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From my book "Line of Descent of George Roger Gilbert"

In "Genealogies of Massachusetts" in the Onondaga Public Library, Syracuse, NY is a genealogy ofÊHenry Rowley and his son Moses. It begins:


The original name of this ancient family was Roulowe, and it is said to date from Saxon times. As early as the eleventh century the name Roulowe is found in English records, and Rowley is frequently met with thereafter. Many of the name in England as well as in America have been distinguished in various walks of life. There are several coats-of-arms borne by Rowley families in the old country. Most of the American families of this name are descended from Henry Rowley, mentioned below.The results of my research:

The first Rowley to come to America and his descendants that are directly related to me are given in the following Genealogy.

Monday, May 7, 1973
Tonight I went to the Binghamton Public Library. ............... It was then that I made the big discovery of the day in the "New York Genealogical and Biographical Record" volumn 37 pp 57, 97, 203, 251.


by Homer W. Brainard, Hartford, Connecticut.

All persons named in this article are descendants of Captain Matthew Fuller, soldier and surgeon, successor of Captain Miles Standish and Surgeon-General of the Plymouth forces. The descendants of Samuel Rowley (9) certainly, and probably those of John (10), Jonathan (12), Simeon (35), and Isaachar (36) by the marriage of these four Rowley's to descendants of Edward Fuller and Richard Warren, of the Mayflower, are of the pilgrim descent as well.

Henry 1 Rowley was an early planter at Plymouth, Massachusetts where he was taxed in 1632. It is possible that he was one of the company that came over from Leyden to Plymouth in 1630. It has also been conjectured that he came with Mr. Hatherly in 1632. I have found nothing by which either conjecture can be verified. It is probable that he was married when he came over, and that his three children were born before that time. It has been declared that his first wife was Sarah, daughter of William Palmer, Senior, ofDuxbury. The latter came over in the "Fortune" in 1621, and his wife, Frances came in the "Anne" in 1623. In his will dated 1637, William Palmer names "Moyses Rowley, (son of Henry 1) whom I love "and provides for his bringing up, but does not state what relation Moses was to himself. Henry Rowley married (2) October 17, 1633, Anne, widow of Deacon Thomas Blossom, who embarked in the "Speedwell" at Leyden in 1620, but being obliged to return to Leyden, came over to Plymouth in 1629, where he died provious to March 1632/3. Henry and Anne Rowley removed to Scituate in 1634, the year he was elected freeman. Both were members of Rev. John Lothrop's church on January 8, 1634/5, and removed with him to Barnstable in 1638. He was a deputy from Barnstable to the General Court of Plymouth at least once.

Thomas and Peter Blossom came to Barnstable with their mother Mrs. Rowley and were probably members of the family of their father-in-law. In 1650, Henry Rowley removed, with his son-in-law, Peter Blossom to West Barnstable and later to Falmouth. Henry Rowley died in 1673. Inventory of the estate of "Henery Rowley of Saconesett", exhibited in Court July, 1673, on oath of Moses Rowley "Item: a debt of 29 pounds due from Jonathan Hatch upon the repurchase of a parsell of land which the said Hatch sold to said Henery Rowley with that limitation provided." (Plymouth Colony Records vol iii part 2 page 93)


1. Moses 2, born _____; married Elizabeth Fuller
2. Joseph, born _______; living at Barnstable in 1655, said to have gone to Barbadoes.
3. Sarah, born ______; married April 22, 1646, Jonathan Hatch of Barnstable and Falmouth, born about 1626, died December 1710 age about 84 years. He settled in Falmouth in 1661, and his younger children were born there. Children: MARY, born July 16, 1647; married William Weeks of Falmouth; his second wife according to Otis, based upon the mention in Jonathan Hatch's will of his daughter Mary Weeks. William Weeks married (1) March 16, 1669 , O. S. Mercy Robinson baptized July 4, 1648, daughter of Isaac and Margaret (Hanford) Robinson. It is thought that she died early and some, at least, of William Week's children were by a second wife, but which ones is not certainly known; THOMAS, born January 1, 1649; JONATHAN, born May 17, 1652; JOSEPH, born May 7, 1654; BENJAMIN, born September 7, 1655; NATHANIEL, born June 5, 1657; SAMUEL, born October 11, 1659; MOSES, born March 4, 1662; SARAH, born March 21, 1664, married Nathaniel Wing; MERCY, born April 27, 1667, married Nathan Rowley; LYDIA, born May 16, 1669. These births are recored in both Barnstable and Falmouth records and the two records do not agree. (see Otis, Volumn I page 407)


