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From my book "Line of Descent of George Roger Gilbert"
Fuller Genealogy
Onondaga County Library
R 929.2 F951 Volumn 1.
"Edward Fuller, who came to America on the Mayflower in 1620, was one of the Puritans who left England because of religious persecution. In the time of Queen Elizabeth, 1558 to 1603 , the policy was to enforce absolute uniformity in religious belief. The Catholics were persecuted because they could not accept the doctrines of the Anglican Church. The Puritans, because of their persistant attempts to purify the church and dispense with ceremonies which they regarded as ' badges of popery', brought down upon themselves the vengeance of the state. King James I, who succeeded Queen Elizabeth, was also intolerant in religious matters.
In 1607, a band of Puritans attempted to leave England for Holland, but were unsuccessful, as it was believed they were bound for Virginia, emigration there being forbidden by the King unless a Royal License was granted. In 1608 they succeeded in escaping to Amsterdam, and a year later settled in Leyden, where they remained until 1620, when they decided to emigrate to America. About August 1, 1620, they sailed from Delfthaven, Holland, on the "Speedwell", for Southhampton, England, where they joined the Mayflower, and August 15, 1620, the two vessels started on their long voyage across the Atlantic, but the Speedwell proving unseaworthy, returned leaving the Mayflower to proceed on the voyage alone.
It seems quite probable that Edward Fuller never lived in Holland, since Mr. Dexter, after years of exhaustive research there among the records, found no trace of him. (See Dexter's "The England and Holland of the Pilgrims") That Edward remained in England is rendered more probable from the language of the will of Robert, his father, made in 1614 and given here with, leaving Edward tenements and houses, with writings concerning the same, while to Samuel, then in Holland, only money was left. The more reasonable conclusion therefore is, that Edward was among those who joined the Pilgrims upon their arrival at Southhampton."
1. Edward1 Fuller, baptized September 4, 1575, in the parish of Redenhall, county of Norfolk, England, was son of Robert Fuller, butcher.
No trace of him has been found to indicate that he was with the other pilgrims in Holland, and it appears probable that he joined the others on the arrival of the Speedwell in Southhampton, England, where the Mayflower was awaiting them.
His name appears in the following "Compact", which was drawn up in the cabin of the Mayflower just previous to the landing at Cape Cod in November, 1620. ^
The name of the wife of Edward Fuller, though sometimes given as Ann, is really wholly unknown.
Gov. Bradford simply says "Edward Fuller and his wife died soon after they came on shore." Edward died at Plymouth between January 11 and April 10, 1621 and his wife died early in 1621 after January 11th. ÊHis only child was Samuel 2, who came with his father on the Mayflower."
2nd Generation
2. Samuel 2 Fuller (Edward1), born about 1612, at some place in England not yet found, no record of his birth or baptism having been discovered; died October 31 - November 10, 1683 at Barnstable, Mass.; married at Mr. Cudworth's house in Scituate by Captain Miles Standish, magistrate, ' on ye fourthe day of ye weeke; April 8 - 18, 1635, Jane Lothrop, daughter of Rev. John Lothrop of Scituate and after 1639 Barnstable, baptized September 19, 1614 at Edgerly, county of Kent, England; died subsequent to 1658 and before 1683, but the exact date is not found."
(Some information and the will of Samuel Fuller is recorded next but I hope to make a copy in the State Library.)
on page 28 -
Captain Matthew Fuller, Samuel's 2 cousin, appears to have removed from Plymouth at about the same time, and together they bought of Secunke, an Indian, Scorton or Sandy Neck, that is, so much of it as lies within the town of Barnstable.
on page 31 - Children born in Scituate
3. Hannah 3, b.______, married January 1, 1658/9 Nicholas Bonham of Barnstable.
Children: (1) Hannah 4, born October 8, 1659, (2) Mary, born October 4, 1661 married July 15, 1681, Rev. Edmund Dunham, her son Jonathan 5 born August 16, 1694, died March 10, 1777, married August 4, 1714 Jane Ryatt (Pyatt) and had David 6, born 1723, died October 6, 1806, married Rebecca Dunn. Their son Phineas 7, born December 11, 1764, died February 10, 1844, married November 13, 1788, Zeruh Dunham and had Maria 8, born April 28, 1800, died September 2, 1880, married August 9, 1821, Edward Augustus Reynolds. Their daughter Rebecca 9, born May 17, 1824, married November 3, 1842, Archibald Foster Stewart, and their daughter Margaret Foster Steward 10, born August 16, 1845, married September 6, 1870, John Hamilton Derby. Mr. and Mrs. Derby reside at Sandy Hill, New York. Their Children are
I. George Hamilton 11, born July 31, 1875, died October 8, 1875.
II. Archibald Stewart, born November 5, 1876, married June 14, 1900, Mary Franklin Wait, and has: Mary Hamilton 12, born September 1, 1901, Margaret Wait, born August 8, 1906.
III. Anna Louise, born July 29, 1879, married September 24, 1906, Andrew Bartlett O'Hara.
IV. John Hamilton, born February 18, 1886.
The other children of Archibald Foster Stewart are; Edward Reynolds Stewart Secretary of the Colorado Society of Mayflower Descendants; Mary Catharine Stewart, Mary Reynolds Stewart; Archibald Foster Stewart,Jr.; Anna Louisa Stewart; George Ranyon Stewart and Juliet Stewart.
