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From my book "Line of Descent of George Roger Gilbert"
Historical Background and Origins of the Mandeville Name
Researched and composed by H. Warren Ragot, son of Henri E. Ragot
and Mabel Perault Mandeville.
After the reign of Charlemagne, the Holy Roman Empire was broken into three kingdoms: Franconia on the east, Lotharingia in the center and Westphalia on the west. These kingdoms are divided today as France, the Rhineland and Germany. The reason for this division was the Frankish custom of regarding the state as private property held by the King, and dividing the land equally among the male heirs of the King. The state began to lose control of the church, and this encouraged the division of lands even further.
Under the treaty of Verdun in the year 843, the land along the English Channel was given to Charles the Bold and Lothar, but Ludwig of Westphalia (Germany) and Charles combined forces to pinch Lothar out of Neustria (Belgium and Holland). Charles was able to control the English Channel and obtained Neustria for himself. While the three were fighting, the Normans (Norsemen) raided northern France in the year 850, and sacked many of the Monestaries. To appease them, the next King Charles (the Simple) gave them the land west of the Seine and north of the Loire by the treaty of St. Clair in 911 AD. The Norman leader, Rohlf, became the territory's first Duke, now under the vassalage of Charles. Gradually the Normans developed the principles of feudal tenure and primogeniture in order to avoid the problem of equal division of land to all male heirs.
One of the descendants of Rohlf was Guilliame (or William), who made the French King a vassal (this term, of Celtic origin, means servant) and then turned his thoughts to Briton, which was already weakened from numerous invasions by the Angles, Saxons, Picts and Scots. In 1066, William crossed the Channel and defeated the Saxon King, Harold, at Hastings. One of his Knights was Gausfred (or Goisfred), for one reason or another, a favorite. Because William could not take care of all his lands, and subdue the Saxons at the same time, he wisely chose to distribute the land into Dukedoms or Earldoms (as the Saxons called them).
The Normans were great absorbers and took the language of the Franks, with their own peculiar twang (like our cowboy lingo). Their government was adopted from the Saxon system, and Goisfred was given the territory of Magne Villa (Latin), Magneville (Frankish) or Mandeville (Norman). The territory spread along the Channel coast of France from Bayeux (near the Acere River) to Carentan. These French towns can be located on a map of France today. They are very close to the Omaha and Utah beach areas of the Normandy invasion of W.W.II. Rouen, on the Seine, is to the east. The peninsula where Cherbourg is situated is to the west. People from this region adopted the name De Mandeville, hence the origin of the name.
From my notes:
New York Genealogical and Biographical Record - Vol. 69, page 222
Gillis Jansz (de) Mandeville and his wife Elsje Hendricks with four children came to America in 1659 sailing from Holland February 12, on the "Faith" (HSYB 1902)
On the passenger list Gillis Jansz is indicated as coming "from Garden", that is from Garderen, a village in the northwest corner of the province of Gelderland, Netherlands. In record 38 (1907):284 there has been published a genealogy of the de Mandeville Family [see page 67 of this record.] In this article a few data are given concerning his presumed relatives in the Netherlands and it is there stated that Gillis was possibly a son of Jan Jansz de Mandeville a candidate minister at Kootwijck near Voorthuysen village in the immediate neighborhood of Garderen. Gillis was indeed a son of Rev. John (Jan) de Mandeville whose full name was, however, not Jan Jansz but Jan Michaelsz de Mandeville.
At the end of the 16th century there lived at Nymegan, a city in the province of Gelderland, Dr. Med. Michael Jansz de Mandeville. It is unknown from where he settled there but his family came presumeably originally from France, for Mandeville is the name of two villages in Normandy, one in the Department of Eure, the other in Calvados.
In 1601, Dr. Michael was appointed "ordinaus Medicus" and rector or principal, of the Latin School at Nymegan. Through his supervision he improved the practice of Medicine there and there his own pracitce demanded so much of his time that in 1607 the magistracy asked him to resign as principal of the Latin School in order to devote his entire time to medicine. In 1617 he and seven of his children received the burgherright of Nymegan and the next year he was honored by being appointed a schepen and a number of the city council of the city of his adoption. In 1635 the plague raged at Nymegen. Ministering to the sick to the last he played a heroic part. He finally was stricken himself and succumbed to the dreaded disease. A grateful city honored his memory providing a college education for his children and by appointing first his son Dr. Emanuela and fterwards the latter's son Dr. Geraltheus to the position of city physician.
Dr. Michael de Mandeville had married Maria Van de Rade, a daughter of Aegidius (Gillis) Van de Rade and Sara, his wife.
Eleven children were born to Dr. Michael and his wife. The oldest son Jan, the father of American Settlers, was born about 1601. On March 3, 1623, he entered Leiden University. His name was entered as "Johannes Mandeivijl, 22 (years old) T(heology)". Four years later he was joined there by his younger brother Emanuel who took the course of medicine. It is possible that Johan (Jan) de Mandeville had already followed courses in Theology elsewhere (possibly at the Collegiate Theological School at Leiden not connected with the University.) It was rather old to start one's university career at the age of 22 in those days, and in 1624 he received already permission to lecture on the Hebrew language, in the place of professor l'Empereus at the Atheneum at Hardewijk, Gelderland.
In 1628, he was appointed a proponent or candidate minister at the village of Koolwijk, not far from Harderwijk and two years later he became minster in the neighboring village of Gandener where he died in 1657. There is a tombstone with a rather illegibel inscription of a Mandeville buried in the church at Gardener which may refer to the Reverend Johannes de Mandeville.
In 1640 he had written a Latin Carmeu which he had dedicated to the Estates of Gelderland for which this august body voted him a suitable reward.
The name of Rev. John's wife has not as yet been found. Two years after his death his son Gillis, named probably for uncle Aegidius (Gillis) de Mandeville, which name descended from the Van de Rade family, sailed for New Netherlands.