2. Moses 2 Rowley (Henry 1) born probably before 1630; died 1705 at East Haddam Connecticut; married April 22, 1652, at Barnstable, Elizabeth, daughter of Captain Matthew Fuller. She survived her husband and died in East Haddam or Colchester after 1714. The earliest mention of Moses 2 Rowley is found in the will of William Palmer, the elder, of Duxbury, dated November 17, 1637, which is recorded in Volumn I, fol. (folder?) 28 of Plymouth Colony Wills and Inventories and has been printed (see Mayflower Descendant for July 1900, page 147). "I would have myne executors as in conscience they are psuaded out of the remaynder of my estate deal with Rebecca my grandchild and Moses Rowley, whom I love, but not so as to put it into their father or mother's hands, but preserve it for them till they come to yeares of discretion.... also, I would have yeong Rowley to be placed with Mr. Partridge that he might be brought up in fear of God, and to that end, if his father suffer it, I give Mr. Partridge five pounds." March 7, 1653/4, Moses Rowley was allowed a cow out of the estate of William Palmer, deceased, of Plymouth. (Records of Plymouth Colony Volumn III page 45).

In 1657 he took the freeman's oath at Barnstable. From that day until 1681 I find no sure trace of him. In that year, he was a constable, and was occupying lands at Succonessett (Falmouth). He was a deputy to the General Court in 1692, under the new charter according to Savage, and yet he must at that time have been thinking of removal, for I find (East Haddem Deeds, Volumn I, page 554) that Moses Rowley, Senior, "late of Saquanessett, now of Machinmodes in Haddem" bought 60 acres of land of Jonathan Gilbert, originally laid out to John Henderson of Haddem, deceased. The date of this deed is May 3, 1692, and there is another deed dated October 4, 1693, which names Moses Rowley. An agreement of the heirs of James Bates of Haddem, dated February 1691/2, refers to "Mony in moses rowley's and john ackley's hands, to be reserved to pay debts with.". These records indicate that he removed to Haddem as early as 1691. That his wife Elizabeth disapproved of the removal is clear, for in 1714 she made a deed in which she declared that she had been left without support and dependent upon the bounty of her sons, John Fuller and Moses Rowley, and conveyed to them all her rights of dower to lands in Falmouth, which her husband had sold to Parker without her consent.

His will, dated August 16, 1704, on file at Hartford, Connectictut, reads as follows:

"The last will and testament of Moses Rowley, Senior, of East Haddam in the county of Hartford in the Colleny of Connecticut in New Ingland: Witnesseth:

In the name of God, Amen. Whereas, I, Moses Rowlee being weak of body but through God's good hand upon me at this present writing in perfect harmony and understanding do make and ordain this to be my last will and testament.

Imprimus: I do give and bequeath my soul unto God in the name, merits and mediation of the lord Jesus Christ in whose Righteousness I hope to be accepted with the father.

And my body to Christian burial as my executors shall see meet hoping for a glorious resurrection at the last and great day.

As for the portion of this worlds good that God hath given and continued to me my will is that my just depts being paid the remainder to be disposed of as forthwith: as for the rest of my children, I have done what hath been with me and now I have not expectation of being any more capable to help myself wherefore I doe give and bequeath my land unto my sonn Moses Rowlee, that is to say my half of the lott I now live upon ( the other half I have given all ready to my son Matthew) to be equally divided between my sons Moses and Matthew. I also give unto my son Moses that twenty-five pound right that I formerly gave to Matthew, which my son Matthew hath lovingly relinquished again to me.

I give and bequeath to my daughter Mehitable Fuller all my moveables both flock and household stuff, whether without door or within.