Benajah 5 Dunham, another son of Rev. Edmond and Mary (Bonham) Dunham (for a further account of the Dunham Family see "History of Dunham Family in America" by Professor Isaac Dunham of Hartford, Connecticut) born August 13, 1684, married Septmeber 21, 1704 Dorothy Martin and had one son John 6, born July 8, 1705, who married October 23, 1728, Mercy Drake. John and Mercy also had a son named John, born August 12, 1740 ( and here is another lineal discourse.)
4 .II Samuel 3, baptized February 11, 1637 at Scituate.
5. III Elizabeth3, born_____, married Joseph (?) Taylor.
6. IV Sarah 3, baptized August 1, 1641 by Rev. John Lothrop; died about 1651-54
7. V Mary 3,baptized June 16, 1644 by Rev. John Lothrop; married November 18, 1674, Joseph Williams, son of John Williams of Haverhill, Mass.. Mrs. Mary Williams died 1720 in the neighborhood of Norwich, Connecticut where they settled in 1694.
Children: (1) Sarah 4, born November 7, 1675 (2) Mary, born November 29, 1677, (3) John born February 17, 1680 who settled in Pequatonuck, then in Norwich, now Puston,
Connecticut, died 1741 and left descendants. (4) Hannah, born September 30, 1683, born in Barnstable -
8. VI Thomas 3, born May 18, 1651, died young
9. VII Sarah 3, born December 10, 1654, married ________Crowe
10. VIII John 3,born about 1656
11. IX infant, born February 8, 1658, died 15 days after.
3rd Generation
4. Samuel 3 Fuller (Samuel 2,Edward 1) born February 1637/8 married Anna 2 Fuller (Matthew1).
12. I Barnabas 4, born about 1659, married Elizabeth Young.
13. II Joseph, born about 1661; married Thankful Blossom
14. III Matthew, born about 1663, married Patience Young
15. IV Benjamin, born December 16, 1665, m.___________
16. V Desire, born about 1667, married June 11, 1703, John Taylor
17. VI Sarah, born about 1669.
10. John 3 Fuller (Samuel 2, Edward 1) born about 1656 at Barnstable, died at East Haddam, Connecticut between February 28 and May 20, 1726, married about 1678, Mehitable Rowley.
And from Volume 3:
Captain Matthew Fuller
Matthew1 Fuller, born _____ in England; died in Barnstable, August 1678; married _______ Frances _______; born ________ in England; died _______ in Barnstable.
Matthew Fuller probably born 1603 in Redenhall Parish in Harleston, Norfolk County, England, came to America and settled in Plymouth in 1640.
At this time he was married and a parent. Of his early history, little is known, but he was doubtless acquiring the knowledge of surgery and military affairs which he afterwards put to good use. In April 1642, ten acres of land were granted him in Plymouth, and in the same year he was juryman and propounded freeman of the colony, but was not sworn and admitted until June 7, 1653. In 1643, he was appointed sergeant in the military company of the colony, of which Miles Standish was Captain. About 1650, he removed to Barnstable. In 1653, he represented that town in the Colony Court and was already lieutenant of the milita there. June 20, 1654, he was appointed lieutenant under Captain Standish of the company of fifty men, the quota of Plymouth Colony in the proposed expedition against the Dutch at Manhatten. All preparations had been made, when news of peace arrived and further services became unnecessary. October 2, 1658, he was elected one of the council of war, and in 1671 its chairman and one of the magistrates of the Colony, and in the same year lieutenant of the forces to be sent against the Saconet Indians. December 17, 1673, he was appointed Surgeon - General of the Colony troops and also of those in Massachusetts, if that Colony approved. For these services he was allowed 4 shillings a day. In King Phllip's war he was Captain of the Plymouth forces. In the Quaker controversy, Captain Fuller took a noble stand in favor of religious tolerance. He lived near neighbors to some of the most prominent of the Quakers and was connected by marriage alliances with some who felt the severity of the laws passed against the sect. He went so far as to censure this law in strong terms in public. For this he was fined by the magistrate. Though indiscreet in speech, the court continued to confer offices of trust and honor upon him - a most unusual coarse which shows that his honor and bravery were never doubted. In his public and private life he was a man of sound judgement, of good understanding, faithful in performance of duty, liberal in politics, tolerant in religion. Captain Fuller was also the first regular physician settled in Barnstable, at Scorton Neck. He also possessed large tracts in Falmouth and Middleboro, granted from the eminent services he had rendered the Colony. His will was dated July 25, 1678, and was proved October 30th following. His estate was appraised at 1667,04,06 L(pounds?) a very large amount for those times. Among the items is the following : 'Pearls, Precious stones and diamonds, at a guess, 200 pounds.'
Inventory dated August 22, 1676, L 1667,04,06 Barnstable Probate Records.
2. Mary 2 born about 1625, married April 17, 1650, Ralph Jones, the Quaker, Of Barnstable, Mass.; many descendants, she probably died before 1691 for she is not mentioned in Jones' will of 11th day 3rd month, 1691.
Children: Mehitabel3 born 1651;Matthew; Shubael August 27, 1654 ( no date was given for Matthew and it is my conjecture that they were twins), Jedediah, January 4, 1656; John, August 14, 1659; Mercy, November 14, 1666; Ralph, October 1, 1669; Samuel; Ephram; Mary.