The de Mandevilles remained a professional family in the Netherlands. Of especial interest is Dr. Bernardus de Mandeville ( a great gradson of Dr. Michael) who settled in England and was the author of "The fable of the Bees or Private Vices, Publick Benefits" of which new edition, copiously annotated by F.B.Kaye, was published in 1924.
The de Mandeville family was armigerous. A seal of "Michael Mandeville" (the grandfather of the American Settler ) schepen of Nymegan, on a document dated November 8, 1632, shows a winged stag rampant (contourne). In a previous article (Neiff -Nevices) I have mentioned the existence of a roll-of-arms of the Gelderland-Overyseel Student Society. In the Leiden volumn Emanuel de Mandeville (the uncle of the American settler) had his arms entered in about 1622 when a student there.
There was in Holland also another de Mandeville Family, at least they bore different arms, namely Mandeville. These arms were born by Robbert Williemsz de Mandeville from Middleburgh who settled at Amsterdam where he received the burgherright June 18, 1649. He was besides bierbeschoyer, inspector of the tappens of Amsterdam, a well-known painter, (Bredius, Kirenstter Inventare). He married Clara Roodenburg, a poet (oud Holland, 1895:65)
In Amsterdam settled also Emanuel de Mandeville from Middleburgh, born about 1609. He was a merchant at Amsterdam and married there in the Walloon Church first, in 1634, Elizabeth Beth and second in 1645, Maria Kinslandt. The fact that the name Emanuel occurs in both the Middleburgh-Amsterdam and the Nymegan families may indicate relationship, although they bore apparently different arms.
From the New York Genealogical and Biographical Review vol. 38 pg 284 :
Contributed by Lucy Dubois Akerly
1. YELLIS 1 JANSEN DE MANDEVILLE the founder of the family in this country is traced as early as 1657 at Voorthuizen, a village near Garderen in Holland. His father's name was Jan, perhaps that Jan Jansen who in 1627 was Candidate at the Reformed Church at Koolwyck, also near Garderen, and died at the latter place in 1657.
The Garderen Marriage and Baptismal Registers before 1664, are unfortunately lost, but there is a tombstone in the ancient church there, mostly unintellligible, to a younger son of the de Mandeville family who died 14 Oct., 165_.
Yellis de Mandeville came to America in the de Trouw (Faith), 12 Feb., 1659, with his "wife and four children of 1 1/4, 5, 6 and 9 years. " The children's names are not given, and Yellis is called Gilles Jansen Van Garder. (Garderen in the Veluwe, Guelderland, Holland.) He paid £50 for the passage of his wife and himseld, and £10 for each child; or 90 guilders in all. The name of Gillis de Mandeivile on the original list of the vessel Moesman, in April, 1659, indicates that he was not a passenger, but only a debtor to the Dutch West India Company, for a small sum advanced by them. Yellis probably lived for a time somewhere on Long Island. Two of his children were from New amersfoort (Flatlands). He was perhaps that Gilles Jansen rated there in Sept., 1676, for 10 morgens of land, etc.
Riker states that Yellis de Mandeville bought a farm at Flatbush (probably the land in the jurisdiction of Hempstead, valued above all his other possessions, devised by will to his son Hendrick), and received afterwards a grant of 30 acres at Greenwich, N.Y., laid out 5 Dec., 1679; patented 30 Dec. 1680. No lands granted or sold to Yellis de Mandeville are recorded in the Flatbush Records, but many Dutch Patents and Indian Deeds were destroyed or sent to England after 1664. No New Amsterdam Records mention him, but we find Gilles Janszen Mandiviel and his wife Elsje Hendricx as members of The New York Dutch Church, 31 May, 1677, and Jillis, Elsje and Grietie Mandeviel living above the ancient pond Kalch hock in 1686.
The Mandeville estate extended from below 14th street to 21st street, though not parallel to either, and from the Hudson River to Warren Road. This part of manhattan Island was known as Greenwich, Sappokaniken, Shappanaconk, or New Nordwyck. Yellis sold to David Mandeville, doubtless his son, on 14 May, 1700, 53 morgens of land (126 acres) , including the Greenwich bowery then occupied by the said David Mandeville, and apparently meadows on the west side of the Hudson River. The land was particularly described in a grant from Governor Nicholls, and in a deed of Johannes Vanbroughen and Jacob Veranger to Jacob Vandegrift: the latter sold the same to Yellis Mandeville, 2 June, 1679.
Yellis and his wife were sponsors at a baptism, 16 March, 1701, and his will was proved 22 May, following, by his widow. This will, dated 15 Sept. 1696, signed Yeelise de Mandveille, mentions all his children, eldest son Hendrick, son David, daus.Tryntje, now wife of Cornelis Jansen de Seenn: Aeltie, now wife of Lowren Johnsen; Gerritie, now wife of Pieter Meet; Griettie, now wife of John Meet. Elsie, his wife, to be sole executrix, after her death their sons Hendrick and David. The original will may be found in the Surrogate's Office in New York City. The signature only is in Mr. Mandeville's handwriting, and bears an unidentified heraldic seal. The name of Yellis' children as transcribed in Liber II, 108, N. Y. Wills, contain several mistakes, repeated in the published Wills of the N. Y. Historical Society, and elsewhere. Issue:
2 i. Hendrick, prob. b. in Guilderland, Holland, about 1650; see beyond.
