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From my book "Line of Descent of George Roger Gilbert"
Thursday, October 17, 1996
Went to the Vestal Public Library hoping to make a connection between Mary (Fletcher) Rowley and Moses Fletcher of the Mayflower.
I went into the Special Books room and looked at the several books taken from the MAYFLOWER ASSOCIATIONS yearbooks. These books are genealogies of different Mayflower Passengers families for 5 generations. There was none for Moses Fletcher and I later found out that perhaps his progeny remained in Holland. There is one entire book on Edward Fuller's descendants. Others are Allerton, Aldon, Brown, Soule, Warren and more.
I took each one and looked through the index for familiar names. I found the names Little and Tilden in the book about Mayflower passenger Richard Warren. Further investigation showed that his daughter, Anna Little's, daughter, Hannah, married Stephen Tilden. He is an ancestor of Anna Hackley Bliss, so she and myself are descended from Richard Warren who came to America on the "Mayflower" and signed the Mayflower Compact.
1. RICHARD WARREN b. prob. England: d. Plymouth 1628. He m. prob. England prior to 1610 ELIZABETH ______, b. ca. 1580; d. Plymouth 2 Oct. 1673 aged above 90 years.
The wife and 5 daughters came on the "Anne" in 1623. In "Mourt's Relation" under date of "sixt of December" it is stated "and three of London, Richard Warren, Steven Hopkins and Edward Dotte ..." This statement that he was from London is all we know about the origin of Richard Warren despite considerable research to learn more. (See MQ a51: 109-112).
The 22 May 1627 Division of Cattle names Richard Warren, wife Elizabeth Warren, Nathaniell Warren, Joseph Warren, Mary Warren, Anna Warren, Sara Warren, Elizabeth Warren, and Abigail Warren.
In a deed dated 28 Sept. 1629 the land which Thomas Clarke sold to William Bradford was bounded on one side by land of "Widow Warren."
At the 7 March 1616/7 court it was agreed that Elizabeth Warren, widow, the relict of Mr. Richard Warren, deceased, was to be a "Purchaser" as she had performed the bargain after her husband's decease, and also for confirming the land formerly given by her to her sonnes in law Richard Church, Robert Bartlett and Thomas Little in marriage with their wives, her daughters.
In a codicil to his will dated 16 July 1667 Nathaniel Warren mentions his mother Elizabeth Warren, his brother Joseph Warren and his sisters Mary Bartlett Sr., Anna Little, Sarah Cooke, Elizabeth Church and Abigail Snow.
On 4 March 1673/4 Mary Bartlett, the wife of Robert Barlett ack. she had received full satisfaction for her share of the estate of Mistriss Elizabeth Warren, deceased; and John Cooke in behalf of all her sisters testified to the same. The court settled the remainder of the estate on Joseph Warren.
Children (WARREN) 1st 5 b. prob. England, last 2 b. Plymouth:
2. i. MARY 2 b. ca. 1610
3. ii. ANNA b. ca. 1612
4. iii. SARAH b. 1614
5. iv. ELIZABETH b. ca. 1616
6. v. ABIGAIL b. ca. 1618
7. vi. NATHANIEL b. ca. 1625
8. vii. JOSEPH b. ca. 1626
References: MD 2:39(Nathaniel Warren Cod.); 3:45-51( Warren Notes), PLYMOUTH COLONY RECS 1:54(Eliz. made Purchaser): 5:139-140(est. Elizabeth);8:35 (d. Eliz.); 12:12(1627 civ.) NEW ENGLAND'S MEMORIAL p. 68(d. Richard). Plymouth Colony LR 1:32 (Eliz. called widow).
3. ANNA 2 WARREN (Richard 1) b. prob. England ca. 1612 (deposition); d. Marshfield after 19 Feb. 1675/6 (son's will).
She m. Plymouth 19 April 1633 THOMAS LITTLE , d. Marshfield March 1671/2; buried there 12 March 1671.
The first record of Thomas Little in Plymouth is the 25 March 1633 tax list.
The will of Thomas Little Sr. dated 17 May 1671, exhibited 1 July 1672, names wife; sons Isacke and Ephraim; younger sons Thomas and Samuel; grandchild John Jones; Sarah Bonney (no relationship stated). Anna Little widow swore to the inventory July 1672.
On 6 June 1672 Anna Little "aged sixty yeares or therabouts" deposed to the will of Ralph Chapman. On the same day, Ephraim Little "aged 22 yeares or therabouts" deposed to the same.
Children (LITTLE) first 7 bo. Plymouth, last 2 b. Marshfield:
17 i ABIGAIL 3 b. ca. 1635
ii RUTH d. aft. 19 Feb. 1675 (brother's will)
18 iii HANNAH b. ca. 1637 (1636)
19 iv PATIENCE b. ca. 1639
20 v MERCY b. ca. 1645
21 vi ISAAC b. ca. 1646
22 vii EPHRAIM b. 17 May 1650
viii THOMAS b. beg. 19 Feb. 1654/5 (if over 21 when he wrote will); killed by Indians 26 March 1676 in King Philip's War; unm. The will of Thomas Little Sr. dated 19 Feb. 1675, sworn 31 May 1676, names brother Samuel; sisters Ruth, Hannah, Patience Mercye ( no surnames) and his mother.
