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From my book "Line of Descent of George Roger Gilbert"
192. Benjamin Barber and 193. Ruth Stevens -(96. Nathan Barber; 48. Joseph B. Barber; 24. William H. Barber; 12. Adelbert Mahlon Barber; 06. Harry Emmett Barber; 03 - Mildred Barber; 01. George Roger Gilbert)
Benjamin Barber was born June 23, 1729, where and to whom I have not yet discovered. He was three times married and was the father of ten children, the first, with his first wife and the other nine with his second wife, Ruth Stevens. Ruth Stevens was born sometime in the 1730's in Danbury, Conn., the daughter of Nathaniel Stevens and Abigail Barnum. Ruth (Stevens) Barber died Christmas day, 1788 and Benjamin married a third time, Susanna Horton, on May 31, 1790. On October 27, 1794, Benjamin signed his will and probably died soon after. No date is found on the accounting of his estate so his death date remains unknown to me.
I checked for Bible Records of Benjamin Barber of Danbury and found the record glued to the back of this page. The DAR had photocopied it. I also copied his will which is herein glued.
Bible Record -
Benjamin Barber Born June 23, 1729;
married three times -
First name unknown, April 18 1751
Second to Ruth Stevens Mar. 16, 1755
Third to Susanna Horton May 31, 1790
Children: all with Ruth Stevens
Dec. 10, 1752 - Salome
April 9, 1757 - Benjamin
Sept. 9, 1759 - Stephen
Jan. 3, 1763 - Nathan
May 3, 1764 - Zacheus
Dec. 2, 1767 - Nathaniel ( had four sons, Geo., Stephen, Lindley Jerry, Philo)
Dec. 19, 1769 - Lydia who married Elnathan Knapp.
June 1771 - Simeon
Oct. 4, 1773 - Anne
Mar. 24, 1786 - Patienc[e]
James Knapp married Apr. 7, 1755; died April 28, 1805
John - Jan. 22, 1756
Samuel - June 2, 1759
Adah - Feb. 14, 1763
Chloe - April 14, 1766
James - Mar. 10, 1769
Elizabeth - Mar. 10, 1769
Azor - Nov. 14, 1771
Chloe married Zacheus Barber
Samuel Barber
Azor Knapp Barber, married Abigail Stevens
Edison B.
Will of Benjamin Barber
(punctuation marks are mine)
In the name ofGod, Amen. This 27th day of Octm , 1794 , I Benjamin Barber of Danbury in the County of Fairfield & State of Connecticut - being considerably advanced in life & knowing that it is appointed for all men to die, not knowing how soon it may please God in his alwise [?] providence to call me out of time - do make this my last will and testament - & first & principally I give & recommend my Prescious & Immortal soul into the hand of God who gave it, nothing doubting but I shall receive the same at the general resurection - by the power of the Almighty God.
And as touching such worldly estate as it hath pleased God in the course of this providence to bless me with in this life, I dispose of it in the following manner - after my just debts & funeral charges are first paid - I order & direct & my will is that my Executors hereafter named - shall fullfill & pay over to my wife Susanna the full & whole of what is mentioned in a joynter[?] made in writing & entered into previous to my intermarriage with my [?] wife & that in every [pastinulas?] as therein mentioned ----
further my will is that all the rest & residue of my estate both real & temporal shall be divided in the following manner & proportion - that is to say, to my sons Benjamin, Stephen, Nathan, (here Zaceus is crossed out), Nathaniel & Simeon, five of my sons, I give each an equal share in my said estate included with my two daughters viz. Lydia, the wife of Enathan Knapp, Jr.& Patience, the wife of Seth [Shores ?], junior, which two daugthers my will is that they shall share equally with each other - & each one half as much as each of my aforesaid sons - and as I have already advanced to my fourth son, viz. Zaceus Barber his whole share in my estate, my will is that he shall receive nothing more at my decease - as I consider him to have received his full share therein- and lastly I appoint two of said sons, (viz) Benjamin Barber & Nathaniel Barber - executors on this my last will & testament - hereby revoking & making null all other wills made heretofore by me, establishing this & this only to be my last will in testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand & seal the day & date forementioned.
signed, sealed, Published & declared in presence of Benjn Barber
Theophilus Hoyt
John Morehouse
Christopher Glover
Fairfield County, in Danbury on the 27th day of Octm 1794, personally appeared the above named witnesses, Theophilus Hoyt, John Morehouse & Christopher Glover & made oath that they saw Benjamin Barber the Legator set to his hand & that he declared the same to be his last will & testament & desired them to set to there hand as witnesses & that they signed it as such in his presence & in the presence of each other & me they judged him to be of a sound & disposing mind & memory
Sworn to before Eli Mygatt, Justice of Peace
Accounting of the estate of Benjamin Barber
We the subscribers being nominates & appointed by the honorable Court of Probate for the District of Danbury to distribute the estate of Benjamin Barber late of Danbury deceased according to his last will and testament, have distributed the same in the following manner Viz.