3 ii. David, prob. b. in America; see beyond.
iii. Tryntje (Catherine), prob. b. in Holland, about 1652-3, doubtless the eldest daughter. Her husband, from Alkmar, Holland, called Cornelis Jansen de Seenn by her father, was doubtless Cornelis Jansse Seeu, who took the Oath of Allegiance at Flatbush, Sept. 1687, having been here 27 years. In the Otter in which he crossed the Atlantic, Feb., 1659, and at the baptisms of some of his children, he figures as Cornelis Jansen Van der Veer, or from the ferry. He was landowner, magistrate and patentee at Flatbush. Children: Cornelis; Meeltje, m. 13 Aug. 1658, Daniel Polhemus; Dominicus, bap. 16, Nov., 1679; Jan; Maria, bap. 30 July, 1682, Hendrickje, bap. 27 Aug., 1684; Jacoba, bap. 9 April, 1686; and perh. Jacobus and Michael.
iv. Aeltje (Elsie), m. Laurens Jansen de Camp. They were members of the Dutch Church in New Utrecht in 1677, and after 1687 removed to Staten island, N. Y. For their children; Joannes, bap. 2 April, 1677, sponsors Joannes Gillisz and Tryntje Gilles; Johannes; Styntje; Hendrick; Aegidius; Werachie, and Aeltje, see Onderdonck's Mss. L. I. Dutch Records, and Morrison's De Camp Genealogy.
v. Gerritie (Gertrude). The marriage banns of Gerritie Gillis, maiden of Nordwyck Greenwich, N. Y.), and Wiert Eppens, bachelor, from Ester Buzum, were published in the New York Dutch Church, 15 Sept., 1681, and they were married 7 Oct., the same year, at Bergen, N. J. Gerritie and her husband generally known as Wiert Epke Banta, were members of the Hackensack Dutch Church. Banta, b. at Minnertsga, Holland, in May, 1658; d. before 3 July 1689, when his relict m. Pieter Jansen Meet. The latter was on the Bushwick Assessment Roll, 8 July, 1683, and still alive 15 Sept., 1696. The marriage of his widow to Increase Power, b. near Boston, was registered at Hackensack, 24 July, 1699, where he was a Church member in 1715. For Gerritie's Banta children, Wiert, Henricus, Elsje and Jacob, see A friesland Family, Banta.
Increase and Gerritie Power had: Tryntje and Sara, bap. 18 March, 1700; Jacob, bap. 25 May, 1702; David, bap. 1 April 1702; Isaac, bap. 1 Feb., 1707. these baptisms were all recorded at Hackensack save Jacob's. He was baptized in the New York Dutch Church, where most of the baptisms mentioned in this sketch will be found.
vi. Grietie ( Margaret), of New Amersfoort, m. 11 May, 1687, in New York, where both were then residing, Jan Pieterse Meet, from Old Amersfoort, in the Diocese of Utrecht. Jan Meet ( Meeck, Mead), b. in Holland about 1660, was son of Pieter Jansen Meet, whose second wife was Gerritie Mandeville ( ante). Jan sold a lot in Flatbush in Feb., 1692-3, and was one of the Pacquenac, N. J., Patentees in 1695. In 1703 he was apparently of New York with one male, one female and six children in his family.
Issue; Pieter, bap. 20 Oct., 1689; Johannes, bap. 25 March, 1691; Jacob, bap. 18 Jan., 1693; Christina, bap. 27 Oct., 1695; Elsje, bap. 12 July or Aug., 1696, at Hackensack; Maria, bap. 31 May, 1700; Gilles, bap. 14 Oct., 1702.
vii. Jan (prob.), Bergen, the De Camp Genealogy, and Mansell's American Ancestry, all attribute a son Jan to Yellis de Mandeville, some say b. at 1655, and of Westchester Co.; evidence neither quoted nor found. Probably Joannes Mandeville, sponsor at the baptism of Joannes de Camp in 1677; Johannes Mandeviel, witness at the baptism of Henricus Banta (ante), and Jan above were identical. There are numerous entries relative to Jan Gilles in the early Dutch Records, but no others with the surname Mandeville attached.
viii.William, prob. son of Yellis, is said to have lived on the paternal estate at Shappanaconk. William Mandeviel, merchant of New York, d. at Seatalcott, in the North Riding of Yorkshire on Long Isalnd, where the principal part of his property was situated. Letters were issued to his widow, Elizabeth, 30 Oct. , 1679
If William were son of Yellis, he was prob. b. in Holland, having reached man's estate in 1679, and was perhaps ae. 1 1/4 in April, 1659 (ante).
2. HENDRICK 2 DE MANDEVILLE (YELLIS 1), of New Nordwyck and Hempstead, N.Y., and Pacquenac, N. J., prob. b. in Holland about 1650; d. at Pacquenac, now Mountain View, about 1712. His marriage entry reads: "Hendrick Jilliszen de Mandeviel, j. m., Uyt Gelderlt, & Annetje Pieterse Scholl, j. d., woonende d' Eerste op Noortwyck, & twede op Hempstede, ingeshreven 6 Iuni, 1680, getrouwt den 18 Iul. op N. Amersfoort." ÊThe Dutch Church Records of Flatbush, L. I., where the above marriage was also recorded give Hendrick's then residence as New Nordwyck, showing that Nordwyck, in connection with the Mandevilles, whether accompanied by the word new, or not, meant Greenwich, N. Y., or adjacent parts.
Annetje Scholl, b. in Hempstead, bap. in New Amsterdam, 16 July, 1662, was daughter of Pieter Jansen Scholl (Scholt, Schal), from the Hague, Holland, who was sometime of Brooklyn and Flatbush, N. Y., and on the Hempstead Census in 1673. Her mother was Margaritje Provoost.
Adam Mott, Jr., sold to Hendrick Mandefell 50 acres in the south woods at Hempstead, 18 March, 1684, and Peter Johnson Scoll, the 14th of the next June gave 50 adjoining acres to his beloved son-in-law Hendrick Mandefell. No further disposition of this land is to be found in the printed Town Records of Hempstead.
Hendrick Mandevele witnessed a deed of Robert Bedell, Jr.'s, at Hempstead, 7 April 1687.
On 11 May, 1695, having purchased the Indian title to the same, Major Anthony Brockholst and Capt. Arent Schuyler in behalf of themselves and their associates, Samuel Bayard, George Ryerson, John Mead ( Jan Meet, ante), Samuel Berrie, David and Hendrick Mandeville, obtained a patent for 5,500 acres of land from the East Jersey proprietors at Pacquenac, or Pompton Plains, N. J.