3. Elizabeth 2 ; born ______; married April 22, 1652, Moses Rowley, of Falmouth and East Haddam, Connecticut. She was living in East Haddam in 1714 and earlier. All the Rowley families of Falmouth and East Haddam, Colchester, Chatham, Winchester, Sharon and Kent, Connecticut are descendants.
Children: Mary 3, born March 20, 1653; Moses, November 10, 1654; Shubael, January 11, 1660; Mehitabel, January 11, 1660 (twins); Sarah, September 16, 1662; Aaron, May 1, 1666, John , October 22, 1667; Matthew; Nathan.
4. Samuel, born ____;married Mary _______
5. John, born ______; married (1) Bethiah (2) Hannah Norton
6. Anne, born ______; married Samuel 3 Fuller (Samuel 2 , Edward 1)
(She was then sister-in-law to Hannah Fuller Bonham)
Will of Captain Matthew Fuller
This will is recorded in volumn 34, Page 127 of Plymouth Colony wills and inventories. A verbation copy is found in a volumn in the registry of Probate at Barnstable, from which this is a copy.
" The fifth and twentieth day of July in the yeere of our Lord, one thousand six hundred seventy eight, I Matthew Fuller, of the towne of Barnstable in the Colony of New Plymouth, being sicke of body, but of goode and perfect memory, thanks be unto almighty God and calling to remembrance the uncertain state of this tansitory life and that all flesh must yield unto death, when it shall please God to call, doe make constitute and ordain and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following revoking and annulling by these presence all and every testament and testaments, will and wills heretofore by mee made and declared either by word or writting; and this to be taken onely for my last will and testament, and none other; and I being penitent am sorry from the bottom of my heart for my sins past, most humbly desiring forgiveness for the same.
I give and commit my soyle up to Almighty God my Savior and Redeemer, in whom and by the merets of Jesus Christ I trust and believe assuredly to be saved, and my body to be buried in such place as my executors hereafter named shall appoint, and now for the settling of my temporal estate and such Goods, Chattels and debts as it hath pleased God farr above my desires (deserts?) to bestowe on me. I doe order, give and dispose the same in manner and forme following, that is to say;
First, I will that all those debts and dutyes as I owe in right or Conscience to any manner of person or persons whatsoever shall be well and truly contended or ordained to be payed within convenient time after my decease by my executors hereinafter named. ( in my original copy the ink in my pen ran out in the middle of the word deceased.)
Item, I give and bequeath unto Shubael Jones, my grandchild, the reputed son of Ralph Jones, the angle lott of marsh meadow which I formerly bought of his father Ralph Jones after Frances my wife's decease.
I give and bequeath the one-half of all my lands and meadow I have in the township of Barnstable or elsewhere in America to my well beloved son John Fuller after Frances, my wife's decease.
I give and bequeath the naturall sonnes of my son Samuel fuller, deceased, Thomas Fuller, Jabez Fuller, Matthias Fuller, and Samuel Fuller , the other one - half of all lands and meadows I have in the township of Barnstable or elsewhere in America after my wife's decease.
I give and bequeath to Samuel fuller, the son of Samuel Fuller my eldest son, deceased, my now dwelling house with all the land and meadow belonging to the homestead where I now live, after my wife's decease and if it happen that hee should die without issue that then it shall goe to the rest of them brethren that do survive.
It is my will that if my son John Fuller die without issue that then the lands and meddows I have already given to him, Bethyah, the wife of John Fuller, shall enjoy the full benefitt and use of them to her dieing day, and then goe to the rest of my children begotten of my owne body.
I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Jones the wife of Ralph Jones, 10 pounds in mony.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Ann Fuller, the now wife of Samuel Fuller, 10 pounds in mony
Item. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Rowley the wife of Moses Rowley, 10 pounds in mony.
Item. I give and bequeath unto Sarah Rowley, the daughter of Moses Rowley, all my sheep and by these presents I doe appoint Jedediah Jones to oversee the sheep that they be imployed wholly for the use of said Sarah.
Item. I give and bequeath 10 pounds to Jedediah Jones, the son of Ralph Jones in mony.
Item. I give and bequeath to every one of my male grandchildren one-half a crowne a peece in old English mony.
Item. I give to every one of my severall grandchildren twelve pence a peece in old English mony.
Item. I give Ralph Jones, Samuel Fuller, jr., and Moses Rowley, sr., my sonnes-in-law, five shillings apeece in mony.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my onely beloved son John Fuller 20 pounds in silver mony and to his wife, Bethya, 20 shillings in Gould.
I give to Mary Fuller, the late wife of my son, Samuel Fuller ,deceased, five shillings in mony.
I give and bequeath unto Robert Marshall the scotsman a peece of cloth intended to make mee a suite off.
Item. I give and bequeath to Joseph Taylor two Raysers.
I give and bequeath to Frances my deare and wellbeloved wife who by these presence I doe ordain and declare to be the sole executrix of this my last will and testament, the use and improvement of all my housing, lands and meadows during her naturall life, as alsoe aall my moveables, household stuffe, cattle, horse, kind swine, whatsoever else can be named and disposed of to be att her dispose forever.