We set off to Benjanim Barber eldest son of said deceased the south part of the Bog Meadow a piece twenty eight rods & a half long, measuring from the south east to south west corners of the meadow land northward in the east & west lines of the land about five acres & one rood at $94..84
Also in personal estate to the amount of - - - - - 16..66
which is his share of the estate amounting to the sum of 111..50
We also set off the Stephen Barber, son of the deceased a part of the homestead on the north side thereof or adjoining the north line thereof running from the road eastward as far as the Cripple Bull swamp, a piece eight rods wide containing about 4 acres & 3 roods at - - - $94..84
Also of the personal property to the amount of - - - - - 16..66
which is his share of the estate amounting to the sum of $111..50
We also set off to Nathaniel Barber, son of the deceased the half of the house at - - - - - $20..00
Also half of the barn at - - - - - - - - - - 7..50
Also half of the Blacksmith shop at - - - - - - - 0..75
Also the south half of the orchard lot, a piece four rods & 8 links wide from the south line of the orchard and 54 rods long containing about one acre one rood and thirty three rods & a half at - - - - 43..78
Also a piece adjoinin the eaast thereof of pasture & plowland in the homestead on the south line of the homestead nine rods long & eleven rods wide about two roods & 10 rods of ground at - - - - - 11..12
Also the south half of the Cripple Bull Swamp on a piece begining eight rods northward of the south east corner of the Homestead, running from thence south 47 degrees, west 25 rods from thence north 46 degreeswest 14 rods or in a straight line to a heap of stones, which is a boundary of the Homestead, or range stake lying in the north line thereof on the west edge of the swamp & from the end of the 14 rods running eastward through the swamp to the east line of the homestead 28 rods & from thence southward in the east line 14 rods to the place begun at, at - - - - 11.69
Also in personal estate to the amount of - - - - - - 16..66
which is his share of th4e estate amounting to the sum of - - $111..50
We also set off to Nathan Barber, son of the deceased out of the homestead plow lane 4 pasture land next adjoining the south of which is before set off to Stephen and running from the road as far east as the Cripple Bull Swamp a piece eight rods & 5 links wide containing about 4 acres & 3 rods at $94..89
Also out of the personal property to the amount of - - - - - 16..66
which is his share of the estate amounting to the sum of $111..50
Great - Great - Great - Grandfather
Nathan Barber (96) - born January 3, 1763 in Danbury, Connecticut, died April 17, 1828 in Maryland, NY, aged 65 years; married Thankful Brooks (97) - born Sept. 15, 1761, died October 24, 1839 in Maryland, NY, aged 78 years.
1. Amos - born 1784 -died Aug. 26, 1810
2. Joseph B. (48) - born between 1785 & 1790; still alive 11/27/1839; married Eunice____ (49) - born between 1794 and 1800 and may have been dead by 11/27/1839.
Ê ÊChildren:
1. Êa girl - born between 1810 and 1815
2. Êa girl - born between 1815 and 1819
3. William H. (24) - born Nov. 9, 1819 , died Apr. 23, 1888; married Lucy Ann Bliss (25) - born Nov. 23,1819, died June 20,1894.
4. IV a girl -born between 1820 and 1825
5. V a boy -born beween 1825 and 1830
6. VI a girl -born between 1825 and 1830
3. Betsey - born between 1784 and 1790, m. JONATHAN RANSOM (Jonathan 5,Robert 4, Robert 3,Joshua *2, Robert 1), b. March 14, 1786, at Canterbury, Conn.; m. Betsey Barber, _____ ____, 1808, at Manheim, Herkimer Co., N.Y.; Betsey d. June 10, 1840, at New Albion, N.Y. Jonathan d. Dec. 30, 1871 at Concord, Jefferson Co.,Wis.
*Arthur L. Olson of Madison, WI - - - emguy@execpc. says this should be Robert 2, he is a descendant ofÊVIII Serena Ransom Higbee below.