Hendrick de Mandeville may have removed thither about 1700, but in 1703, Hendrick Gillise, perhaps Mandeville, living in New York, had one male, one female and three children in his family. ÊHendrick Mandeviel, Widr., and Elizabeth Jans, maiden, from New Albany ( near Camden, N. J.), both living in New Amsterdam were m. there 21 April, 1699. She is also called Herris, Harris and Berry. ÊElizabeth Errese, of Acquiggenonck (Passaic, N. J.), widow of Hendrick Mandeviel, m. Brant Jacobus of the same place, at Hackensack, 30 Oct., 1714. He was a native of Albany.
Children of Hendrick and Annetje (Scholl) Mandeville:
i. Maria, bap. 28 March, 1681.
ii. Pieter, bap. 16 Sept. 1682; said to have d. young.
4 iii. David (doubtless), from Hempstead; see beyond.
iv. antje of Acquiggenonck, b. in Hempstead; m. 10 April, 1708, Johannes Pieterse Brower, living in the jurisdiction of Newark, both were witnesses at a baptism 9 April, 1729. Issue: Martie, bap. 13 June, 1714; Petrus, bap. 10 March, 1716; Hendrick, bap. 7 Feb., 1719; Leah, bap. 22 March, 1724; Leyja, bap. 2 Nov., 1725.
Children of Hendrick and Elizabeth Mandeville:
v. Johannes, b. it is said about 1700; m. 9 Nov., 1725-6, Elizabeth Bruin of Second River (Belleville, N. J.).
vi. Hendrick, of Pompton Plains, N. J., bap. 24 May, 1704, in New York; d. 2 Sept., 1790;
m. in 1726, Elizabeth Vreeland, b. in 1703; d. 17 July, 1781.
vii. Gilles, of Pompton Plains, b. 25 Jan., 1708;d. 8 Aug., 1776; m. 8 June, 1729, Leah Bruin, or Brown, of Second River, b. 18 June, 1709; d. 1 July, 1799.
For the descendants of Johannes, Hendrick and Gilles Mandeville, above, see Munsell's American Ancestry.
3. DAVID 2 MANDEVILLE (YELLIS 1), of New Amersfoort and New York City, was prob. b. on Long Island, and the youngest of the family. His Greenwich and Pompton land purchases have already been noted. David Mandeville, bachelor, from New Amersfoort, m. 19 July, 1700, in New York, Marytie Van Hoesen ( Van Hoese, Van House, Van Goese), maiden from Albany, the former living in New York, the latter in New Albany. Marytje was doubtless a descendant, or kinswoman, of Jan Frans Van Hoeses, one of the earliest patentees of Claverack, N. Y., which would account for her grandsons going to reside there about 1778. ÊCatherine Van Huse of New York, deeded three or four English acres at Bassen Bowery (Greenwich, N. Y.), to her daughter Marytie Mandeville, 16 Jan., 1724, David Mandeville being then alive. Deed recorded for Yellis Mandeville, 5 Oct., 1762.
American Ancestry, following some Mandeville Mss., confounds two David Mandevilles. One was of Weehauken, it is said, and kept the ferry. The same person did not marry successively Marytie Van Hoesen and Jannetie Wortendyk, or Somerendyk. David Mandeville, Sr., and Mary Somerendyk were sponsors at the baptism of Jacob, son of David Mandeville, Jr., and his wife Jannetie, 3 Jan., 1711, and David and Jannetie (Somerendyk) Mandeville at the baptism of Casparus, son of David and Marytie (Van Hoesen) Mandeville, 27 July, 1712. See N.Y. Dutch Church Marriages, I, 110, and N. Y. Dutch Church Baptisms.
There is no will on file for either David Mandeville in New York. Issue:
5 i. Yellis, bap. 16 March, 1701; see beyond.
ii. Jurian, bap. 30 July, 1704; sponsor on 17 Aug., 1726.
iii. Johannes, bap. 3 April, 1706. He perhaps m. Annetje Hopper, 30 May, 1731, and possibly Hannah Somerendyk, 6 July, 1738. Antje Somerdyk, widow of Johnannes Mandeviel was sponsor, 10 Feb., 1739. Her dau. Annatie was bap. 10 Aug., 1739. ÊIn the List of N. Y. Volunteer Companies, 1738, are the names of John and Jelyes Mandevele.
iv. David, bap. 6 April, 1709; nothing further known.
v. Casparus, bap. 27 July, 1712; nothing further known.
vi. Catherine, bap. 9 Oct., 1715; d. before 1744; 2d wife of William Waldron, m. 6 Oct., 1734; b. 10 Feb., 1708; d. 5 Dec., 1764. Issue: Aggie; David; Maria; Maria, No. 2 and Samuel.
4 DAVID 3 MANDEVILLE ( HENDRICK, 2, YELLIS 1), bachelor, from Hempstead, living at Pegquenck, N. J., and Jannetje Jacobs Woertendyk, maiden from the Bowery, N.Y., were m. 10 June, 1709
American Ancestry states that Hendrick Mandeville had a son David, but omits the proof, but as Hendrick, son of the first Yellis de Mandeville was of Hempstead, L. I., and Pegquenck, N. J., and David above, of the same localities, and Antie Hendrickse Mandeville of Pegquenck, was born in Hempstead, we conclude that David was son of Hendrick. Further David Mandeville, Sr., is not known to have been of Hempstead, and had a son David, bap. in 1709 (Ante), and would hardly have called a second son David, had he already one of the name living.