In witness whereof I have heer unto sett my hand and seal the day and year above said.
signed and sealed in the presence of
Joseph Laythrope Matthew Fuller
John Haver (seal)
The earliest mention which has been found of Matthew Fuller in New England is in PLYMOUTH COLONY RECORDS, DEEDS, &C,. Vol. 1, 1620-1651, page 64:
"The xxvi th of October 1640. MEMORAND That Mathew Fuller doth acknowlidge that for & in consideration of a cow calfe and two goats to him in hand payde by Andrew Ringe of Plymout hath freely & absolutely bargained & sould unto the said Andrew Ringe all that his garden placd in Plym' aforesaid and the six acres of land therunto belonging lying in the New Felld with the said Matthew lately bought of John Gregory and all the fence in and about the prmiss's with all & singuler the apprtenc & all the tymber lying at the garden place and upon the said land & made ready toward & the buildings of a house" &C.
Plymouth Colony Records, Court Orders, 1651-1668, Vol. IV., pp. 18,19:
"June 3, 1662.
In reference to a petition prefered to the Court by sundry of the freemen, and to reference unto a grant made to some to looke out accommodations of land, as being the first borne children of this gou'ment, and for the disposing of two several tracts of land lately purchased, the one by major Winslow and the other by Captaine Southworth, the Court, haveing viewed the sevuerall lists of the names of those that desired to bee accommodated therin, have settled it upon those whose names follow."
Among the names appended appears:
Leiftenant Fuller.*
*At the General Court held at Plymouth, 5 Oct. 1652, "The Court doth allow and approve of Matthew Fuller for leiftenant ***of the military company of Barnstable." (See Plymouth co. Rec., v. III,p. 17)
Plymouth Colony Records, Court Orders, 1678-1691, pp. 46,7.:
"These psents witnes an agreement between Samuell Fuller.? Senior, of Barnstable, on the one pte. and Steven Skiffe, of Sandwich, on the other pte, in manor and forme following:-
Videleccett, the said Samuell Fuller condecendeth, agreeth, and concludeth, by these p'sents, to relinquish to the said Steven Skiffe and the towne of Sandwich, and for himselfe, his heires, executors and adminnestrators, doth for ever quit claime all the right, title, and interest which hee hath, or pretended to have, ought or might have at Scuton, without the bounds of Barnstable and within the bounds of Sandwich; and the said Samuell doth alsoe declare judgment of some lands on the said scauton, within the bounds of Sandwich, to belonge to the Fullers, about which there hath bin soe much contest heertofore, to be made null and void, &c.
In witnes wherof they have hereunto sett theire hands, this 30th of June 1680.
Samuell Fuller.
Steven Skiffe.
in the p'sence of
Thoms Hinckley, Deputy Gou,
Mary Hinckley"
"John Fuller ?? doth aquiessey in this agreement of his unkells and Steven Skiffes, and doth desire that the record for mensioned in this aboue writing should be made void and that hee, the said John Fuller, hath received full satisfaction respecting the lands that were in controversay, viz., the Fullers and Sandwich mens on Scuton Necke."
?Said to have been the son of Edward Fuller of the Mayflower.
??Said to have been the son of Matthew fuller of Plymouth and Barnstable.
Thursday, October 17, 1996
Went to the Vestal Public Library hoping to make a connection between Mary (Fletcher) Rowley and Moses Fletcher of the Mayflower. I went into the Special Books room and looked at the several books taken from the MAYFLOWER ASSOCIATIONS yearbooks. These books are genealogies of different Mayflower Passengers families for 5 generations. There was none for Moses Fletcher and I later found out that perhaps his progeny remained in Holland. There is one entire book on Edward Fuller's descendants. Others are Allerton, Aldon, Brown, Soule, Warren and more............Next I copied from"Edward Fuller".
Vestal Library : Mayflower Families -#4 Edward Fuller
1. EDWARD FULLER 1 , bp. Parish of Redenhall, Co. Norfolk, England 4 Sept. 1575; d. Plymouth shortly aft. 11 Jan. 1620/1; son of Robert & Sara (Dunkhorn) Fuller.
He m. prob. England --------- --------, who d. Plymouth soon aft. 11 Jan. 1620/1.
Know Children (FULLER) b. prob. England:
2. i MATTHEW 2 presumably remained in England until ca. 1640.
3. ii SAMUEL b. ca. 1608; came on the MAYFLOWER with his parents.
References: MD 1: 10 (Samuel), 15 (d. Edward, wife): 2:117 (d. Edward, wife. NYGBR 33; 171-2 (Brainard's Fuller Gen.). BRADFORD'S HIST (1952) p. 446.
2. MATTHEW 2 FULLER ( Edward 1) b. prob. England; d. Barnstable Co. bet. 25 July 1678 and 22 Aug. 1678 (date of inventory).
He m. presumably in England, Frances -------, who was living 30 Oct. 1678 when she swore to his inventory. As Frances was Matthew's sole executrix, it is likely that she was the mother of at least some of Matthew's children.
Matthew Fuller arrived in Plymouth bef. 26 Oct. 1640 when he sold land lately purchased of John Gregory. He probably brought his wife Frances and children born in England with him. In 1642 he was propounded a freeman, served as a juryman, and was assigned ten acres of land near Thurston Clar. In 1643 he was chosen sergeant in the newly extablished"military discipline." He was called of Plymouth in a deed of gift of two acres on 16 March 1648/9 from Samuel Fuller.