1. I. Lewis - b. May 14, 1810, at Manheim, N.Y.;d. in Erie Co., N.Y.,____ ____,1856.
2. II. Lavinia - b. Nov. 15, 1811, at Manheim, N.Y.;d.June 25, 1815, at Manheim, N.Y.
3. III. Nathan - b. Sept. 3, 1815, at Manheim, Herkimer Co., NY; d. July 1, 1817 at Manheim, N.Y.
4. IV. Jonathan -b. Aug. 31, 1817, at Manheim, N.Y.; d. June 11, 1818, at Manheim, N.Y.
5. V. Miranda -b. April 6, 1819, at Manheim, NY; d. Nov. 27, 1843, in Cattaragus Co., NY
6. VI. Jerusha -b. July 9, 1821; m. Loraine Smith, October 10, 1841, at New Albion, NY; d. April 24, 1896, at Buena Vista, Ia.
7. VII. Harvey J. -b. Aug. 19, 1823, at Manheim, NY;m. Sally Ann Noyes, Nov. 18, 1844
8. VIII. Serena -b. March 16, 1826, at Manheim, N.Y.;m. George W. Higbee, Feb. 15, 1845, in Dane Co., Wis.; George W. d. April ___, 1895, Serena d.July 2, 1899
9. IX. James-b. Oct. 28, 1828, at Maryland, Otsego Co.,NY; d. Feb. 23, 1830, in Otsego Co.
10. X. Anson Button -b. Nov. 27, 1830, at Maryland, Otsego Co., N.Y.; m. 1st, Jan. 3, 1852, Mary Jane Graves ; m. 2nd Lucinda Riggles; m. 3rd, Nancy L. Baker March 30, 1875; Mary Jane d. Nov. 29, 1859; Lucinda d. Aug. 27, 1870, Nancy L. accidentally killed Dec. 2, 1882
11. XI. Nathaniel C. -b. Nov. 27, 1832, at Maryland, Otsego Co., N.Y.; m. Catherine Olivia Coggins at Dixon, Ill., Nov. 11,1853
4. Phebe - born between 1784 and 1790; m. Darius Spencer
5. Darius - born between 1792 and 1800; m. Rachael _________
1. I. Girl - born between 1810 and 1815
2. II. Girl - born between 1815 and 1820
3. III. Boy - born between 1820 and 1825
4. IV. Boy - born between 1820 and 1825
5. V. Boy - born between 1825 and 1830
6. VI. Boy - born between 1825 and 1830
7. VII. Boy - born between 1830 and 1835
6. Lewis -b. between 1792 & 1800; m. Betsey Sweet, dau. of Dr. Thadius Sweet & Betsey Eldred.
1. I. Jerusha - born between 1810 and 1815
2. II. Alanson - born between 1820 and 1825 1.Leroy
3. III. Julius - born between 1820 and 1825
1. 1. Matilda
2. 2. Lewis
4. IV. Girl
7. Amy - born between 1790 and 1800; m. John Lowe b. Dec. 5, 1793
1. I. Laura Ann m. John Brewer
2. II. Alonzo m. Sematha Chase of Hartwick
3. III. Sally m. Ebenezer Cronkite
4. IV. Betsey m. John Smith of Middlefield
5. V. Philo m. Cemantha Applin of Hartwick
6. VI. Philip m. Minerva Winsor
7. VII. Amy never married
8. Jerusha - born Dec. 7, 1798 - died at Adrian, Mich. m. Aylesworth, Robinson (6) - Benjamin (5), Philip (4), Philip (3), Arthur (2), Arthur (1) - was born April 28,1799, and married July 20, 1820, Jerusha Barber, who was born Dec. 7, 1798, and who was a daughter of Nathan and Thankful (Brooks) Baber of Maryland, Otsego Co., N.Y. He was a farmer, and removed from Otsego Co., N.Y., to Monroe Wis., where he probably died, about 1864. She afterwards lived with her children at Adrian, Mich.
1. i Sylvanus Lucas (7) b. April 18, 1821, m. Phebe Ann White
2. ii Joseph Festus (7) b. Dec. 26, 1823, m. Ruth Ann Gains
3. iii Elizabeth (7) b.June 7, 1828, m. James Metcalf
4. iv Matilda A. (7) b.Aug. 25, 1830, dw. Adrian Mich.
5. v Edgar (7) b. Aug. 2, 1832, m. Adeline Chamberlin
6. vi Elmer (7) b. Oct. 15, 1837, M. Henry Love Kilmer; dw. Adrian Mich.