Jeannetie Jacobs, bap. in New York, 16 March, 1687, was daughter of Jacob Cornelissen Stille and his second wife, Marytie Hendrix. Her grandfather, Cornelis Jacobsen Stille, or Van Vreelandt, was in New Amsterdam as early as 1631, and resided at the head of what is now Chatham Square. His descendants assumed the names of Woertendyk and Somerendyk. Issue:
6 i. Jacob, bap. 10 Jan., 1711; see beyond.
ii. Antie, bap. 18 Feb., 1713, was doubtless that Annetie Mendevel residing in Ulster Co., N. Y., who m. 17 Oct., 1731, Jacobus Hennion of Orange Co. Both were natives of Bergen Co., N.J.
iii. Hendrick, bap. 18 Sept., 1715, was prob. that Hendrick Mandeville on whose estate Letters of Administration were issued in New York, 30 Dec., 1743, to Cornelius Woertendyk.
iv. Davidt, bap. 30 Oct., 1717, was doubtless that David Mendevell, or Mandevel, of New Cornwall Precinct, Orange Co. N. Y., Gent., whose will, 6 June, 1769, proved, 14 Nov., 1782, names wife Anna, children Joseph, Jacob, Henry, Francis, and Mary Westcoat, youngest children not 21. Brother Francis Mandevill, Henry Wisner, Jr., and son Francis, executors.
v. Cornelius, bap. 11 May 1720; see beyond.
vi. Maria, bap. 23 Feb., 1724.
vii. Frans, bap. 1 Feb., 1727. It must be his will signed Francis Mandevelt of New Windsor, Ulster ( now Orange) Co., N. Y., which names wife Mary, four sons and two daus., David, Martha, John, Jacob, Cornelius and Frances, 6 July, 1776; proved 2 March, 1779. ÊMary, John and Jacob Mandeville and their wives are buried at Newburgh, N. Y. Frances Mandeville m. Henry Van Duzer.
viii. Johannes, bap. 8 March, 1732, witnesses: Jacobus Hennion, Maria Tukker.
6 JACOB 4 MANDEVILLE ( DAVID, 3 HENDRICK ,2 YELLIS 1), bap. 10 Jan., 1711; was doubtless that Jacob Mendevell who resided in Phillipse Precinct, Dutchess Co., in 1772. ÊThe will of Thomas Davenport, of that Precinct, 10 Oct., 1746, mentions among others the children of his dau., Sarah Mandeville she prob. m. Jacob Mandeville above, and had a dau., Sarah, b. 18 Sept. 1736, who m. Major Joshua Nelson.
The latter and Daniel Birdsall are called "cousins" ( Nephews?), in the will of Cornelius Mandeville. The said Daniel Birdsall m. 20 Dec. , 1757, Hannah, prob. dau. of Jacob Mandeville, before mentioned, and b. 7 Nov., 1737. She was not the dau. of Cornelius Mnadeville, as his child, Hannah, was neither 18 , nor m. at the date of his will in 1768.
7. CORNELIUS 4 MANDEVILLE ( DAVID, 3 HENDRICK, 2 YELLIS 1), of Cortlandt Manor, or Peekskill, N. Y., bap. 11 May, 1720; sent from Garrison, Putnam Co. ( then Dutchess), to Cortlandt Manor, where he bough 64 acres of Schurman Travis, 2 Dec., 1752, and 99 acres on 4 May, 1763, of Wm. Horton. Cornelius Mandeville sold before 2 May, 1763, a lot to David Pennoyer, on the road to Travis Landing, and another lot to David Bernard before 3 Aug., 1764. His holdings were in the heart of Peekskill.
The will of Cornelius Mandeville dated 24 March, 1768, proved 30 May, the same year, names wife Rachel, children David, John, Nathan, James, Martha, Anne and Hannah Mandeville. Wife Rachel and cousins Joshua Nelson and Daniel Birdsall executors. ÊRachel Horton, his wife, according to the statement of her granddaughter, Johanna Odell, came from Long island. Mr. George W. Cocks of Glen Cove, L. I., believes Rachel to have been the dau. of Jospeh and Rachel (Coles) Horton. The said Joseph, doubtless a descendant of Barnabas Horton of Southold, L.I., in 1730. ÊRachel (Coles) Horton was dau. of Nathan Coles of Musketa Cove, whose will mentions his grandson, Lazarus Horton. Note that one of the sons of Cornelius Mandeville was called Nathan.
Cornelius Mandeville d. between 24 March and 30 May, 1768. Some say he is buried at Van Cortlandville, others say at St. Philips, Garrison. Issue:
i. David, doubtless the eldest son, as he was left £5 more than his brothers in his father's will.
ii. John. Lieut. of Westchester Light Horse Co., in the Revoltuion.
iii. James, d. 21 Jan., 1848, ae. 88:4:27 (tombstone). Capt. of Westchester Troop of Horse.
iv. Nathan, living in 1768.
v. Matha, m. ______ Depew.
vi. Anne, b. 27 Nov., 1760; d. 15 Aug., 1835; m. Abraham Odell of Greenburgh, N. Y.
vii. Hannah, doubtless the youngest child.
From my book based upon my notes:
and beyond
232. Lt. Francis Mandeville and 233. Anna Weeks - ( 116. David Mandeville; 58. Francis Mandeville; 29. Emily Mandeville; 14. Alvah DeWitt; 07. Loretta DeWitt; 03. Mildred Barber; 01. George Roger Gilbert)
Francis Mandeville was born February 8, 1757 in the town of New Cornwall, Orange Co. , NY, son of Davidt and Anna (Horton?) Mandeviel. He died October 8, 1839 in Trumansburg, Town of Ulyses, Tompkins Co., NY. and is buried in the old section of the Grove Cemetery outside of Trumansburg, NY
His birth and death dates seem to be the subject of much confusion. The DAR PATRIOT INDEX contains:
"Francis, b. a. (abt?) 1749 d. 1836 m. Deborah Clark. 1st Lt. NY."
while several ladies joined the DAR using the following:
"Francis Mandeville (1741-1820) in 1775 served as lieutenant in the second company from New Windsor, Orange County, New York; also as Chaplain in the Revolutionary War. He was born in Holland; died in (Trumansburg), New York."
and the following:
"From the New York Genealogical and Biographical Review - Vol. 54 page 381
"Tomkins County Gravestones" - town of Ulysses Francis Mandeville, d. Dec. 8, 1839; aged 82 yrs. 8 mos
Deborah, wife of Francis Mandeville, d. May 28, 1858, aged 77 years."
which would then put his birthdate in April of 1757.
Only the last of these dates has any certainty about it, being true in as far as the transcriptions from the actual gravestone and the publishers did not err. An additional reading of the tombstone has yielded yet another version in which the month is October rather than December.
