 1793, and baptized August 3, 1794 Witnesses: Harbert Heinrich and Elisabeth.
Anna, daughter of Johannes Heinrich and Elisabeth, born May 14, 1794, and baptized August 3, 1794 Witnesses: Parents.
Elisabeth, daughter of Michael Raup and Anna, born February 18, 1794, and baptized August 3, 1794 Witnesses: Parents.
Philip, son of Peter Belles and Janetze, born July 12, 1794, and baptized August 3, 1794 Witnesses: Will. Kuhl and Margaretha Belles.
Barnabas, son of William Sweezey and Catharine, born April 13, 1794, and baptized August 3, 1794 Witnesses: Parents:
Maria, daughter of William Moore and Catharine, born January Ê3, 1794, and baptized August 3, 1794 Witnesses: Mathias Zimmerman and wife, Mary.
Elisabeth, daughter of William Ervine and Catharine, born January 1, 1794, and baptized August 3, 1794 Witnesses: Parents.
Martinus, son of Marttinus Fries and Janetze, born April 14, 1794, and baptized August 3, 1794. Witnesses: Parents.
Maria, daughter of Henry Wintersteen and Experience, born April 11, 1794, and baptized August 3, 1794. Witnesses: Parents.
Elisabeth, daughter of Matheus Zimmerman and Maria, born March 25, 1794, and baptized August 3, 1794. Witnesses: Heinrich Schneider and Elisabeth Fries.
Elisabeth, daughter of Conrad Lineburger and Maria, born December 30, 1794, and baptized March 22, 1795. Witnesses: Parents.
Andreas, son of Paul Kuhl and Susana, born January 20, 1795, and baptized March 22, 1799. Witnesses: Parents.
Margaretha, daughter of Luer Gerckendole and Anna, born December 6, 1793, and baptized April 19, 1795. Witness: Conrad Lineburger.
Johannes, son of Philip Triller and Maria Catarina, born November 6, 1794, and baptized October 11, 1795. Witnesses: Parents.
Cristina, daughter of William More and Catrina, born September 15, 1795, and baptized October 11, 1795. Witnesses: George and CristinaHenry.
Isaac, son of Peter Freis and Cecilia, born August 6, 1795, and baptized October 11, 1795. Witnesses: William Teel and Margareth Raub.
Catarinna, daughter of Johannes Dam and Sarah, born September 6, 1795, and baptized October 11, 1795. Witnesses: John Henry and his wife, Elizabeth.
Mary, daughter of Abraham Kirchoff and Anna, born August 26, 1795, and baptized October 11, 1795. Witness: Mary Zimmerman.
Catharina, daughter of George Brauber and Catharina, born January 19, 1795, and baptized November 1, 1795. Witnesses: John Diltz and wife, Catarina.
Cristina, daughter of Fred Goder and Elizabeth, born March 21, 1795, and baptized November 1, 1795. Witnesses: George Henry and wife, Christina.
John, son of Fred Loder and Elizabeth, born December 17, 1791, and baptized November 1, 1795. Witnesses: William Fries and wife, Elisabeth.
Isaac, son of Geobarthes Flammerfeld and Catarina, born Sept. 15, 1795, and baptized October 11, 1795.
Cattarina, daughter of Nicholas Winterstein and Elisabcth, born November 4, 1795, and baptized January 3, 1796.
Maria, daughter of Isaac Leidy and Anna, born December 18, 1795, and baptized January 3, 1796. Witnesses: Parents.
Frederick, son of William Crammer and Mary, born August 1, 1795, and baptized January 3, 1796. Witnesses: Abraham Swisher and wife, Christina.
William, son of William Sweezy and Catharina, born January 12, 1796, and baptized February 14, 1796. Witnesses: William Kuhl and wife, Mary.
Anna Maria, daughter of Johannes Fune and Elisabeth, born November 1, 1794, and baptized March 27, 1796. Witnesses: Parents.
Johannes, son of Heinrich Shneider, born September 12, 1796, and baptized March 27, 1790. Witnesses: Parents.
Johann Heinrich, son of Jacob Drake and Maria, born December 25, 1795, and baptized March 27, 1796. Witneses: Heinrich Zimmerman and Gertraut Sneiderin.