Exactly when he moved to Barnstable is unknown, but on 5 Oct. 1652 the Court approved his election as lieutenant of the Barnstable milita. He was admitted a freeman on 7 June 1653, and in that year served as deputy from Barnstable to the Plymouth Court. On 20 June 1654 he was appointed lieutenant, under Capt. Myles Standish, of a 50-man quota to fight against the Dutch at Monhattoes (New York), but receipt of news of peace between England and Holland on 23 June 1654 made the expedition unnecessary. On 2 Oct. 1658 he was elected a member of the Council of War, and in 1671 became its chairman. On 17 Dec. 1673 he was appointed Surgeon General of the Colony troops; he also served as Captain of the Plymouth Colony forces during King Philip's War.
He was one of the first physicians to settle at Barnstable. He took a public stand on the side of the unpopular Quakers and received a fine for it. He lived in the northwest corner of Barnstable at Scroton Neck, but also owned land in Falmouth and Middleboro which had been granted to him by the Colony for distinguished service. He died a wealthy man for the times.
Matthew Fuller of Barnstable in a will dated 25 July 1678, sworn 30 Oct. 1678, names Shubeall Jones my Grand Child the Reputed son of Ralph Jones; wife Francis (sic); son John Fuller; natural sons of my son Samuel Fuller deceased: Thomas, Jabez, Timothy, Matthias and Samuel Fuller; Samuel, son of Samuel Fuller my eldest son deceased; Bethyah the wife of son John Fuller; daughters Mary Jones wife of Ralph Jones, Anne Fuller now wife of Samuel Fuller and Elizabeth Rowley wife of Moses Rowley; Sarah Rowley the daughter of Moses Rowley; Jedediah Jones son of Ralph Jones; my male grandchildren and female grandchilren; sons-in-law Ralfe Jones, Samuel Fuller Jr., and Moses Rowley Sr.; only (surviving) son John Fuller and his wife Bethya; Mary Fuller late wife of my son Samuell deceased; the Scotsman, Robert Marshall; Jasper Tayler; wife Frances, executrix.
No probate records for Frances Fuller in Barnstable Co.
Children (FULLER) order uncertain, first 3 or 4 b. England, last prob. Plymouth:
4. i SAMUEL 3 b. ca. 1630
5. ii MARY b. prob. after 1630
6. iii ELIZABETH b. prob. after 1630
iv ANNE b. ca. 1640 or earlier; m. SAMUEL FULLER (see #9)
7. v JOHN b. after 1640
Note: For a detailed discussion of Matthew Fuller's parentage see"Was Matthew Fuller of Plymouth Colony a Son of Pilgrim Edward Fuller?" TAG 61: 194-196, 1986.
3. SAMUEL 2 FULLER ( Edward 1) b. prob. England ca. 1608; d. Barnstable 31 Oct. 1683
He m. Scituate 8 April 1635 JANE LOTHROP bp. Edgerton, Co. Kent, England 29 Sept. 1614; d. bef. her husband; dau. of the Rev. John and Hannah (Howes) Lothrop, his first wife. The will of John LOTHROP, pastor of the church of Christ at Barnstable, dated 10 Aug. 1653, probated 7 March 1653/4, names daughter Jane as already having her portion.
After being left an orphan shortly after arriving in Plymouth on the MAYFLOWER, Samuel was brought up by his uncle, Dr. Samuel Fuller, the physician of the Pilgrims. Samuel was admitted a freeman in Plymouth Colony in 1634, moved to Scituate in 1635 where he built a house; he joined the Scituate Church on 7 Nov. 1636; and was elected constable there in 1641. Sometime later he moved to Barnstable, to which his father-in-law had moved in 1638. Samuel was the only MAYFLOWER passenger to settle permanently in Barnstable and was one of the last surviving MAYFLOWER passengers.
The will of Samuel Fuller Sr., of Barnstable, dated 20 Oct. 1683 and exhibited 5 June 1684, names eldest son Samuel, son John , daughters Elizabeth Tayler, Hannah Bonham, Mary Williams and Sarah Crowe, and his Indian, Joell (bequeathed to son John); sons Samuel and John as executors.
No probate record for Jane Fuller in Barnstable.
Children (FULLER) first four b. Scituate, rest Barnstable:
8 i HANNAH 3 b. ca. 1636
9 ii SAMUEL bp. Scituate 11 Feb. 1637/8
iii ELIZABETH* m. ------ TAYLOR; living 29 Oct. 1683; n.f.r.
iv SARAH b. Scituate; bp. Barnstable 1 Aug. 1641; d. y.
10 v MARY bp. Barnstable 16 June 1644
vi THOMAS b. Barnstable 18 May 1650; bp. 18 may 1651; d. bef. 29 Oct. 1683; (not in father's will)
vii SARAH b. 14 Dec. 1654. She m. ------CROWE ( or CROWELL) **; living 29 Oct. 1683; n.f.r.
11 viii JOHN b. ca. 1655
ix child b. 8 Feb. 1658; bur. 15 days later.