Children of Francis Mandeville - b. 8 Feb. 1757, New Windsor, Orange Co. NY, d. 8 Oct. 1839, Town of Ulysses, Tompkins Co. NY, m. 1st, 31 Aug. 1775 Anna Weeks (recorded in Presbyterian Church Session Book, New Windsor, NY), m. 2nd, 16 Dec. 1784, Deborah Clark (recorded in Presbyterian Church Session Book, New Windsor, NY).
Children by Anna Weeks his 1st wife :
1. I. David - b. 31 Jan. 1776, Orange Co., NY, d. 26 April, 1859, buried in Forrest Home Cemetery, Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. m. 14 Jan. 1796, Hallett, Lydia G. - b. 15 Dec. 1783, d. 15 Feb. 1872, buried in Forrest Home Cemetery, Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.
1. Anna M. - m. Shedon/ Sheldon
2. Francis - b. 31 July 1802, d. 6 April 1876, m. Cronce/Crans, Hannah Jane.
3. David W. - b. 10 Sept. 1803, d. 4 Feb. 1874 m. Miller, Phebe D.
4. Maria - b. 1806
5. Adeline - d. 28 Jan. 1879, m. Meafoy, Amos P.
6. Nancy - m. Francisco
7. Helen T. - m. Mainer/Maynard
8. Eliza Ann - d. 1828
9. Julia Ann - b. 12 Sept. 1812, m. Cahill, John
10. Charles H. - b. 1815 or 1818, m. Wheat, Jane Frances.
11. Stephen C.
2. II. c. 1778 Frances, m. ___________ Lynch
3. III. c. 1780 Julia, m. __________ Wortman d. before 10/30/1837.
1. John b. c. 1800 in Orange Co.
2. Eliza Jane (?)
3. Phebe Ann (?)
4. IV. c. 1782 Sarah, m. Elisha Farnum
5. V . c. 1783 Debby Ann, m. Preston Farnum
Children by Deborah Clark his 2nd wife :
1. VI. c. 1785 Rachael, m. Alonzo Bently
2. VII. c. 1787 Elizabeth, m. Isaac Seely
1. Hector C.
2. Francis T.
3. David W.
4. Henry C.
5. Lewis T.
6. Isaac B.
3. VIII. Bapt. 1788 Jeremiah Clark Mandeville (1787-1848) m. 1812 Anna Atwater (1792-1859).
1. 1816 Nelson Mandeville (1816-74) m. 1840 Elizabeth Ann Hanford (1821-1912)
1. i. H. Alida Mandeville Born in Danby, New York m. Frederic W. Phillips
2. Harmon - 1821
3. Hannibal - d. Aug. 22, 1822 ae 10 mos.
4. Alfred
4. IX. c. 1790 Thomas, m. Mercy Gilbert
1. 1. Caroline b. c. 1810 in Orange Co. m. Wm. Smallidge
1. i. Cemathia m. John T. Beringer
5. X. 1793 Henry W.
6. XI. 1795 Temperance m. Alvah King
7. XII. 17?? Francis m. Anna (Mosher ?)
116. David Mandeville & 117. Lydia G. Hallet - ( Francis Mandeville, 58; Emily Mandeville, 29; Alvah DeWitt, 14; Loretta DeWitt, 07; Mildred Barber, 03; George Roger Gilbert, 01) - David Mandeville was born January 31, 1776 in New Cornwall, Orange Co., NY, the son of Francis Mandeville, the Revolutionary War Soldier of New Cornwall and his first wife, Anna Weeks. David married Lydia G. Hallet probably in the Town of Wallkill, Orange, Co. NY, January 14, 1796. ÊLydia was born December 15, 1783 and was the daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth "Betsy" Hallet of Westchester County, NY. Like her husband, Lydia came from a large family. She was sister to Joseph, Thomas, Charles, Richard, William, Polly, Phebe, Betsy, Hannah and one other. David died in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY April 26, 1859 aged 83 yrs. 2 mos. 27 ds. and Lydia died there February 15, 1872 aged 88 yrs. 2 mos. Both are buried in Forrest Home Cemetery in Waverly, NY.
David Mandeville was a potter of some note. ÊMy research notes contain:
Received a letter from "Cousin" Joan Bailey Hartmann of Riverton, NJ, today. She sent copies of "Orange County Pottery, Robert P. White, Views", October 1962, p.6. and Early Potters and Potteries of New York State, William Ketchum, Jr. p 76-79 and The Times Herald Record, Friday, January 22, 1982, p 23G. All these articles are about Pottery making and mention David Mandevilles' Circleville pottery.
by Robert P. White.
(Editor's note: The following talk, the result of his research, was given by Mr. White, assistant curator at the Old Museum Village of Smith's Clove in Monroe, at the dedication of the museum's new David Mandeville Pottery Shop on July 7.) 1987.
"Today, in connection with the dedication of the David Mandeville Potter Shop, it is our pleasure to be hosts to the citizens of the Town of Cornwall. Nothing could, in my mind, be more appropriate at this time than to honor the present day citizens of the only important 19th Century potting center in Orange County.
"Although the pottery of David Mandeville was not in the Town of Cornwall, but rather at Circleville in the Town of Wallkill, many here today who are familiar with the early history of the Town of Cornwall will immediately recognize the name of Mandeville as being among the earliest settlers in the Town of Cornwall.
"During the 19th Century, the Town of Cornwall was the center of a fairly large potting and brickmaking operation. Clays suitable for both brick and pottery were abundant in the vicinity. The clay deposits lay in a very unusual formation in that they were separated by layers of sand. The clay found in this formation was ideal for brickmaking as only very small amounts of additional sand were needed. During the mid-19th Century, the pottery of I. V. Machett at Cornwall Landing produced a fair article of ware - the body was made either of local stone ware or in combination with local red ware clay and either salt-glazed or Albany slipped.
"Although Orange County was not an important early potting center, during the 19th Century many small potting shops were in operation, turning out household pottery for the local clientele. Among these was the shop of Stephen Francisco at Westtown, who incidentally was a nephew of David Mandeville , and undoubtedly learned his trade at the Mandeville pottery. Selah Reeves operated a pottery in Newburgh, and one of Orange County's best-known doctors - Dr. David Arnell - operated a pottery on Prospect Hill in Scotchtown prior to his taking up practice in Goshen in 1813.