9. Lavina - born Aug. 22, 1804, died May 3, 1879 m. Thomas Burnside b. Aug. 7,1801 in Milford, Otsego Co., NY - died Apr. 13, 1887 in Otego, Otsego Co., NY
1. i. Diadama - born Feb. 5, 1824, died Aug. 16, 1896
2. ii. Margaret
3. iii. Sylvester - born July 28, 1828, died Mar. 9, 1869 m. Harriet
Ellen Sept. 30, 1855 - June 2, 1864
Lavina May 19, 1863 - May 21, 1864
4. iv. Thankful - died before both parents and before 1800
5. v. William W. - born May 27, 1835, died May 10, 1898 m. Susan Wally - born Apr. 20, 1833. died May 17, 1904
6. vi. Jerusha
7. vii. Delmar
8. viii. Sobrina
9. ix. Franklin Oct. 28, 1843 - Oct. 8, 1864 died on board the steamer from Fortress Munroe to Rhode Island while in the army.
10. Sally - born between 1804 and 1810; m. Samuel R. Haight
Great - Great - Grandfather
24. William H. Barber - ( Adelbert, 12; Harry Emmett, 06; Mildred, 03; George Roger Gilbert, 01) - Born November 9, 1819, in the Town of Maryland, Otsego County, son of Joseph B.(rooks ?) and Eunice (_?_) Barber. He married Lucy Ann Bliss, born November 23, 1819, in Otsego County, daughter of Orrin and Anna E. (Hackley) Bliss. She died June 20, 1894 at 5 A.M. of "General Debility" at 27 Court Street, Binghamton, NY., aged 74 years 6 months 28 days. She was buried in Spring Forest Cemetery in plot 55E. William H. Barber died April 23, 1888 at 7:30 P.M. of a stroke, at 27 Court Street, Binghamton, NY, aged 68 years 5 months and 14 days. He was buried in Spring Forest Cemetery in plot 55 E.
1. Orcelia - b. 1845 in Otsego Co., NY d. November 22, 1925 in New York (City?). Buried in Spring Forest Cemetery, Binghamton, NY. She married Charles A. Smead. b. 1841 d.1886 in Binghamton, NY. ; buried in Spring Forest Cemetery, Binghamton, NY. He was the son of James W. and Sally Ann (__?__) Smead. James W. was born in 1816 anddied in 1887. Sally Ann was born in 1811 and died in 1901. Their children were 1. Laura E., b. 1839 d. 1910. Married Addison J. Hinds, b. 1848 d. 1918; 2. Charles A., b. 1841 d. 1886; 3. James H., b. 1845 d. 1889 ; 4. William T., b. 1847 d. 1904. James Sr.was a blacksmith by trade. He and his son Charles owned the "Smead and Son" blacksmithing and horseshoeing business in Binghamton, NY.
Children: none
2. Adelbert Mahlon (12) - b. 1847 in the Town of Union, Broome Co., NY, d. May 22, 1901 in Port Jervis, NY. Married Mary Emily Guild (13), dau. of Everett Emmett (26) and Susan Pardee (Darrow) Guild (27), born in Walton, Delaware Co., NY.
3. Angelia - b. 1848 in the Town of Union, Broome Co., NY, d. between 1923 and 1934 in Washington, D.C. She m. 1865, Isaiah Rogers, b. 1837 in German, NY, d. Sept. 12, 1896 in Binghamton, NY. He is buried in Spring Forest Cemetery, Binghamton, NY. His brothers were, Frank, John, David, and Zachariah Rogers. He had one sister, Nancy.
1. Edith Mae - b. Nov. 30, 1865 in Binghamton, NY, d. October 28, 1885 in Binghatmon, NY and is buried in Spring Forest Cemetery, Binghamton,NY.
2. William R. - b July of 1869 in Binghamton, NY.
3. Augusta B. "Jessie" - b. 1879 in Binghamton, NY. d. probably Ferndale, Michigan. Married I. J. Dubois, b. Feb. 15, 18__, son of C. W. Dubois of Waverly, NY.
Children: I. Edith Mae b. in Binghamton, m. Louis J. Dhyne b. in Waverly, NY.
1. i. Roger - d. Sept. 15, 1934 in a car accident in Wash. D.C.,
Children - a. baby girl, b. 1930;
2. ii. Antoinette - b. 1918
3. iii. Edythe Louise - b. 1924
4. iv. Robert - b. 1928
4. George D. - b. July of 1850 in the Town of Union, Broome Co., NY., d. Apr. 6, 1923 in Port Jervis, NY. m.1st - Lillie D. Chalker on July 21, 1871 and was divorced by 1880. He m. 2nd Hannah (Smith ?) from Port Jervis, NY.