* Although Samuel Fuller's will names his daughter Elizabeth as"Eliabeth Tayler" it has proven impossible to identify her husband. Joseph Taylor of Marshfield, b. ca. 1660, is 20 years her junior and there is no evidence to indicate they were married. Torrey's New England marriages Prior to 1700 shows two Taylor men with wives named Elizabeth and otherwise not identified: Richard Tailer of Boston and Treasurer James Taylor. Richard's will dated 30 July 1673, proved 2 Aug. 1673 (Sufflok Co. PR 7:316) among other things mentions wife Elizabeth's kinswoman Elizabeth Poffard. This alone indicates no Fuller connection. James Taylor married to his second wife Rebecca on 26 Jan. 1679 (diary of Samuel Sewall 3; 95-6) so his first wife couldn't have been our Elizabeth who was alive when her father made his will in 1683.
** Samuel Fuller's will leaves daughter"Sarah Crowe four pounds in money and two cowes" (MD 2:239). Sarah at this time was 28 years old and presumably lived in Barnstable Co. close enough to drive two cows home. After exhaustive research, it has proven impossible to identify her husband. If she did indeed marry a Barnstable Co. Crow ( or Crowell - the names seem to be used interchageably), she would have married into the second generation of the family of Yelverton Crowell or John Crow. However, all the men in these families are either accounted for or left little or no record.
6. ELIZABETH 3 FULLER ( Matthew 2, Edward 1) b. prob.. E. Hadam or Colchester, CT after 7 March 1714/15.
She m. Barnstable 22 April 1652 MOSES ROWLEY, prob. b. bef. 1630, poss. in England; d. E. Haddam CT 14 June 1705 or 15 June 1705; son of Henry and -----* (Palmer) Rowley.
The first mention of Moses in Plymouth Colony is in the will of William Palmer of Duxbury, dated 7 Nov. 1637. Moses was a freeman in Barnstable in 1657, where presumably all his children were born.
On 3 May 1692, Moses Rowley, senior"late of Saquanesset, now of Machimoaus in Haddam" bought 60 acres of land from Jonathan Gilbert.
On 15 Aug. 1700, ack. 15 April 1700, cancelled 16 Aug. 1705, Moses Rowley, Sr., deeded to son Matthew Rowley for life, 60 acres bought from Samuel Ackley in Matchamoodus (E. Haddam). Matthew to care for Moses for life and if he survives Moses, to do his part in caring for Matthew's mother and sister Sarah.
On 13 Jan 1704/5, ack. 14 June 1705, Matthew Rowley nullifies the deed to 60 acres his father had given him.
On 14 June 1705, ack. same day, Moses Rowley and Matthew Rowley agree to divide a tract given them by their father Moses Rowley Sr.
On 13 Jan 1704/5, ack. 14 June 1705, Moses Rowley Sr. gives to son Matthew 30 acres of the 60 acres received from Samuel Ackley.
Inventory was taken of the estate of Moses Rowley 15 June 1705. Moses' will was dated at E. Haddam CT 16 Aug. 1704 and proved 8 March 1705/6; he named sons Moses and Matthew, daughter Mehetabell Fuller, son John Fuller,"the rest of my children" and mentions his wife (unnamed); sons Moses Rowlee and John Fuller were to be executors.
On 13 May 1714, ack. 30 May 1714, Elizabeth Rowley, widow and relique of Moses Rowley late of Haddam disposed of some lands in Falmouth. She gives her dower rights to sons Moses Rowley and John Fuller.
Children (ROWLEY) b. Barnstable **:
22 i MARY 4 b. 20 March 1653
23 ii MOSES b. 10 Nov. 1654
iii child b. and d. 15 Aug. 1656
24 iv SHUBAEL (twin) b. 11 Jan. 1660/1
v MEHITABLE (twin) b. 11 Jan. 1660/1; m. JOHN FULLER (see #11)
vi SARAH b. 16 Sept. 1662; living E. Haddam 15 Aug. 1700; n.g.r. no CT Probate.
25. vii NATHAN b. ca. 1664 ***
26. viii AARON b. 1 May 1666
27. ix MATTHEW
x JOHN b. 22 Oct. 1667. No evidence found to substantiate the claim that he is the John Rowley with wife Catherine ( dau. and heir of Hugh Williams) who had a grant in the northern neck of VA, both dead by 1705 when 500 acres is Richmond Co. escheats was regranted to Catherin's next of kin William Wood. No CT or Barnstable probate for John.
* There is no evidence that Henry Rowley's first wife was named Sarah. It is almost certain that she was dau. of William Palmer. The most nearly definitve account is TAG 32: 38-45.
** Homer Brainard (NYGBR 37:61) quotes Falmouth Records:"The dafter of Moses Rowley sen died the 15 day of November buried 16 day November 1682." The published Falmouth VR shows"Rowley, Em, d. of Moses, Jr., d. 15 Nov. -----". Although Brainard place Em (probably short for Naomi) in the family of Moses and Elizabeth (Fuller) Rowley, it seems more probable that she was the daughter of #24 Moses Rowley, Jr., where she has been placed in this genealogy.
*** While Nathan Rowley was not named in the will of Moses Rowley, neither were any of the children of Moses who stayed in Falmouth, such as Dau. Mary and son Aaron. They would be among the"other children" mentioned by Moses in his will. Moses Rowley was a land owner in Saconessett (which became Falmouth) as early as 1677 and it would be normal for some of his children to live there.