Jacob, son of Andrew Raup and Sussana, born March 9, 1796, and baptized April 16, 1796. Witnesses: Jacob Raub and wife.
Anna, daughter of Adam Diltz and Christina, born February 8, 1795, and baptized June 19, 1796. Witnesses: Parents.
Joseph, son of Matheias Zimmerman and Mary, born May 22 and baptized July 10, 1796. Witnesses: Parents.
Sarah, daughter of Abraham Swizer and Christina, born May 11 and baptized July 10, 1796. Witnesses: Parents.
Mary, daughter of George Henry and Rena, born May 11 and baptized July 10, 1796. Witnesses: Simon Coder and wife, Mary.
Elisabeth, daughter of William Fries and Elisabeth, born May 18 and baptized July 10, 1796. Witnesses: John Henry and wife, Elisabeth.
Maria, daughter of John Leneberger and Anna Maria, born March 1, 1796, and baptized September 11. Witness: Johann Wilhelm, Jr.
Henrich, son of Eli Deater and Catrina, born January 9, 1796, and baptized July. Witnesses: Parents.
William, son of Adam Kuhl and Abigail, born August 7, 1796, and baptized October 2. Witnesses: William Kuhl and wife, Mary.
Jacob, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Thiel, born August 11 and baptized October 2. Witnesses: Parents.
1796 to 1810.
George, son of Sam. Cranmer and Christina, born December 7, 1797, and baptized April 22, 1798. Witnesses: Parents.
Catharina, daughter of William Moore and Catharina, born March 26, 1798, and baptized April 22. Witnesses: Michael Raupe and Anna, his wife.
Jacob, son of Peter Fries and Cecilia, born March 31, 1798, and baptized April 22. Witnesses: John Fries and Mary Fries.
Jenny Belles, daughter of Paul Angel and Catharine, born February 21, 1798, and baptized June 24. Witnesses: Peter Belles and wife, Jenny.
Joseph, son of Philip Triller and Catharine, born November 12, 1797, and baptized June 24, 1798. Witnesses: Parents.
Anna Maria, daughter of Wilhelm Fries and Elisabeth, born May 23, 1798, and baptized June 24. Witness: Anna Maria Fries.
Mannin, child of Abraham Dennis and Sussanna, born July 7, 1796 and baptized September 16, 1798. Witnesses: Parents.
Catharine, born November 7, 1797, and baptized September 16, 1798. Witnesses: Parents.
Isaac, son of Abraham Swisher and Christina, born August 2, 1798, and baptized September 16, 1798. Witnesses: Parents.
John, son of Isaac Leyde and Anna, born August 17 and baptized September 16, 1798. Witnesses: John Leyde and Mary Fries.
Jane, daughter of Nicholus Winterstein and Elisabetha, born August 7 and baptized September 16, 1798. Witnesses: Parents.
Margareth Weaver, daughter of Joseph Orr and Elisabeth, born June 22 and baptized September 16, 1798.
Andrew, son of William Rivel and Barbara, born July 3, 1798, and baptized September 16, 1798. Witnesses: Parents.
William Fries and Catharina had a child Philip, born June 11, 1801, baptized ____ . Witnesses: Parents.
John, son of Daniel Steel and Anna, born June 30, 1801, and baptized _____.
Adam, son of Conrad Lineberg and Maria, born September 3, 1796, and baptized October 2. Witnesses: Parents.
John, son of Richard Allerson and Magdalena, born September 2 and baptized October 2. Witnesses: John Stud and wife Elisabeth.
Nelly, daughter of Esai McCardy and Polly Dilz, born January 20, 1793, and baptized April 10, 1797. Witnesses: Adam Dilz and wife, Christina.
Joanna Johnson, daughter of Joseph Orr and Elisabeth, born November 26, 1796. Witnesses: Parents.
Rachel, daughter of George Snover and Catherina, born November 1l, 1796, and baptized May 27. Witnesses: Frederich Linebach and wife, Rachel.
Margaret Albert, daughter of Jacob Angel and Elisabeth, born April 7, 1797, and baptized May 27. Witnesses: William Kuhl and Margaret Belles.