"The pottery of David mandeville was probably one of the earliest potteries in the state to take on factory proportions. Miss Sarah E. Wilkinson, referring to the Mandeville pottery, states in Ruttenber and Clark's History of Orange County that it was one of the most extensive branches of business in the county."
"The Mandeville pottery was an ill-fated enterprise, and during its operation suffered three extensive fires. After the last fire, the family moved to Waverly, Massachusetts, (He actually moved to Waverly, NY) and the business was never re-established.
"Today, once again, there is a potting shop in Orange County here at Smith's Clove which carries the name of David Mandeville.
"If Mr. Mandeville were alive today, I imagine he would be as proud as we are to see the name Mandeville still associated with the long forgotten potting industry of Orange County."
Children of David (116) and Lydia G. (Hallet) (117) Mandeville
1. Nancy Wick(s) - b. Sept. 11, 1800 in Newburgh, NY, d. 1883 buried in Presbyterian Church cemetery, Westtown, NY ; m. Stephen Francisco - b. March 22, 1803 in Beavertown, "Pasaque" Co, NJ, d. Nov. 28, 1854 Westtown, NY, lived Circleville 1826-28 then Westtown, NY.
.....1. I. William Fletcher -b. 1829, d. 1884
.....2. II. David F. - b. 1830
2. Francis - b. 31 July 1802, d. 6 April 1876, m. Cronce/Crans, Hannah Jane.
.....1. I. Joseph H. - b. 1829, d. before July 27, 1881; m. Lucy Brink, b. 1825, d. July 12, 1886 Children:
..........1. A. Sarah A. - b. 1846
..........2. Joseph H. - b. 18(41?), d. _____; Married Annie J. - b. 1848, d. ______
...............1. Joseph ÊJ. - b. 1866
...............2. David ÊL - b. 1867
...............3. William ÊT. - b. 1869, d. Dec. 15, 1906
....................1. I. William - b. 1896, d. March 26, 1904
....................2. II. Millie - b. 1901, d. March 28, 1904
...............4. Genevieve - b. 1871
...............5. Mabel - b. 1873
...............6. Gilbert S.(ilas) - b. 1875
..........3. Mary Emily - b. 1852 d. after 1914 m. Nathaniel Palmer.
................Children: (with Martin Hinchman DeWitt)
...............1. A.. Alvah DeWitt (14) - b. March 5, 1869, d. January 20, 1914; m. Jane Eliza- beth Gunderman (15) - b. October 28, 1868, d. September 20, 1942.
....................Children: (DeWitt)
....................1. Loretta (07) - born October 25, 1888, died April 7, 1971. m. April 23, 1907, Harry Emmett Barber (06) b. Nov. 7, 1881, d. Nov. 26, 1934.
.....................Children: (Barber)
..........................1. Sylvia Marie - b. 1908, d. 1984
..........................2. Charles Emmett - b. 1909, d. 1986
..........................3. Mildred -Êb. 1911 m. Charles Francis Gilbert b. 1910, d. 1997
................................Children: (Gilbert)
................................1. Kenneth Earl - b. 1932
................................2. George Roger - b. 1935
................................3. Loretta Eva - b. 1937
..........................4. Nina Elizabeth - b. 1917, d. 1971
....................2. Peter - born 1892, died 1892.
....................3. Charles Henry - born March 31, 1892, died Sept. 18, 1914. No issue.
..........4. D. Charles - b. 1854
..........5. E. John W. - b. 1856, d. May 27, 1879
..........6. F. George V. - b. 1859, d. June 7, 1891
..........7. possibly G. William C. -
..........8. H. Josiah -
..........9. I. Francis E. - perhaps
2. II. Emily L.(29) - b. 1831 - d. ; m. 1. Christian Berchold.
3. III. Alberson - b. 1833, d. January 31, 1916 ; m. Mary E. Topping - b. 1833, d. ___
1. A Chauncey - b. 1857, d. Aug. 22, 1882
2. B Harriet - b. 1859
3. C Charles - b. 1862
4. D George - b. 1863, d. Aug. 15, 1937
5. E Hannah J. - b. 1864 ; Married Henry Marion of Montague, NJ
6. F Emmet - b. 1866, d. May 24, 1932 ; Married Jennie B. ____ - b. 1869, in England, d. April 14, 1924
7. G Mary A. - b. 1869
8. H Edward - b. February 5, 1872, d. November 12, 1947
9. I Hiram - b. 1874
10. J Clarissa -b. 1879 ? ; Married _______Phillips
4. IV. David - b. 1836, d. _______
5. V. Stephen C. - b. 1841, d. _____
6. VI. William H. - b. 1843, d. ______
7. VII. Gilbert H. - b. January 24, 1846, d. October 22, 1886
1. A Bertie - b. June, 1881, d. May 2, 1884
8. VIII. Jesse Carpenter - b. 1851, d. January 19, 1899 ; m. in Drew Methodist Church, Port Jervis, NY, by Rev. M. S. Galloway, March 15, 1887, Mary Ann Garrison, b. 1864, d.?
Children: (Mandeville) - not necessarily in this order.
1. A Mina - b. July 1891, d. January 16, 1892
2. B Mabel Perault Mandeville - b. August 2, 1893 , d. February 12, 1929; m. Henri E. Ragot, August 25, 1920. Moved to Easton, PA in 1925.