The article"Henry Rowley and Some of His Descendants" by Home Brainard in Vol. 37 of NYGBR indicates that all the Rowleys who lived in the Barnstable-Falmouth area in the early 18th century were descendants of Moses Rowley. No other Rowley family is known to have lived in Plymouth Colony. Therefore, it is my belief that Nathan is a son of Moses Rowley.
8. HANNAH3 FULLER (Samuel 2, Edward 1) b. Scituate Ca. 1636; d. Piscataway NJ after 23 Aug. 1686, when she posted bond as executrix of the will of her husband with Edward Slater as fellow bondsman.
She m. Barnstable 1 Jan. 1658/9 NICHOLAS BONHAM, * b. England ca. 1630; d. Piscataway 20 July 1684.
They had relocated to Piscataway NJ by 6 May 1667. Nicholas signed the Oath of Allegiance in 1672 and served as a sergeant in 1681.
The will of Nicholas Bonham of Piscataway was drawn 6 Feb. 1683 and proved 4 Jan. 1684/5, but witnesses testified on 18 Dec. 1694. His wife Hannah and son Hezekiah were named executors; mention was made of other children ( not named); witnesses included Edward Slater and Isaac Smalley who were also overseers and took the estate inventory on 28 July 1684.
Children ** (BONHAM) first 3 b. Barnstable, others Piscataway NJ:
32 i HANNAH 4 b. 8 Oct. 1659
33 ii MARY b. 4 Oct. 1661
34 iii SARAH b. 16 Feb. 1664/5
35 iv ELIZABETH b. ca. 1666
36 v HEZEKIAH b. 6 May 1667
vi SAMUEL b. 7 Sept. 1672; d. 1 Oct. 1682
vii JANE b. 29 Jan. 1675/6; d. 25 Feb. 1675/6
37 viii PRISCILLA b. 11 Nov. 1677
* Note: Nicholas Bonham has been called a son of George Bonham of Plymouth. George Bonham d. April 1704"being upward of 85 years of age" (MD 16:64) or"being about 95 years of age (PLYMOUTH CH REC 1:199). If we accept the younger age and conclude that George was born about 1614, the chronology is very tight, for both George and his putative son Nicholas would have had to marry at the age of 19. If George lived to be 90 or older, the chronology becomes considerably more likely. But even though the asserted relationship is chronologically possible, no evidence for it, besides surname identity, has been seen.
** No evidence has been found to support Monette's suggestion of sons Nicholas and Elijah.
23 MOSES ROWLEY 4 (Elizabeth 3 Fuller, Matthew 2, Edward 1) b. Barnstable 10 Nov. 1654; d. E. Haddam CT 16 July 1735 ae 81.
He m. (1) Barnstable ca. Jan. 1675 MARY ------, d. bef. Jan. 1714
He m. (2) aft. 20 Jan 1714/5 MARY (CRIPPEN) CORBE, b. ca. 1668; bur. E. Haddam CT 9 June 1764 in her 97th yr.; dau. of Thomas and Frances (-------) Crippen and widow of Samuel Corbe of E. Haddam. The will of Thomas Crippen Sr. of East Haddam, dated 10 May 1705, names wife Frances; sons Thomas and Jabez; daughters Katharine Rowley, Mary Corbee, Mercy and Experience Crippen. Administration of the estate of Samuel Corbe, late of E. Haddam, was granted 16 May 1695 to his widow; in an undated agreement between surviving heirs of Samuel Corby late of E. Haddam deceased there are named widow Mary Corby relict and two children, Samuel and Mary Corby. Samuel, who was underage, chose his uncle Thomas Crippen as guardian.
Mary Rowlee, wife of Moses Rowlee Sr., signed off her dower rights on 2 Jan. 1733/4 before his death.
The will of Moses Rowley of E. Haddam dated 24 March 1734/5 (inv. taken 19 Aug. 1735) and proved 7 Oct. 1735, names sons Moses, Samuel, John, Ebenezer and Jonathan Rowley: daus. Hannah Rowley, Mary Olmsted, Nem (Naomi) Fuller and Mehetabell Chapman; executors, sons Samuel of Hebron and Ebenezer of E. Haddam. Receipts were recorded to the executors, Samuel and Ebenezer Rowley, by Moses, John and Jonathan Rowlee, 17 Feb. 1736/7; and by Henry Champen (Champion) and Mehetable Champen 17 Feb. 1736/7.
Children (ROWLEY) b. prob. first few in Barnstable, others in Falmouth, last ones in E. Haddam:
109 i MARY 5 b. ca. 1677
110 ii MOSES b. ca. 1679
iii EM * d. Falmouth 15 Nov. 1682
iv NAOMI b. ca. 1685; m. SAMUEL FULLER (see #46)
v HANNAH living unm. 1735; n.f.r.
vi SAMUEL b. ca. 1688; m. ELIZABETH FULLER (see #50)
111 vii JOHN b. ca. 1690
112 viii EBENEZER b. ca. 1695
113 ix MEHITABLE b. ca. 1698
114 x JONATHAN b. ca. 1703/4
*Em ( probably short for Naomi) was placed by Brainard as a daughter of #6 Elizabeth (Fuller) Rowley, but has been placed here as she is more probably a daughter of Moses Rowley, Jr. See note under #6.