I give and bequeath one-half my young mare unto my son Matthew. My will further is and it is upon the account of not only what my sons Moses Rowlee and John Fuller hath done for me and been kind to me, but especially their willingness to take care of me and my wife during our natural lifes and I doe expect that care and kindness of them that is meet and needfull both to myself and to my wife and I therefore have done what I have done to oblidge them what I can and doe repose my trust, next under God, upon these my two sons, Moses Rowlee and Jonathan Fuller for what I shall and for what my wife shall stand in need of between this and the grave.

And I doe further give to my son, Moses Rowlee, my meadow lot and further be it known that my son Moses is to pay my just debts and moreover my will is that all above legacies given to my children is to them and their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns forever, furthermore, I do nominate, appoint and ordain my loving sons Moses Rowlee and John Fuller executors of this my last will and testatment as witness my hand and seal."

Haddem, 16th August, 1704

signed and sealed in the presents of Moses

John Chapman his X mark

Matthew (M) Rowlee Rowlee, Sr.

Mary (M) Creepen

At a court at Hartford, held March 8, 1705/6, this will was proved by oaths of John Chapman and Thomas Fuller of Haddem that "they saw said Moses Rowlee, the testator, sign and seal and Matthew Rowlee, John Chapman and Mary Crippen, witnesses, set their hands, etc."

Children born at Barnstable

1. Mary born March 20, 1653; married January 7, 1675, John Weeks of Falmouth, children:
NATHANIEL, born_____,1676; JOHN, born August 18, 1678; WILLIAM born February 11, 1680; ELIZABETH, born May 17, 1683; SHUBAEL,born March 15, 1685; EBENEZER,born March 29, 1688; ABIGAIL,born January 28, 1690; MEHITABLE, born___ 28,1693/4; URIAH, born February 3, 1693/4 (probably and error of records), MARY,born September 3, 1696.
2. Moses, born November 10, 1654; married Mary Fletcher (?)
3. _____, born ______, "the dafter of Moses Rowley, Sr. died the 15th day of November, buried 16 day November 1682" (Falmouth records)
4. Shubael, born January 11, 1660, married Catharine Crippen
5. Mehitabel, born January 11, 1660, married John Fuller
6. Sarah, born September 16, 1662, was living in 1700 at East Haddam but perhaps died before her father.
7. Aaron, born May 1, 1666, married Mary Weeks
8. John, born October 22, 1667
9. Matthew, born ______, married, Joanna ________
10. Nathan, born ______, married Mercy Hatch


3. Moses 3 Rowley (Moses 2, Henry 1) born November 10, 1654 in Barnstable; died July 16, 1735, at East Haddam; married (1) Mary Fletcher (?); date of her birth, marriage and death not found; married (2) after February 17, 1714/5, Mary, widow of Samuel Corbe of East Haddam, she died there April 10, 1694. She was the daughter of Thomas and Frances Crippen of Falmouth, Massachusetts and East Haddam. She died June 9, 1764, in the 97th year of her age, according to her gravestone at East Haddam. The proof of the second marriage is found in the will of Samuel Corbe, of East Haddam, probated October 29, 1757 (Probate records at Colchester, Volumn II, page 447) which mentions "Azariah Heath that now lives with me, who is to provide for the comfortable support of my mother, Mary Rowley."

In 1685, Moses Rowley, Junior, aide of one of the constables in the execution of his office was struck by Christopher Gifford of Suckanesset "on ye head with a certain stick or club, thereby fetching blood and shroadly (?) wounding him to his great hurt and damage". Gifford had to pay Rowley 20 pounds for the wound, and other fines and costs. (Plymouth Colony Records, Volumn VI page 180)

Moses Rowley took the freeman's oath at Succonessett (Falmouth) in 1690, and a few years later removed to East Haddam. He and his wife were admitted to the church at East Haddm, November 12, 1704, the year of its organization. I found no record of the births of his children either at Falmouth or East Haddam. The list below is from his will. (Hartford Probate Records, Volumn XII, page 330 ) which reads as follow:

Will of Moses Rowley

"In the name of God. Amen. This 24th day of March 1734-35, I, Moses Rowley, of the town of East Haddam, in the county of Hartford and Colony of Connecticut calling to mind my mortallity knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, being sickly and weakly in body but of perfect mind do make and ordain this my last will and testament, principally and first of all: I do give and bequeath my sole to God who gave it to me and my body to the dust from whence it was taken, to be buried in Christian decent burial at the discretion of my executors, nothing doubting but I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God at the general resurrection of the dead, and as touching that small part of estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me, which I have not as yet disposed of, I give, bequeath and dispose of as in maner followeth: Imprimus: I do give and bequeath to my loving sons, viz.: Moses, Samuel, Ebenezer, and Jonathan Rowley, all my lands known by the name of purchase land or lots equally to be divided among them alike, that is to say if the said purchases are pleased to divide the same, then I do give and bequeath it them and their heirs as in manner abovesaid, but if the said purchases should not divide said land but let it lye for the use first intended then I do give and bequeath it to that use, viz. for the Gospel in this place.

Secondly, I do give and bequeath to my loving son, John Rowley, all my carpenter tools. Thirdly, I give and bequeath to my loving son, Jonathan Rowley, my cart boxes and bands, my small ax and broad hoe - fourthly, I do give and bequeath to my loving daughter, Hannah Rowley, that cow that my son, John Rowley, now hath and six sheep , my bed that I now lye on, and all the bedding belonging to the same, and all the household goods that I now have - fifthly, I do give and bequeath my wearing clothes to my loving sons, viz., Moses, Samuel, John , Ebenezer, and Jonathan Rowley and whatsoever else which I shall have at my decease of Estate that I have not disposed of, as abovesaid, to be equally divided among them, excepting twenty shillings a piece to be paid out of the same to my three loving daughters, viz., Mary Olmstead, Nem Fuller and Mehitable Chapman. Furthermore, my will is that my sons, Samuel Rowley, of Hebron and Ebenezer, of East Haddam be executors to this my last will and testament and that they should be reasonably allowed their trouble and I, the said Moses Rowley, do hereby disallow, revoak and disavow all other former wills and testaments and bequests, whatsoever, ratifying and confirming this to be my last will and testament and no other. In witness whereof I, the said, Moses Rowley, have hereunto set my hand and seal, this day and year within written.

John Fuller Moses Rowley seal
John Persivall
Ebenezer Fuller

Inventory taken 19 August, 1735, by Thomas Gates and John Fuller amounted to 32 pounds 12 shillings.

Children born in Falmouth:

1. Mary4, born ___________; married Captain Samuel Olmstead, son of Samuel and Mary (Lord) Olmstead, of Hartford and East Haddam. He died July 27, 1747, aged 71 years. ÊThe dates of her death not found. Children: Sarah, born ____ 29, 1699, died March 10, 1724; Eunice, born September 18, 1701; Samuel, born September 8, 1703; William, born November 21, 1705; Jonathan born, November 9, 1707, died September 20, 1725, while a "Freshman at Yale College", Dorothy, born March 21, 1715; Abigail, born June 10, 1716 died, April 5, 1723.
2. Moses, born _______________; married Martha Porter
3. Naomi, born _______________; married Samuel Fuller, living in 1764
4. Hannah, born ______________; unmarried in 1734-35
5. Samuel, born ______________; married Elizabeth Fuller
6. John, born _______________; married Deborah Fuller
7. Ebenezer, born ____________; married Mary Church
8. Mehitable, born about 1698, married January 16, 1717, Henry Champion of East Haddam, she died there October 4, 1775 in her 78th year.
9. Jonathan, born ____________; married Anne Fuller


8. Moses 4 Rowley (Moses 3, Moses 2, Henry 1) born about 1679, in Falmouth; date and place of death not found; married (1) ___________; married (2) September 7. 1707, Martha Porter, born, April 23, 1687; daughter of John and Joanna (Gaylord) Porter of Windsor, Connecticut ( Porter Genealogy, Volumn 1, page ___), date of her death not found; married (3) September 25, 1729, Sarah Chapman of East Haddam, born _______ "Sarah, late wife of Moses Rowley, died September 20, 1757, in 67th year." (Gravestone at Moodus, town of East Haddam) Moses Rowley was an early inhabitant at Colchester, being fence-view and lister there in 1702-4. He afterward removed to East Haddam.