Anna, daughter of Miecl Raub and Anna, born February 12, 1797, and baptized March 19, 1797. Witnesses: Parents.
Anna Diana, daughter of Andrew Consylya and Elisabeth R ____, born September 27, 1791.
Rachil, daughter of ____ , born June 12, 1792. Witnesses: Elius Teter and wife, Caterrinah.
Andrew, son of Andrew Consylya and wife, Elisabeth, born March 14, 1796. Witnesses: Andrew Raub and wife, Susannah.
William, son of Joshua Wedge and Anna, born April 10. Witnesses: Andrew Rope and wife, Susana.
Margaret, born October 26, 1795. Witnesses: Elis Deater and wife, Catherine.
Anna, born September 12, 1790. Witnesses: Michael Rope and wife, Anna.
Lydia, daughter of Barnhard O____ and Elisabeth, born March 20, 1797, and baptized May 28. Witnesses: Johannes ____ and wife.
Elisabeth, daughter of Bernhard Mooney and Mary, born March 7, 1795, and baptized June Il, 1797. Witnesses: Parents.
Mary, daughter of Tobias Abiathar Poyers and Elisabeth, born August 30, 1795, and baptized June 1l. Witnesses: Parents.
William, son of John Kirkhof and wife, baptized June 11th.
Sarah, daughter of William Thiel and Anna Elisabeth, born April 6, 1797, and baptized June 11th. Witnesses: Parents.
Charity, daughter of Peter Sneider and Margaret, born May 13, 1797, and baptized June 11. Witnesses: Parents.
Andrew, son of Jacob Raup and Catharine, born June 29, 1797, and baptized July 23. Witness: Andrew Raup, Sr.
Lydia, daughter of John Thiel and Catharine, born June 27, 1797. Witnesses: Parents.
John, son of Cristopher Kuhl and Nelly, born June 29, 1797. Witnesses: Parents.
William, son of John Kirkhof and Olive, born October 6, 1790. Witnesses: Parents.
Peter, son of James Angel and Anna, born April 24, 1796, and baptized September 24. Witness: Margaret Belles.
Andrew, son of Adam Belles, born August 22, 1797, and baptized September 24. Witnesses: Parents.
Child of Conrad Sherer and Sharlot, born January IO, 1766, and baptized September 24. Witnesses: Parents.
Margareth, daughter of Peter Belles and Jane, born September 25, and baptized November 5, 1797. Witnesses: John Leyde and MargaretBelles.
Jacob, son of Johannes Henrich and Elisabeth, born October 1, 1797. Witnesses: Parents.
Maria, daughter of Paul Kuhl and Susana, born October 12, 1797. Witnesses: Parents.
Hannah Christina, daughter of William Crammer and Mary, born January 11, 1798. Witnesses: Abraham Swisher and wife, Hannah Christina.
Susana, daughter of Philip Crammer and Sarah, born May 27, 1798. Witnesses: Parents.
John, son of Joseph Donfield and Elisabeth, born October 30, 1797, and baptized August 26. Witnesses: Parents.
Elisabeth, daughter of George Snover and Catherine, born June 31, 1798. Witnesses: Parents.
Margareth, Waldorf, daughter of Frederich Kinney and Margaret, born December 10, 1797. Witnesses: Parents.
Isaac, son of John Hodge and wife, born April 1, 1797. Witnesses: Parents.
Rachel, daughter of Samuel Dilts and Elisabeth, born November 26, 1796. Witnesses: Parents.
Anthony, son of ____ Lantz and Maria, born July 16, 1798. Witnesses: Andrew Rope and wife, Susana.
John, son of Jacob Angel and Elisabeth, born June 29, 1798. Witnesses: Parents.
Catharine, daughter of Elias Dieter and Catharina, born April 18, 1798. Witnesses: Parents.
Mary, daughter of William Sweazy and Catharine, born July 3, 1797, and baptized September 26. Witnesses: Parents.
James and Rachel, children of William Fries and Catharine, born July 4, 1797, and baptized September 26. Witnesses: Peter Fries and wife, Cecilia.