1. Henry Warren - b. June 30 1921, d. October 3, 1989; Harrisburg PA ; m. Virginia Valentine.
Children: (Ragot)
1. I. Kathleen Ellen
2. Marien Josephine - b. Nov. 24, 1924, d. July __ 1988; m. Russell McBride.
Children: (Mc Bride)
1. I. John Henry
3. Odette -b. Sept. 2, 1927; . m. 1st - William Mayfield. 2nd -___Cannon. Children: (Mayfield)
1. I. Steven
2. II. Patricia
3. III. Thomas
4. IV. Laura
5. V. Charles.
4. Robert Louis -b. Jan. 29, 1929; m. Santa Colatriano
Children: adopted two children as babies. (Ragot)
1. I. Marianne
2. II. Robert Louis Jr.
3. C Martha
4. D Millie
5. E Francis
3. David W. - b. 10 Sept. 1803 in Wallkill, NY, d. 14 Feb. 1874 in White Mills, Pa; m. Phebe Domineck Miller b. 9/17/1805 in Wallkill, Orange Co., NY; d. 5/14/1878 in Texas Twp, Pa.
1. I. Mary - b. 1828, d. 1889; m. 1849 Harvey Bishop - b. 1828
1. A. Howard Q. - b. 1850; m. Annie Baird
2. B. George F. Mandeville - b. 1853, d. 1880
2. II. Eliza Ann - b. 1831, d. 1831
3. III. Caroline - b. 1833, d. 1911; m. (1) 1859 Henry C. Garrett - b. 1833; m. (2) 1879 William Ellison - b. 1833
4. IV. Benjamin - b. 1835, d. 1902; m. Azura Jane Jayne - b. 1835
5. V. John Emery - b. 9/26/1837 in Cherry Ridge twp, Pa., d. 11/7/1921in Hawley, Pa.; m. 12/21/1864, Helen Marr Beardslee - b. 5/17/1842 in Indian Orchard, Pa, d. 9/15/1914 in Hawley twp, Pa.
1. A. Emery Marr - b. 3/2/1867 in Texas, Tswp, Pa., d. 9/30/1949 in Hawley, Pa., m. 6/5/1897 in Phillipsburg, NJ, Nora Druzulla Kirkendall, b. 3/1/1875 in Phillipsburg, NJ; d. 10/21/1950
1. Fern Viola - b. 5/13/1898, d. 8/12/1977; m. 6/20/1922 Raymond Lampe Bailey b. 11/16/1897; d. 1/20/1954
1. I. Joan Marr Bailey - b. 9/27/1927 in Palmyra, NJ; m. 10/20/1951 in Riverton, NJ, Edward John Hartmann b.3/28/1925 in Philadelphia, Pa.
Children: (Hartmann)
1. Edward John, Jr. - b.1/21/1957 in Riverside, NJ; m. 6/30/1984 in St. Louis, Mo., Lois Irene Miklas b. 11/10/1956 and had a son Christopher Michael Hartmann b. 5/6/1990, Camp Hill, Pa.Ê
2. Florence - b. 5/5/1900 in Hawley, Wayne Co., Pa.; d. 10/8/1994 in Haddonfield, Camden Co., NJ.
2. B. Edna - b. 7/11/1869 in Indian Orchard, Wayne Co., Pa., d. 9/30/1954
3. C. Harry B. - b. 3/3/1873 in Texas Twsp., Wayne Co., Pa.; d. 7/4/1932 in Indian Orchard, Pa.; m. Julia E. Compton b. 1877; d. 9/24/1954 in Honesdale, Pa.
1. George W. - b. 3/12/1920; is now dead.
4. D. George Curtis. - b. 6/24/1885 in Hawley, Pa., d. 7/7/1910 in Denver, Co.
6. VI. Joseph Henry - b. 1841, d. 1917; m. Annis Jane Ludlum - b. 1846, d. 1917
1. A. David L. - b. 1860
2. B. Joseph Henry - b. 1860
3. C. William Theodore - b. 1868, d. 1885 not married.
4. D. Genevieve - b. 1871; m. Robert Cram - b. 1871
5. E. Ella Mabel - b. 1873; m. George Banhaf - b. 1873
1. Helen - b. 1896, d. 1970
2. Jenny - b. 1897, d. 1970
3. Minnie - b. 1900; not married
6. F. Gilbert Spier - b. 1875, d. 1945; m. Minnie Elizabeth Ross - b. 1889, d. 1979
1. Gilbert Harrison - b. 1910, d. February 10, 1996; m. Mildred Huehn Schwagerman - b. 1909
1. I. Terry Melinda - b. 1951; m. (1) Robert Allen (Weaver) Gajefski - b. 1945 m. (2) Thomas Scott Radcliffe - b. 1951
Children: adopted
1. A. Velizar Julianov Velizarov - b. 1990
2. B. Anton Velizarov - b. 1993
4. Adeline - b 1806 , d. 28 Jan. 1879, m. Meafoy/Mayfoy, Amos P.
5. Charles H. - b. 1808, m. (1)1842, Wheat, Jane Frances - b. 1822; m. (2) Eliza Ann - b. 1820.
Children: all by first wife.
1. I. James - b. Apr. 6, 1843, died at Alexandria Va., April 24, 1864. Buried Forrest Home Cemetery, Waverly, NY.
2. II. David W. - b. 1845, d. 1918; m Arminda - b. 1845, d. 1920
1. A. Sayre - b. 1822, d. 1907
2. B. Charles A.- b. 1880, d. 1887
3. C. Cora F - b. 1874, d. 1887
3. III. Benjamin - b. 1848
4. IV. Ann Y. - b. 1850
5. V. Charles - b. 1851
6. VI. Harris L. - b. 1852
7. VII. De Lafayette - b. 1853
6. Elizabeth Ann - b. 1810, d. 1828
7. Anna M. - m. Shedon/ Sheldon
8. Maria - m. Hulbert
9. Helen T. - m. Mainer/Maynard
10. Julia Ann - b. 12 Sept. 1812, d. Feb. 18, 1883; m. Cahill, John - b. Nov. 20, 1808, d. Mar. 31, 1892. Buried Forrest Home Cemetery, Waverly, NY.
1. I Julia Ann - b. 1839
11. Stephen C. - b. 1820, d. 1849; m. Desindra - b. 1816
1. I. Josephine - b. 1843
2. II. Eliza - b. 1849
12. Dorinda - b. 1825
13. Jane B. - b. 1826, d. 1847: m. David Aldrich - b. 1820
1. I. Sybil Jane - b. 1845