1. Abigail, born about 1703; married January 21, 1724-5, Samuel Corbe, son of Samuel and Mary (Crippen) Corbe, born December 10, 1694, in East Haddam, died there September 15, 1757 in his 63rd year. She died there November 29, 1764, without issue, leaving a will in which she names brothers, Moses, Daniel Rowley, nephew Joseph Langrell Rowley, sister, Mehitable Chapman, and nieces, Anna Olmstead, Abigail Fuller and Lavinia Phelps; also Azariah and Samuel Corbe Heath.
2. Mary, born December 5, 1708, married September 30, 1738, Ebenezer Fuller
3. Martha, born February 11, 1710; married Thomas Fuller
4. Moses, born September 5, 1713; married Mary _______
5. Anne, born April 5, 1716; died 1785 married William Olmstead
6. Lydia, born September 17, 1718, married January 21, 1741, Lieutenant Joseph Phelps, Jr. of Hebron, Connecticut born May 21, 1716, at Hebron. She was his 2nd wife and died at Hebron, December 29, 1757. ÊChildren: Joseph, born March 29, 1743; married Jemina Post. Martin, born August 5, 1744, married Abigail Post. Lydia, born July 21, 1746; married ________Pepoon. Reuben, born September 15, 1748; married Mary Hosford. Dan, born March 4, 1755; died at New York in a Revolutionary ship, served in the Navy. Lavinia, born July 7, 1757, married December 28, 1780, at Hebron, Daniel Pepoon of Hebron and Stockbridge, Massachusetts. She died November 1, 1785. Children born in Stockbridge - Lavinia married William Janes. Joseph, who died unmarried. Hannah, born August 9, 1783 married David Campbell.
7. Daniel, born March 12, 1720, married (1) Bethiah Langrell, (2) Jemima Parsons; (3) ____.
8. Mehitabel born May 23 1723; married Robert Chapman. Children: Reuben Rowley Chapman born October 15, 1758, married December 19, 1781, Mary Doane, of Middle Haddam. He died August 3, 1846 at East Haddam. (For their large family see Chapman Genealogy page 109)
9.Reuben, born September 23, 1725, died August 12, 1747 unmarried, (Gravestone at Colchester).


10. Sarah, born June 19, 1730, married May 31, 1751 Thomas Gate, Junior
11. Nathaniel, born March 3, 1733, died November 1741 (?).


25. Moses 5 (Moses 4, Moses 3, Moses 2, Henry 1 ) born, September 5, 1713, in East Haddam; died after 1773 probably in Richmond Massachusetts, married about 1735-6, Mary _________ "Mary wife of Moses Rowley, Jr. admitted to church in East Haddam September 5, 1736 "and she united with the church at Kent, Connecticut on May 6, 1744. This Moses Rowley is found in many towns. Deeds in the several places show that he resided until 1739 in Middletown, Connecticut; from 1739 to 1743 in Sharon, Connecticut; from 1743 to 1745 in Kent; from 1746 to 1748 in Oblong, New York and from 1748 to 1772 in Kent and after 1773 in Richmond, Massachusetts. In Kent, he lived on a tract of land west of the Housatonic River which is described as being in "Scatacook" a part of Alger's grant. He also bought large tracts of Jabez Castle, and Robert Watson, and appears to have been an enterprising man. His dwelling was near Macedonia Brook in Kent, and near the line between Connecticut and New York.


1. Thomas 6, baptized, September 19, 1736 in East Haddam
2. Martha, baptizd, September 19, 1736 in East Haddam; married John (?) Cahoon of Oblong, New York; alive in 1772
3. Timothy, baptized April 17, 1737, in East Haddam, married, in East Haddam; December 3, 1761, Bethiah, daughter of Ebenezer Crocker of East Haddam and settled in the Oblong.
4. Aaron, baptized May 30, 1739, in East Haddam
5. Nathaniel, born __________; died January 6, 1741-2 in Sharon, Connecticut.
6. Mary, born May 9, 1745 in Kent
7. Reuben, born, February 7, 1748, in the Oblong
8. Moses - Twins, born April 6, 1752
9. Daniel- in Kent
10. David, born September 6, 1755 in Kent