Wilhelm Henrich Weltz, son of Jacob Weltz and Alchey, born May 14, 1793. Witnesses: Henry Zimmerman and wife, Catrina.
Samuel, son of Abiatha Poiers and Elisabeth, born September 15, 1797. Witnesses: Parents.
David, son of David Hern and Christina, born September 19, 1797. Witnesses: Parents.
Sarah, daughter of Jacob Linnberger and Elisabeth, born August 23, 1797. Witnesses: Friederich ____ and Sarah Curliss.
John, son of Jacob Raup and Catharina, born January 8,1799. Witnesses: Parents.
John, son of Henry Thiel and Sarah, born April, 1799, and baptized May 12. Witnesses: Parents.
Mary Angel, daugbter of John Hodge and Elisabeth, born October, 1798, and baptized May 12. Witnesses: Parents.
Thomas, son of John Kirkof and Olive, born November 4, 1798, and baptized May 12. Witnesses : Parents.
Samuel, son of Barnhard Mooney and Polly, born February 28, 1799, and baptized May 12. Witnesses: Parents.
John, son of William Angel and Anna, born January 23, 1799, and baptized May 12. Witnesses: Parents.
Margareth, daughter of William Thiel and Anna, born December 30, 1798. Witnesses: Parents.
Mary, daughter of William Furgeson and Elisabeth, born October 10, 1798. Witnesses: Parents.
Sarah, daughter of Robert Craig and Anna, born March 29, 1799. Witnesses: Parents.
James Stinson, son of Samuel Dils and Elisabeth, born November 23, 1798.
John, son of Jacob Applegate and Mary, born April 20, 1799. Witnesses: Parents.
William, son of William Fries and Catharina, born August 22, 1799. Witnesses: William Kuhl and Elsey.
James Amazia, son of Peter Fox and Mercy, born October 20, 1797. Witness: Mother.
Richard, son of Michael Dennis and Elisabetha, born February 19, 1790. Witnesses: Nicholas Dennis and ____.
Jacob, son of Michael Rop and Anna, born December 11, 1799. Witnesses: Parents.
Susana, daughter of George Snover and Catharina, born November 16, 1799. Witnesses: Parents.
Abraham, son of William Crammer and Mary, born December 10, 1799, and baptized June 29, 1800. Witnesses: Abraham Swisher and wife.
Philip, son of Adam Belles and Elisabeth, born June 12, 1800, and baptized June 29, 1800.
Thomas Bulman, son of Jacob Philips and Elisabeth, born June 13, 1797, and baptized June 29, 1800. Witness: Mary Bensthota.
Allena, child of Paul Angel and Catharin, born June 17, 1800, and baptized June 29, 1800. Witness: Allena Benschota.
John, son of Philip Triller and Mary Catharina, born May 19, 1800, and baptized June 29, 1800.
Samuel, son of John Kyckendal and Anna, born January 5, 1800, and baptized June 29, 1800. Witnesses: Parents.
Mary, daughter of Jacob Hetzel and Phanny, born February 12, 1800. Witnesses: Parents.
Anna Leyde, daughter of Peter Belles and Jane, born October 26, 1799. Witnesses: Parents.
Charlota Marcreta, daughter of Peter Fries and Cecilia, born March 23, 1800. Witnesses: Parents.
Caspar, son of Anthony Lineberg and Gracy, born September 27, 1799. Witnesses: Parents.
Charles Gordon, son of John Lebar and Elisabeth, born April 21, 1800.
Anna Leyde, daughter of William Fries and Elisabeth, born February 10, 1800.
Phoebe, daughter of William Sweezy and Catharine, born November 12, 1799.
Margaretha, daughter of Paul Kuhl and Susana, born October 23, 1799.
Anthony Johnson, son of Jonson Orr and Elizabeth, born March, 20, 1800.
Peter, son of Hereme Peter Snider and Margaret, born December, 6, 1795, and baptized March 22
Elisabeth Fries, daughter of Isaac Leidy and Anna, born December 23, 1800, and baptized June 21, 1801. Witnesses: Parents.
Elisabeth, daughter of Andrew Diel and Elisabeth, born January 22, 1801, and baptized June 21, 1801. Witnesses: Parents.
