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From my book "Line of Descent of George Roger Gilbert"
From my notes
[I believe taken from the History of New London]
John Packer, died in 1689
With this early settler in Groton, only a slight acquaintance has been obtained. He fixed his habitation, about the year 1655, in close proximity to the Pequot Indians, who had congregated at Naiwayonk, (Noank.) His children can only be gathered incidentally. He had John, Samuel and Richard, probably by his first wife, Elizabeth. He married for his second wife, June 24th, 1676, Rebecca, widow of Thomas Latham, and had a son James, baptized September 11th, 1681. Two other sons, Joseph and Benjamin and a daughter named Rebecca, may also be assigned to this wife, who survived him and afterward married a Watson, of Kingston, Rhode Island.
John Packer, 2d, married Lydia, daughter of Cary Latham. He died in 1701. Benjamin Packer, in 1709, "having been impressed into the army to fight the French, " made his will, bequeathing his patrimony of sixty acres land, to his brothers, James and Joseph, and sister Rebecca. He probably never returned from the frontier.
Capt. James Packer inherited from his father a controversy respecting the extent of his lands at Nawayonk, which commenced with the Indians before their removal, and was continued with the town of Groton. In 1735, a compromise was effected by commissioners appointed by the General Assembly. This was an occasion of great local interest, and on the 5th of August, when the commissioners, "Major Timothy Pierce, Mr. West, of Lebanon, and Sheriff Huntington, of Windam," left New London, on their way to view the contested premises, they were accompanied by forty mounted men from the town, and found their train continually increasing as they proceeded. On the ground a large assembly had convened. The neighboring farm-houses, Smith's, Niles', & c., were filled to overflowing with guests This is mentioned as exhibiting a characteristic of the times. Our early local history is every where besprinkled with such gatherings. Capt. James Packer died in 1764, aged eighty-four.