Children: none
5. Eva Belle - b. 1858 in Binghamton, NY , d. Dec. 9, 1934 in Detroit, Michigan. She marriedEdward R. Young, b. ?, d. 1932 in Washington, D.C. Both were buried in Dover, Del.
1. I. Edythe Mae Young - b. Feb. 15, 1888 in Binghamton, NY. Was still single in 1923.
Great - Grandfather
12. Adelbert Mahlon Barber - ( Harry Emmett, 6; Mildred Carol, 3; George Roger Gilbert, 1) -born 1846 or 1847, probably in the Town of Union, Broome County, NY., son of William H. and Lucy Ann (Bliss) Barber. He married Mary Emily Guild, daughter of Everett Emmett and Susan Pardee (Darrow) Guild, of Walton, NY., born August 10, 1840. She died September 5, 1910, aged 70, in Port Jervis, NY and was buried in Lot 4, Section L of the Laurel Grove Cemetery in Port Jervis. He died May 21, 1901, at 10 P.M., in the Port Jervis Hospital, aged 54, of alcoholic neuritis and stomach hemorragh. He was buried in Laurel Grove Cemetery in Block 2, Lot 28, Section L. Apparently, there was little money to purchase their own burial lot and each is buried in plots with four other persons, the plots being located near each other.
Children of Adelbert Mahlon (12) and Mary Emily (Guild) (13) Barber.
1. Harry Emmett (6) - born November 7, 1881, in Waverly, NY. Died, November 26, 1934, in Port Jervis, NY. Married Loretta DeWitt (07), born October 25, 1888 in Port Jervis, NY, died April 7, 1971, in Port Jervis, NY.
6. Harry Emmett Barber - [Mildred Barber, 3; George Roger Gilbert, 1] born November 7, 1881 in Waverly, New York, the only child of Adelbert Mahlon and Mary Emily (Guild) Barber. He married Loretta DeWitt, born October 25, 1888, daughter of Alvah and Jane Elizabeth (Gunderman) DeWitt. They were marred in the Dutch Reformed Church of Port Jervis, New York, on April 23, 1907, by Reverend William Conger. Four children were born from this union; Sylvia Marie, Charles Emmett, Mildred Carol and Nina Elizabeth. He died, at his home, 3 Mt. William Street, Port Jervis, New York, at 12:15 A. M. on November 26, 1934, at the age of 53. He was waked at home and was buried in the Pine Hill Cemetery in Sparrowbush, New York, a suburb of Port Jervis. His wife died, 37 years later at Doctor's Sunnyside Hospital, Port Jervis, New York, on April 7, 1971, at the age of 82. She was waked at Gray's Funeral Home on Main Street, Port Jervis, New York and buried beside her husband.
The family story, told to me, relates that Harry Emmett Barber was the eighth or ninth child born to his parents and the only one to survive. It is told that some were miscarraiges, some still births, and some were twin births. One of his daughters gave birth to surviving twins and twins were present in his mother's genealogical background.
I suspect that he was named using his grandfathers' middle names. His paternal grandfather was William H. Barber and his maternal grandfather was Everett Emmett Guild, Jr. Although I have no proof that William Barber's middle name was Harry, I tend to believe that it is.
1. Sylvia Marie - b. Thursday, February 20, 1908, 1 PM, at 14 West Main St., Port Jervis, NY. Married 1st, Saturday, January 10, 1931, Robert Ross Kalin at Milford, Pa.; Divorced Robert. Married 2nd , William DeWitt. She died November 28, 1984. ÊBill DeWitt died in 1976. ÊRobert Ross Kalin died May 28, 1990 in Florida.
2. Charles Emmett - b. Saturday, December 18, 1909, 11:30 PM, 171 Pike Street, Port Jervis, NY. Married, Wednesday, May 31, 1944, by Rev. Meyers at St. Peter's Lutheran Church parsonage, Marian Olive Runnells, b. September 20, 1915. He died September 30, 1986 at his home, 17 Prospect Street, Port Jervis, NY.
3. Mildred (3)- b. Wednesday, November 22, 1911, 11 PM, 13 Franklin Street, Port Jervis, NY. Married July 4, 1931, Charles Francis Gilbert, b. July 4, 1910.
4. Nina Elizabeth - b. Saturday, October 27, 1917, 7 AM, 10 Delaware Street, Port Jervis, NY. Married Saturday, June 13, 1936, in Port Jervis, Oscar Franklin Brink, b. July 17, 1914, son of Margaret (Hurst) and Oscar Brink. He died March 29, 1966 at his home 20 East Summit Street, Lakewood, NY. She died, December 3, 1971 from a stroke in the Jamestown Hospital.