42. Aaron 6 Rowley (Moses 5, Moses 4, Moses 3, Moses 2, Henry 1 ) born about May, 1739 in Middletown (East Parish) Connecticut, died in 1799 ( died March 1, 1799, aged 60 - Vital Statistics of Richmond) at Richmond, Massachusetts; name of wife I have not found. (My note: from other research - Anna, wife of Colonel Aaron Rowley, died April 19, 1799, aged 61 - Vital Statistic of Richmond). His property was distributed to the children named below. He removed to Richmond about 1772. He and two of his sons, Aaron, Jr.; and Moses, were Revolutionary soldiers, enlisting in a company from Becket, Massachusetts. He is called Captain and Major.

My addition: ÊFrom "Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War""I copied Aaron Rowley's war record.

Rowley, Aaron, Richmond. Lieutenant, Capt. Stephen Pearl's co., Col. Benjamin Ruggles Woodbridge's (25th) regt.; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; engaged May 10, 1775; service, 2 mos. 26 days; also, 1st Lieutenant, same co. and regt.; company return dated Prospect Hill, Sept. 28, 1775; reported "on Command to Quebec;" also, Captain, Col. Jonathan Smith's regt.; list of field, staff, and commissioned officers [year not given ]; also, Captain, Maj. Rosseter's detachment of Berkshire Co. militia; entered service Feb. 23, 1777; discharged April 7, 1777; service, 43 days, at Ticonderoga; also, Captain, Col. Benjamin Simonds's (Berkshire Co.) regt.; entered service April 26, 1777; discharged May 19, 1777; service, 24 days; company called out by Maj. Gen. Gates and ordered to march to Saratoga; also, Captain, Col. John Brown's detachment of militia; entered service June 30, 1777; discharged July 21, 1777, near Fort Ann; service 22 days; detachment raised in Berkshire Co. for service at Fort Ann on an alarm at Ticonderoga; also, Captain, Col. John Ashley's detachment of Berkshire Co. militia; entered service July 22, 1777; discharged Aug. 13, 1777; service, 23 days, at Stillwater; also, Captain, Col. David Rosseter's detachment of Berkshire Co. militia; entered service Aug. 13, 1777; discharged Aug. 20, 1777; service, 7 days, at Bennington; also, Captain, Col. John Brown's detachment of Berkshire co. militia; entered service Sept. 5, 1777; discharged Oct. 1, 1777; service, 26 days, at and to the northward of Pawlet; also, official record of a ballot by the House of Representatives, dated Feb. 6, 1778; said Rowley chosen 1st Major, Col. David Rosseter's (3rd Berkshire Co.) regt. of Mass. militia, in the room of Maj. Caleb Hyde, elected Lieutenant Colonel; appointment concurred in by Council Feb. 7, 1778; reported Commission Feb. 6, 1778; also, Major, Lieut. Col. Miles Powell's (Berkshire Co.) regt. ; engaged July 18, 1779; discharged Aug. 28, 1779; service 1 mo. 16 days, including 5 days (105 miles) travel home; regiment stationed at New Haven; also, Major, Lieut. Col. Barnabas Sears's regt.; marched July 20, 1781; discharged Nov. 15, 1781; service, 3 mos. 29 days; regiment raised for 3 months.................................


1. Richmond 7
2. Aaron, born October 28, 1786, married Mercy Drew
3. Sylvester
4. Anna, married 1791, Thomas Leadbetter ( b. 1764, d. Maine, N.Y. March 1851 aged 87)
5. Mary, (Mother of Anna Hackley) married 1785, Peter Hackley
6. Reuben
7. Olive, married October 14, 1792, Erastus Tracy of Pittsfield, Mass.
8. Abigail, (Mother of Orrin Bliss) married Charles Bliss (March 14 - Vital Statistics of Richmond),1790.
9. Moses, died 1803 without issue
10. Rouellania, non compos mentis
11. Erastus

Orrin Bliss married Anna Hackley. Information concening them can be found by going back to my Genealogy page and the surnames Bliss and Hackley.