23 ix SAMUEL b. ca. 1656
references; MD 2:178 (Anna depos.); 4:161-4 (wills); 13:83 (m>);16: 235 (b. Ephraim);19:134 (Ephraim dep.). MARSHFIELD VR p. 427 (bur.). PLYMOUTH COLONY RECS 1:11 (tax list), 13 (M.);8:10 (b. Ephraim). LITTLE COMPTON FAMS pp 398,697. SAVAGE3:99; 4:427.
18 HANNAH LITTLE 3 ( Anna 2 Warren, Richard 1) b. Plymouth ca. 1637; d. Scituate 13 May 1710. ÊShe m. Scituate 25 Jan. 1661 STEPHEN TILDEN, bp. Tenterden, Kent, England 11 Oct. 1629; d. Scituate 22 Aug. 1711; son of Nathaniel and Lydia (Huckstep) Tilden.
Stephen Tilden came to New England with his father and other members of his family on the "Hercules" in March 1634/5.
On 7 March 1711/2 Ephraim Tilden was appointed administrator of the estate of his father Stephen Tilden of Scituate. He refused to administer and his brother Joseph Tilden was appointed administrator on 4 April 1712.
Children (TILDEN) b. Scituate:
i HANNAH 4 b. 14 Oct. 1662; n. f. r., unless she is the Hannah who d. Scituate 13 May 1710.
85 ii STEPHEN b. 5 Feb. 1663/4
86 iii ABIGAIL b. 11 July 1666
87 iv MARY b. 7 April 1668
88 v JUDITH b. 1 June 1670
89 vi JOSEPH b. 13 May 1672
90 vii MERCY b. 1 May 1674
91. viii RUTH b. 1 June 1676
92. ix ISAAC b. 28 Aug. 1678
x EPHRAIM b. 20 Nov. 1680; living 17 May 1727 when he witnessed a receipt; prob. d. unm. No Plymouth Co. PR.
94 xi EBENEZER b. 16 June 1682
95 xii DAVID b. 6 Nov. 1685
References: MD 2: 34 (m. ): 17:202 (m.; dau. Hannah): 19?23 (b. Mercy). VR SCITUATE. NEHGR65:314-333 Eng. data)PLYMOUTH COLONY RECS 8:29(m.: b. dau. Hannah), 50(b. Mercy) SCITUATE BY DEANE pp. 353-355. TORREY'S MARRIAGES p. 74 (Huckstep). Plymouth Co. PR 3: 104, 143 (Stephen Tilden).
92 ISAAC TILDEN 4 (Hannah Little 3, Anna 2 Warren, Richard 1) b. Scituate 28 Aug. 1678; d. Hebron CT 15 April 1771 ae 93 y 7m 18d. ÊHe m. (1) Lebanon CT 30 Dec. 1714 MARTHA MUDGE, b. Northampton: d. Lebanon Ct 3 Oct. 1715; dau. of Micah and Mary (Alexander) Mudge. ÊHe m. (2) Lebanon Ct 14 June 1716 REBECCA MANN, b. Scituate 22 March 1686 (Rabachat in VR); d. Hebron CT 7 Nov. 1767; dau. of Richard and Elizabeth (Sutton) Mann.
On 25 Nov. 1709 Isaac Tilden of "Cituate" Co. Plymouth, Mass. purchased 300 acres of land in Lebanon from Hezekiah Porter.
On 2 April 1736 Isaac Tilden purchased land in Hebron Ct.
On 13 April 1739 Isaac Tilden of Hebron gave 50 acres to his son Isaac Tilden of Hebron, On 10 June 1747 he gave 103 acres to his son John Tilden of Hebron.
No CT PR for Isaac Tilden
Children (TILDEN) b. Lebanon CT 1st by Martha, rest by Rebecca:
428 i. ISAAC 5 b. 26 Sept. 1715
429 ii. REBECCA b. 7 March 1716/7
iii JONATHAN b. 21 April 1719; d. 20 May 1720
iv JUDITH b. 2 April 1721; d. Hebron CT 15 July 1742
v MARTHA b. 12 Oct. 1723; d. 20 Nov. 1723
430 vi MERCY b. 15 Aug. 1725
431 vii JOHN b. 28 Jan. 1728/9
References; VR SCITUATE (b. Rebecca). Lebanon Ct LR 2; 175 (Isaac Tilden). Hebron CT VR 2: 356 ( d. Isaac, Rebecca). Lebanon CtVR 1: 301 (Both m.: b. chi.: d. Martha).....
An accounting of Isaac Tilden's (#428 above) children and the rest of the Tilden Family begins on page 78 of Volumn 4 of my book in the section concerning Samuel Hackley and Related Families.