Ebenezer, son of Jacob Abelgate and Mary, born January 9, 1801, and baptized June 21, 1801. Witnesses: Parents.
John Mathews, son of James Lamberts and Elisabeth, born August 14, 1800, and baptized June 21, 1801. Witnesses: David Kern and Christina his wife.
John, son of Borny Morey and Mary, born December 17, 1800, and baptized June 21, 1801. Witnesses: William Tiel and ____.
Philip, son of Jacob Raub and Catharine, born April 19, 1801, and baptized June 21, 1801. Witness: Andrew Raub.
Samuel, son of Henry Kern and Susanna, born November 26, 1801, and baptized January 2, 1802. Witnesses: Parents.
Peter, son of John Schrenck and Hanna born November 26, 1801, and baptized January 2, 1802. Witnesses: Henry Zimmerman and wife, Catharine.
Michael, son of Adam Diedrick and Margareth, born November 10, 1801, and baptized January 2, 1802. Witnesses: Parents.
Sarah, daughter of Michael Raup and Anna, born December 20, 1801. Witnesses: Parents.
Joseph, son of Peter Bellas and Jannetche, born March 24, 1802. Witnesses: Parcnts.
Jacob, son of Paul Kuhl and Susanna, born March 20, 1802. Witnesses: Parents.
Elisabetha, daughter of William Teel and Anna, born August 10, 1802, and baptized September 6, 1802. Witnesses: Parents
Andrew, son of George Puddebach and Eve, born September 29, 1801, and baptized September 16, 1802. Witnesses: Andrew Teel and wife, Elisabetha.
Phanny, daughter of William Fries and Elisabeth, born December, 26, 1801, and baptized September 16, 1802 Witnesses: Parents.
Garret, son of John Benscoter and Gracia, born July 7, 1802, and baptized September 16, 1802. Witnesses: Parents.
Peggy Connelly, daughter of Derrick Allerson and Helena, born June 14, 1802. Witnesses: Parents. Baptized September 16, 1802.
John, son of Adam Bellas and Elisabetha, born April 25, 1802, and baptized October 7, 1802.
Pheba, daughter of Abramm Schwisher and Christina, born February 28, 1802, and baptized October 7, 1802.
Catharina, daughter of John Diel and Catharina, born October 11, 1802.
Else, daughter of Elam Allerson and Elisabetha, born July 12, 1802, and baptized October 7, 1802. Witness: Else Kuhl.
Jenny, daughter of John Guikendale and Anna, born October 6, 1801, and baptized October 7, 1802.
Maria, daughter of Philip Kuhl and Joanna, born August 11, 1802 and baptized October 7, 1802.
Elisabetha, daughter of Anton Linneberger and Grace, born November 19, 1801.
Elisabetha, daughter of William Kramer and Maria, born April 15, 1802, and baptized October 7, 1802.
Henry Haines, son of Peter Fox and Mary, born February 13, 1802, and baptized October 7, 1802. Witness: John Fox.
Sarah, daughter of George Mann and Anna, born January 16, 1801, and baptized October 7, 1802.
Jacob Philip, son of George Mann and Anna, born March 19, 1802, and baptized October 7, 1802.
Rachel, daughter of Christopher Kuhl and Nelly, born April 22, 1803, and baptized June 23, 1803.
Ruthy, daughter of George Snover and Catharina, born March 6, 1803, and baptized June 23, 1803.
Elisabetha, daughter of John Fox and Margaretha, born December, 15, 1802, and baptized June 23, 1803. Witness: Elisabetha Fox, the grandmother.
Rachel, daughter of Nicolas Brown and Mary, born September 16, 1802, and baptized June 23, 1803.
William, son of Joseph Garner and Sarah, born September 11, 1802, and baptized June 23, 1803.
William, son of Peter Kuhl and Jerushia, born December 7, 1802, and baptized June 23, 1803.
Maria, daughter of Adam Kuhl and Abby, born February 5, 1803, and baptized June 23, 1803.
Joseph, son of William Kirshbach and Maria, born March 23, 1803, and baptized June 23, 1803.
John Kuhl, son of William Sweezy and Catharine, born October, 1802, and baptized June 23, 1803.