NOTE; Moses' first wife has been called Mary Fletcher by Brainard and Mary (?Fletcher)/(?Throup) by Torrey. No proof has been found to verify either suggestion.
33. MARY BONHAM 4 (Hannah 3 Fuller, Samuel 2, Edward 1) b. Barnstable 4 Oct. 1661; d. bet. 28 FEb. 1736 & and 13 Aug. 1742.
She m. Piscataway NJ 15 July 1681 EDMUND DUNHAM, b. Eastham 25, July 1661; d. Piscataway NJ 7 March 1734 (1733/4) in 73rd yr.; son of Benajah ( or Bennaiah) and Elizabeth (Tilson) Dunham.
Edmund was one of the founders of the Seventh Day Baptist Church in Piscataway about 1700 to 1701. A lay preacher since 1689, he was ordained in Westerly RI in 1705 and became the first pastor of the Piscataway Church, remaining there until his death.
The will of Edmund Dunham of Piscataway, yeoman, dated 28 May 1731, proved 10 April 1734, names children Benajah, Edmond, Jonathan, Ephraim, Mary Smalley and Hannah Davis; nephew John Thomson; mentions land in New England; wife Mary executrix. The will of Mary Dunham of Piscataway, dated 28 Feb. 1736/7, proved 13 Aug. 1742, names children Benajah, Edmund and Hannah Davis; grandchildren Elizabeth, Mary, James and Elisha Smalley, Jonathan Martin Jr., and Mary Sutton; son Edmund executor.
Children (DUNHAM) b. Piscatawy NJ:
145 i BENAJAH 5 b. 13 Aug. 1684
146 ii ELISABETH b. 26 Nov. 1689
147 iii EDMUND/EDWARD b. 15 Jan. 1691
148 iv JONATHAN b. 16 Aug. 1694
149 v EPHRAIM b. 2 May 1696
vi MARY b. 26 Nov. 1698; d. y.
150 vii MARY b. 1 July 1700
151 viii HANNAH b. 14 April 1704
110 MOSES ROWLEY 5 (Moses 4, Elizabeth 3 Fuller, Matthew 2, Edward 1) b. prob. Barnstable ca. 1679; d. prob. E. Haddam CT after 20 Jan. 1745/6 and probably after 19 Aug. 1749.
He m. (1) ca. 1702 ------ ------ who d. bef. 7 Sept. 1707.
He m. (2) E. Haddam CT 7 Sept. 1707 MARTHA PORTER b. 23 April 1687; d. bef. 25 Sept. 1729; dau. of John and Joanna (Gaylord) Porter. The will of Sergt. John Porter of Windsor, dated 7 Sept. 1698, exhibited 2 March 1698/9, mentions wife (unnamed, but as Joannah, relict, she presented the will);"my six daughters," but names only daughter Joannah.
He m. (3) E. Haddam Ct 25 Sept. 1729 SARAH CHAPMAN b. ca. 1690; d. E. Haddam 20 Sept. 1757 ae 66.
On 20 Jan. 1745/6 Moses Rowlee gave his son Daniel half his rights as a proprietor in East Haddam. On 19 Aug. 1749 Moses Rowlee sold William Olmstead half a tract laid out to the heirs of Moses Rowlee, deceased, and other rights as an heir to this estate. This 1749 transaction is probably this Moses, and not his son, b. 1713, as later conveyances clearly refer to the son.
Children (ROWLEY) b. Colchester Ct. to Moses and first wife:
i ABIGAIL 6 b. ca. 1703
Children (ROWLEY) first 6 b. Colchester CT. last 2 b. E. Haddam Ct to Moses and Martha:
ii MARY b. 15 Dec. 1709; m. EBENEZER FULLER (see # 185)
iii MARTHA b. 11 Feb. 1710; m. THOMAS FULLER (see #186)
iv MOSES b. 15 Sept. 1713 (or 1714)
v ANNE b. 5 April 1716
vi LYDIA b. 17 Sept. 1718
vii DANIEL b. 12 March 1720
viii MAHITABLE b. 20 May 1723
ix REUBEN b. 23 Sept. 1725; c. 12 Aug. 1747
Children (ROWLEY) b. E. Haddam Ct to Moses and Sarah:
x SARAH b. 19 June 1730
xi NATHANIEL b. 3 March 1733; d.Nov. 1741
148. JONATHAN DUNHAM 5 ( Mary Bonham 4, Hannah 3 Fuller, Samuel 2, Edward 1) b. Piscataway NJ 16 Aug. 1694; d. there 10 March 1777.
He m. Piscataway NJ 5. Aug. 1714 JANE PIATT, b. Stelton NJ 15 Sept. 1695; d. near there 15 Sept. 1779 ae 84 yrs.
No NJ Archives wills for Jonathan or Jane.
Children (DUNHAM) b. Piscataway NJ:
i. ELIZABETH 6 b. 27 June 1715
ii. AZARIAH 9 Feb. 1718/9
iii JONATHAN b. 20 May 1721
iv DAVID b. 14 March 1723
v ISAAC b. 16 Aug. 1725
vi RUTH b. 3 Jan. 1727/8
vii SAMUEL b. 27 Nov. 1730
viii JANE b. 2 April 1734