Susanna Charlotta, daughter of Andrew Rope and Susanna, born January 20, 1803, and baptized June 23, 1803.
John, son of William Fries and Catharina, born December 7, 1802, and baptized June 23, 1803.
Maria Magdalena, daughter of James Lambert and Elisabetha, born October 28, 1802, and baptized June 23, 1803.
Martin, son of John Fries and Mary, born December 12, 1803, and baptized January 17, 1804.
Henry William, son of Daniel Steel and Anna, born June 4, 1803, and baptized January 17, 1804.
Elisabeth, daughter of Jacob Rope and Catharina, born August 12, 1803, and baptized January 17, 1804
Jenny, daughter of William Fris and Elisabetha, born December 8, 1803, and baptized February 28, 1804
Johann Henry, son of Henry Freeman and Anna Maria, born December 27, 1803, and baptized February 26, 1804. Witness: Johann Hendich Zimmermann and wife, Maria.
Margaretha, daughter of John Swick and Margaretha, born September 20, 1801, and baptized February 26, 1804.
Philip, son of Henry Harter and Mary, born December 23, 1803, and baptized February 26, 1804.
Jesse Nolls, son of John Dills and Ruthy, born November 11, 1802, and baptized April 10, 1804. Witnesses: John Dills and Catharina.
Noney Beard, child of George Linneberg and Noney, born November 2, 1802, and baptized April 10, 1804.
Margaretha, daughter of Philip Johnson and Anna, born March 13, 1804, and baptized April 9, 1804.
Joseph Leonard, son of Henry Kern and Sussanna, born April 24, 1804, and baptized May 21, 1804.
Joseph, son of George Pudderbach and Eve, born March 5, 1804, and baptized May 21, 1804.
Gertrauta, daughter of Jacob Waase and Maria, born August 16, 1803, and baptized May 21, 1804.
Catharina, daughter of Jacob Waase and Maria, born August 16, 1803, and baptized May 21, 1804
Elisabetha Esther, daughter of Peter Tiets and Esther, born May 6, 1798, and baptized May 21, 1804. Witnesses: William Ruhl, Sr., and wife Maria.
Anna, daughter of Isaac Leydi and Anna, born March 25, 1804 and baptized May 21, 1804.
Rebecca, daughter of Daniel Steel and Anna, born February 16, 1799, and baptized September 6, 1804
Maria Charlotta, daughter of David Kern and Christina, born June 3,1804, and baptized September 6, 1804
Margaretha, daughter of Adam Dietrich and Margaretha, born July 1, 1804, and baptized September 6, 1804
Cathariner, daughter of George Dietman and Mary, born July 4, 1804, and baptized October 7, 1804.
Mary, daughter of Joseph Lacher and Barbara, born November 13, 1803, and baptized October 7, 1804 Witness: Catharine Basson.
Elisabetha, daughter of Thomas S____ and Hannah, born May, 30, 1804, and baptized by Rev. Mr. Finley, October 7, 1804
Samuel, son of William Diehl and Anna, born June 1, 1804
Child of Adam Albertson and Elisabetha, born September 18, 1804
Juliana, daughter of Daniel Comrada and Elisabetha, born September 14, 1803.
Ellener, daughter of Henme John Freess and Mary, born June 23, 1804
Lizevan, child of Hereme Jacob Applegat and Mary, born December 24, 1804.
Maragaret Freas, daughter of Hereme John Ted and Catharin, born Scptember 1, 1805.
Mahala, child of David Bellscoter and Margaretlla Linneberry, born August 22, 1805, and baptized November 25.
Elisabetha, daughter of William Sweezy and Catharina, born October 26, 1805, and baptized November 25.
Margaretha and Emly, daughters of Hereme Jacob Applegate and Mary, born February 7, 1807.
Jane, daughter of Herme John Freass and Mary, born January 24, 1806.
William, son of Hereme John Freass and Mary, born March 23, 1808.
Maryam H. Freass, daughter of Hereme John Freass and Mary, born October 26, 1810.
Henry Snider, born December 4, 1844.
Wife of Henry Snider, born October 3, 1844
Catharine Snider, born 1834.